

1Tom works so _________ (close) with Jerry that they can get along well with each other.

2I do believe you guys should talk a little more _________(polite) to show good manners.

3There was plenty of ___________(discuss) about the wording(措词) of the report.

4The grey shirt over there can’t be the ___________(Roman). I’ve never seen him wear blue.

5You can’t judge a book by its cover, as the old ____________(say) goes.

6British people like to start ___________(会话) by talking about the weather.

7_____________(解释) in some ways means you want to hide the truth.

8The _____________(目的) of the show are to raise money and to help the elderly.

9Many people are _____________(排队等候) at the supermarket gate. What are they going to buy?

10The teacher told us not to leave ____________(垃圾) in the classroom.










9waiting in line



1句意:汤姆和杰夫密切合作以至于他们彼此相处很融洽。close副词,紧密地,修饰动词work;;work close with密切合作。故填close

2句意:我相信你们应该谈话更有礼貌一些,显示你们彬彬有礼。talk动词,谈话;用副词修饰。 Polite形容词,礼貌的;politely 副词,礼貌地;故填politely

3句意:关于报告中的措辞进行了大量的讨论。plenty of 大量的,修饰名词;discuss动词,讨论;discussion 名词,讨论,不可数名词;故填discussion

4句意:那边那个灰色的衬衫不可能是Roman的,我从来没见他穿过。考查名词的所有格加’s,故填 Roman’s



7句意:用一些方式解释意味着你想隐瞒事实。这里解释做主语,所以要用名词形式,故填 Explanation


9句意:许多人在超市门口排队,他们买什么呢?现在进行时态,结构是:be doing, wait in line排队等候。故填waiting in line

10句意:老师告诉我们不要把垃圾丢在教室里。 litter垃圾;trash垃圾;都是不可数名词。故填litter/trash


【题目】The United States has many different kinds of climate(气候).On the west coast(海岸),the temperature changes very little between summer and winterbut the north central states(中部各州)have a very different kind of climateIn these statespeople wear light clothes during the summerand they need heavy wool or fur clothes in winter

In the southwestthe climate is quite warm during the winterbut hot in summer

In the eastern part of the United Statessummer temperatures are very different from winter temperaturesSummers are usually hotand winters are usually coldSpring temperatures are comfortably warmand autumn temperatures are quite cool

Years agopeople in the cold areas(地区)of the United States did not often get vegetables and fresh fruits during the winterToday trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of the United StatesIn this wayAmericans“send their climate”to people in other states

1In the north central statespeople wear________clothes in summer and________clothes during the winter

A. silklinen

B. lightheavy fur

C. woolcotton

D. woolsilk

2The climate in the southwest is________during the winterbut________in summer

A. quite warmlittle hot

B. quite coldvery hot

C. comfortably warmrather hot

D. a little coldrather hot

3Today________parts of the United States can get fruits and vegetables in winter

A. not all

B. a few

C. most

D. all

4Which statement is true according to the passage

A. Most states in America have almost the same climate

B. The climate in the west of the USA is almost the same as that in China

C. Now Americans don’t worry about eating fresh fruits and vegetables

D. In wintermost Americans have to wear heavy clothes

5The best title(标题)of the passage should be________

A. The Climate of the United States

B. Vegetables and Fruits

C. The Climate and Fruits

D. The United States

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