
【题目】My mother ______ dinner when I got home yesterday.

A. has cooked B. was cooking C. will cook D. cooks


【解析】试题分析:句意:昨天我到家时,妈妈在做饭。A. has cooked现在完成时形式;B. was cooking过去进行时形式;C. will cook 一般将来时形式;D. cooks一般现在时态。本句表示我到家时,妈妈正在做饭,表示一个过去动作发生时,另一个过去动作正在发生。把正在发生的过去动作用成过去进行时态。故选B



Rosa liked making up stories. She was so 1 that her classmates believed her from time to time. In fact, the whole class believed her! At first she supposed it was 2 . Now, as she got up to 3 before the class, she knew that make-believed stories had some way of coming back to make you sad.

Rosas parents were separated. Nine months out of the year, Rosa lived with her mother in an apartment on Anderson Street. But when summer 4 , she went to her fathers farm in Arizona.

The farm was great! Rose rode horses and 5 with some farm work. Her father, however, was so 6 that he couldnt find time to go places with her. When she arrived each summer, her father would 7 her at the airport and take her out to eat. And the day she went back to the 8 he would always buy her a present.

When summer came to a close, Rosa 9 to her mother. At school she heard lots of stories her friends told about their family trips. Rosa wished she had a 10 to talk about.

Not long after 11 began, Rosa was looking through travel magazines in the school library. They talked about many exciting 12 , like England and Germany. When Rosas friends asked what she had done that summer, she made up something that was not 13 . Remembering the travel magazines she had looked at, she told her classmates that she and her father had gone to 14 .

When the class began studying England, Mr. Thomas asked Rosa to tell all the things she could 15 about her trip to England!

【1】A. afraid B. worried C. sure

【2】A. joke B. fun C. turn

【3】A. talk B. teach C. show

【4】A. passed B. arrived C. lasted

【5】A. made B. played C. helped

【6】A. weak B. pleased C. busy

【7】A. show B. visit C. meet

【8】A. farm B. city C. family

【9】A. wrote B. called C. returned

【10】A. family B. vacation C. teacher

【11】A. meeting B. school C. summer

【12】A. people B. places C. languages

【13】A. interesting B. true C. long

【14】A. England B. village C. home

【15】A. think B. see C. remember

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