


Whos arent His Her I’m photo

English teacher student Its family They

This is a 46 of my family. 47 Frank, I am twelve. I study(学习) at No. 11 Middle School. This is my father. 48 name is Dale Brown. He is a teacher in my school. He teaches 49 . And this is my mother; she is a 50 , too. 51 that woman near(在……附近) my father? Oh, she is my aunt. She is a nurse. My grandparents 52 in the photo. 53 are in the USA. I have a dog. 54 name is Dick. I love(爱) my 55 and I love my dog, too.














【1】句意:这是一张我的全家福。根据固定搭配:a photo of一张……的照片,故填photo


【3】句意:这是我爸爸,他叫Dale Brown。根据句意,结合语法知识,可知此处name前面缺少形容词性物主代词,表示"他的"概念,结合词汇:his,故填His。



【6】 句意:我爸爸旁边的女人是谁?根据句意,结合此句的句号,可知此处缺少一个疑问词和系动词,表示"是谁"的概念。故填Whos。

【7】句意:我爷爷奶奶没有在这张照片里。根据下文: 53 are in the USA.可知他们现在在美国,因此应该不在照片里。故填arent。

【8】 句意:他们现在在美国。根据句意,结合上文:My grandparents 52 in the photo.可知此处需要使用一个代替my grandparents的代词,故填They。





I decided to meet my sponsored(被资助的) child, 12-year-old Natacha Etienne. She survived(幸存) the earthquake in Haiti. After a two-hour drive, I found myself in a beautiful place where Natachas family live.

When I first saw Natacha, waiting in her best clothes, I felt like giving her a hug(拥抱), but I didnt. She had never seen me before. With half of the villagers gathering to look at me, Natacha stood back, silent and shy.

When I pulled out photos, hand-written messages and drawings Id received from Natacha, her shyness was gone and she began to talk to me. Her parents greeted me warm hugs and nervous smiles.

Her parents thanked me repeatedly for coming. Her father opened some drinks, and we drank and talked. I learnt that their only plan was to get all their eight children educated, so they could get a chance to leave Haiti.You are like another mother for Natacha, they said. You pay her education and we are really thankful to you.

I took part in the sponsor activity, hoping it could help children like Natacha have a chance to go to school. I believe my little contribution (捐助) will change their lives. Now I realize that writing letters and sending photos are of great importance to Natacha, because they are all small gifts sent with great love.

Information Card

The luckiest thing for Natacha

She is still alive after 1. ____________.

What Natacha did when the writer first saw her

She 2. ____________.

The things that Natacha sent to the writer

3. ___________.

What Natachas parents greeted the writer with

With 4. ____________.

What chance Natachas parents hoped their kids could get

A chance to 5. ____________.


Better Time for Teenagers to Keep Healthy

Things to do

Brushing teeth

Drinking milk

Going to bed

Eating fruits

Common time

After getting up or before sleeping

During breakfast

Around 23:00

After meals

Time from experts’ suggestions

3 minutes after meals

Before sleeping

Around 21:00

An hour before meals


To reduce germs(细菌)in the mouth

To keep bones strong and help sleep well

To be good for a deep sleep

To keep the body strong

Warm tips

Brush the tongue while brushing teeth

Avoid drinking it when having a stomach-ache

Sleep for at least 8 hours every night

Wash carefully before eating them


【1】Teenagers are used to drinking milk__________ according to the information above.

A. before sleeping B. during breakfast

C.3 minutes after meals D. around 21:00

【2】Teenagers often go to bed _______hour(s) later than the time the experts suggest.

A. one B. two C. three D. four

【3】 ________ and ________ are helpful to keep teenagers strong according to the information above.

A. Drinking milk; eating fruits B. Going to bed; brushing teeth

C. Eating fruits; reducing germs D. Drinking milk; brushing teeth

【4】If a teenager goes to bed at the time based on the experts’ suggestion, the earliest time for him to get up will be_________ in the morning.

A. 5:00 B. 6:00 C. 7:00 D. 8:00

【5】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above?

A. Some experts suggest washing fruits carelessly an hour before meals.

B. To brush the tongue after meals is good for a deep sleep.

C. People should sleep for at least 9 hours every night.

D. Teenagers with a stomachache had better avoid drinking milk.

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