

The people below all want to take holidays in Australia. There are three places to visit. Help them to decide which place is the most suitable.

1:John and Simon are students. They want to have a holiday in summer,but they have very little money.

2.Shirley and her daughter want to spend a day off and see some typical animals in Australia. Shirley also wants to buy gifts to take home.

3:Before Susan leaves Australia,she wants to spend a day shopping. She is looking for something for her father who is interested in art. She does not like large shopping malls.

A.The Australian Wildlife Park

Give people a close look at Australian native animals. Have your photos taken with kangaroos and koalas. There are talks every afternoon about these two kinds of animals. You can also get souvenirs about them in the gift shop.

B.Students' Working Holidays

A cheap (but healthy) holiday. Pick fruits and enjoy nature in the heart of the country. Live on farms in tents. All meals included. Free transport from the railway station.

C.The Rocks

The oldest part of Sydney and full of history. At weekends,there are outdoor concerts to enjoy and a market for you to buy the works (作品) of local artists.



1John and SimonA. The Australian Wildlife Park

2Shirley and her daughter B.Students' Working Holidays

3Susan C.The Rocks

4What are the talks about in the Australian Wildlife Park?


5Does one have to pay for his meals if he chooses Students' Working Holidays?





4They are about kangaroos and koalas.

5Nohe doesn't.


1根据短文第一段中John and Simon are students. They want to have a holiday in summer,but they have very little money.可知,John和Simon两个人想在夏天度假,但是又没有很多钱,因此B选项学生的工作假期是适合他们的。

2根据短文第二段中Shirley and her daughter want to spend a day off and see some typical animals in Australia可知,Shirley和她的女儿想去看澳大利亚的动物,由此可知A选项澳大利亚野生动物园是适合他们的。

3根据短文第三段中Before Susan leaves Australia,she wants to spend a day shopping. She is looking for something for her father who is interested in art可知,Susan想给她喜欢艺术的父亲买一些东西,根据C中The Rocks中 At weekends,there are outdoor concerts to enjoy and a market for you to buy the works (作品) of local artists.可知,这里有露天音乐会,还有市场,可以买当地艺术家的作品。

4根据短文A活动中Have your photos taken with kangaroos and koalas. There are talks every afternoon about these two kinds of animals可知,每天下午都有关于袋鼠和考拉的交流活动。

5根据Students’ Working HolidaysAll meals included可知,参加这个学生工作假期活动,所有的饭都已经包括了,所以不需要花钱吃饭。


【题目】Chores weren’t popular at my houseMy children didn’t like to do choresThey always saw me do choresbut they hardly ever helped me do them

A year agoI made a game called“The Endless Chore Game”It’s really greatHere’s how the game works

I make a card with forty squares(方框),and I write a different chore on each squareThese chores can be easy and interesting like making dessertThen my family roll the dice(骰子)to decide what chores we have to doThe card also has a few squares with fun thingslike watching TV and singingIf you’re luckyyou can watch TV when the others are doing the chores

My son likes the game very muchHe goes to the kitchen happily every morning to do the gameIt’s really a good way to make my children do choresYou can have a try if you have the same problem as me

1The writer’s family began to do the game________ago

A. one year B. one month

C. two years D. two months

2What do you need to do“The Endless Chore Game”?

A. A card

B. A dice

C. A card and a dice

D. A card and forty dice

3When do the writer’s family do the game?

A. In the morningB. In the afternoon

C. In the eveningD. The other day

4We can learn from the passage that________

A. the writer only has one child

B. everyone in the writer’s family likes playing the game

C. the writer wrote this passage to the parents

D. everyone in the writer’s family has to do the chores every day

5The writer made this game to________

A. do less chores

B. tell us an interesting game

C. make her children happy

D. make her children do chores

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