
【题目】Of all the things we cat and drink, water is the _________ important. The human body can go _________ food for a long time, but two _________ three days without water could make people _________.

A lot of people don't understand how _________ water the human body needs _________ well and many people don't drink enough, especially in _________ weather. Most people drink _________ they are thisty but in fact they need more water, especially when they take _________.

A man's body is 65 to 75 percent of __________. If we don't have enough water, we feel tired and may become ill.

1A. more B. most C. less D. least

2A. with B. on C. without D. by

3A. or B. and C. of D. but

4A. died B. to die C. dies D. die

5A. many B. little C. few D. much

6A. work B. working C. to work D. works

7A. hot B. cold C. cool D. warm

8A. so B. that C. when D. since

9A. fun B. exercise C. exercises D. work

10A. blood B. water C. air D. food













1】考查形容词最高级:水是最重要的:the most important。选B

2】考查介词:go without没有也能勉强度过。选C

3】考查连词:two or three days一两天。选A

4】考查动词形式:make sb do sth。选D





9】考查名词:take exercises锻炼。选B



【题目】Chinese athlete Liu Xiang, winner of gold medal in the men’s 110m hurdles at the Athens Olympics, published his book, I’m Liu Xiang, recently in his hometown of Shanghai.

It seems that many people can’t help comparing Liu Xiang with another Shanghai native, basketball giant(巨星)Yao Ming, who also recently published his book, A Life in Two Worlds. Manager Dai, the editor of the book I’m Liu Xiang, explained the differences between the two books as he saw them. Firstly, Yao’s book was written mainly for Americans, while Liu’s readers will be mainly Chinese. Secondly, A Life in Two Worlds was written in the third person singular(单数)by an American writer who recorded Yao Ming’s stories, I’m Liu Xiang was written in the first person and included many articles from his diaries. Lastly, according to Dai, Yao enjoyed the advantage of being born in a sporty, rich family, unlike Liu, who came from a working class family and therefore had to go through greater hardship(艰难)before becoming a world-known athlete. So if you enjoy reading about mental(精神上的)suffering and physical pain, read I’m Liu Xiang. If you want to practice your English, read A Life in Two Worlds.

Liu Xiang

Yao Ming


an athlete in 110m hurdles

a1 giant


a2 class family

a sporty, rich family

New book’s name

I’m Liu Xiang

A 3in Two Worlds

New book’s readers

mainly 4

mainly Americans

New book is suitable for

people who enjoy reading about mental suffering and physical pain

people who want to practice


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