

1Most people look on dogs as humans_________(truth)friends.

2--What do you do,Mr.Green?

--I am a hamburger__________(make).

3Frank has_________(own)a model plane since his fifth birthday.

4Little Julia is a helpful and_________(understand)girl.

5How long have you_________(keep)that toy panda'?














【题目】When I was young,I liked to play jokes on people I knew,especially on my parents and friends.One day ,my mother was cooking and l was playing with my younger brother Tony.Suddenly I ran to my mother and said,“Tony fell from the open window!”She was very worried and ran out of the kitchen.Then I said,“Don’t worry.I’m just joking.”My mother shouted at me,“If you do it again,I’ll hit you.”

Another day day I went swimming with my friends in the sea.1 wanted to play a joke on them.In the beginning I swam fast and I called out“Help!”All my friends came to help me.However,they found that I was joking.But half an hour later I wasn’t joking.I was so fast,soon I got tired and couldn’t swim on in water.I tried my best to call my friends for help,but this time nobody came to help me.

In the end,they found l was telling the truth.They came and saved my life.They took me to hospital.This is the best lesson in my life.From then on,I haven’t joked on anyone.

1What did the writer like to do as a young man?

A. He liked to play with his brother.

B. He liked to help his mother cook.

C. He liked to play jokes on people.

D. He liked to go swimming with his friends.

2When the writer was playing with his brother,

A. he fell from the open window

B. he played a joke on his mother

C. Tony fell from the open window

D. a fire happened in the kitchen

3Why did all his friends come to help the writer at first?

A. Because he called for help.

B. Because he couldn’t swim fast.

C. Because he would sink in water.

D. Because he couldn’t swim on in water.

4The writer’s friends when he called them for help for the second time.

A. called his parents

B. came and saved him at once

C. did nothing because he had lied to them

D. thought at first he was joking again

5What can we learn from the story?

A. Swimming is dangerous.

B. If someone always tells lies,others won’t trust(信任)him.

C. The writer is a naughty boy.

D. We can play jokes only on people we know.

【题目】Be honest.That’s all you have to do on Honesty Day.It would be great if we were all honest every day of the year.It’s good that there is a day to encourage honesty.M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day.He chose the last day of April because the first day is April Fool’s Day,which celebrates lies.On Honesty Day,anyone may ask you any question and you should give a true and honest answer.That meams that you have knowledge of Honesty Day.

M.Hirsh Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies.He said in his book that almost all persons lie about 200 times a day.In our daily life,a typical(典型的)lie for a man is“I did not drink that much”and for a woman is“Nothing is wrong.I’m fine.”It is found that nurses are the most honest people.while sales people and politicians(政客)are the biggest liars!

Every Honesty Day,M.Hirsh Goldberg hands out prizes to honest people.

1M.Hirsh Goldberg started Honesty Day to

A. celebrate lies B. encourage honesty

C. ask questions D. hand out prizes

2Which of the following is Honesty Day?

A. April l st. B. April 10th. C. April 20th. D. April 30th.

3M.Hirsh Goldberg’s book is about

A. how to be honest B. when Honesty Day is

C. telling lies D. celebrating Honesty Day

4According to the passage, are the most honest people.

A. nurses B. sales people C. politicians D. all men

5The underlined word“liars”probably means“ ”.

A. 获利者 B. 说谎者 C. 影响者 D. 领导者


I’m taking my family to other countries to have a trip.My wife and I and our two children are all going along.My elder brother will go with us,too.He has never been overseas and he is even more excited than the children.My father is so old that he’d like to stay at home and take care of the house.

We’re going by train to New York,and then take a ship to Europe.When we arrive in Europe,we’re going to some countries for sightseeing(观光).We’ll go to places either by train or by bus.We’re going to fly home.

It took us a long time to decide where to go,but I think we’ll have a very interesting trip.We’ll go to England,France and Italy.We also talked about how we would go to Europe.At first we wanted to fly because it would be faster and would save more time.But my brother likes to take a boat trip and the children like that,too.

【1】How many people of the family will go to have a trip?





【2】My father will not go on the trip because________.

A.he doesn’t like travels

B.staying at home is more interesting

C.he is too old to travel

D.nobody wants to take him along

【3】We’re coming back home by________.





【4】In Europe we will________.

A.go sightseeing at the seaside

B.go to different countries by ship

C.buy a lot of presents

D.go from place to place by train or by bus

【5】My brother and my children would like to________.

A.do some shopping in Europe

B.study Italian in Italy

C.enjoy a trip by ship

D.learn French in France

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