
【题目】 —Your English is very good. Who taught you?

. I learned it all by myself.

A. Somebody B. Everybody C. Nobody D. Anybody






The situation seemed hopeless.

From the first day he entered my junior-high classroom, Willard P. Franklin lived in his own 1 , shutting out his classmates and me, his teacher. I tried to build a 2 relationship with him but he showed no interest. Even a Good Morning, Willar received only a grunt(咕哝) that couldnt be 3 . Willard was a loner(孤独的人) who seemed to have no hope or need to break silence.

Shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday, we received the news of the annual(每年的) Christmas collection of money for the less 4 people in our school district.

Christmas is a season of 5 , I told my students. There are a few students in the school who might not have a happy holiday season. 6 donating our Christmas collection, you will help buy food, clothing and toys for these needy people. We start the collection tomorrow.

When I called for the donations the next day, I discovered that 7 everyone had forgotten, except Willard P. Franklin. The boy dug deep into his pants pockets 8 he walked up to my desk. Carefully, he 9 two coins into the small box.

I dont need milk for lunch, he said 10 . For a moment, just a moment, he smiled . Then he turned and walked back to his desk.

That night, after school, I took our 11 to the school principal. I couldnt 12 sharing the incident(事件) that had taken place.

I may be wrong, but I believe Willard might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him, I told the principal.

Yes, I believe it is 13 for him to get out of his own world, he nodded. And I think we can do something to have him 14 a bit of his world with us. I just received a 15 of the poor families in our school who most need help through the Christmas collection. Here, take a look at it.

As I read, I discovered Willard P. Franklin and his family were the top names on the list.

【1】 A. class B. school C. world D. home

【2】 A. equal B. simple C. friendly D. common

【3】A. seen B. heard C. found D. discovered

【4】 A. poor B. good C. sad D. rich

【5】 A. giving B. getting C. buying D. receiving

【6】A. By B. With C. For D. On

【7】A. mostly B. hardly C. almost D. simply

【8】A. while B. after C. before D. as

【9】A. threw B. dropped C. brought D. changed

【10】A. angrily B. quietly C. patiently D. sadly

【11】A. students B. classmates C. teachers D. donations

【12】A. keep B. enjoy C. stop D. finish

【13】A. hopeless B. hopeful C. difficult D. impossible

【14】A. compare B. begin C. mix D. share

【15】A. list B. /span>note C. message D. letter


I am a karate(空手道) player. I still remember my first karate competition. Like other players,

I was very excited about my event. I watched every players skills so that I could carefully avoid their moves.

Somehow, I got into the semifinals(半决赛). In the semifinals, I fell down and hurt myself. I still didnt give up, so I fought back and got into finals. After all, getting the gold medal was my dream.

In the final competition, there were no supporters on my side, as I was a new face. Instead, the crowd was cheering for my opponent(对手). I could hear only my opponents name.

I didnt mind the crowds cheering. I kept one thing in mind: focus, wait and attack. I had confidence in myself, and I knew that no matter how strong my opponent was, I had to give it my best shot and fight well.

When the time was up, I was leading with a 3-0 score. One thing I learned from that event is, no matter how strong your opponent is, dont think you are weak or strong. Just give your best shot, and you will make your way to success.

Win or lose, you will gain important experiences. Learn from every step you take.

【1】The writer felt _____________ about his first karate competition.

A. scared B. silly C. worried D. confident

【2】 During the semifinals, the writer ______________.

A. was hurt B. stopped fighting

C. won a gold medal D. had lots of supporters

【3】The underlined phrase give it my best shot means ______________.

A. do my best B. be confident

C. hold on D. challenge someone

【4】The story mainly tells us that ______________.

A. anyone can learn from mistakes

B. we shouldnt look down upon our opponents

C. success comes to those who hold on to something

D. its a good chance to be a winner when you are hurt

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