


1. 词数:60~80。

2. 所给的英文提示词语及表格所提供的信息必须都用上。(可适当发挥)

3. 发言稿的开头和结尾已给出。

假设你是张斌,今年暑假你将参加学校组织的赴加拿大 “绿色之旅” 夏令营活动。请你准备一篇在开营式上的自我介绍发言稿。

提示词:nameZhang Binfifteen years oldlive in Beijingfavorite subjectbiology ...


Free Time Activities

Future Job



go camping

draw pictures of plants

enjoy the singing of birds in nature


grow up

good friends

do one's best

make the earth ...

Dear friends

I'm very glad to introduce myself to you.__________________________________________




That's all. Thank you for listening.

【答案】Dear friends

I'm very glad to introduce myself to you. My name is Zhang Bin. I'm fifteen years old. I live in Beijing. One of my favorite subjects is biology. I'm interested in drawing. In my free timeI often go campingdraw some pictures of plantsand enjoy the singing of birds in nature. I want to be a biologist when I grow up.

I feel lucky to join you. I hope we can be good friends and do our best to make our earth more beautiful and much greener.

That's all. Thank you for listening.




When I was 16 years oldI made my first visit to the United States. It wasn't the first time I had been _____.Like most English childrenI learned French at school and I had often been to France._____ I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who did not understand ____.But when I went to AmericaI was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any _____ problems.

How wrong I was! The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a _____ telephone to give my American friend Danny a ring. So I asked an old man, “I want to give my friend a ring. Could you help me? ” “Wellthat's _____.” he answered in surprise. “You look very _____.Are you getting married?” “OhNo” I replied. “I just want to give a ring to tell him I've arrived. Could you tell me _____ there's a phone box near here?” “OhSorry” he said“There's a phone downstairs.”

When we met upDanny _____ the misunderstanding to me. “Don't worry! I met such problems at first. There are lots of words which the Americans ______ differently in meaning from English people. But most of the time the English and American people understand each other well! You'll soon get used to all the funny things they say.”

1A. out B. away C. outside D. abroad

2A. But B. So C. And D. Then

3A. English B. French C. Russian D. Chinese

4A. lesson B. math C. language D. money

5A. cheap B. popular C. public D. good

6A. good B. strange C. nice D. funny

7A. small B. smart C. little D. young

8A. where B. what C. if D. /

9A. described B. explained C. talked D. expressed

10A. write B. speak C. use D. read


Millions of children in the United States go to summer camps. Some go to play outdoors at traditional camps in the woods, in the mountains or on lakes. But families now have many choices of special camps. These can be in the middle of nature or a big city. Special camps offer young people the chance to learn about different subjects: anything from space exploration to business to medicine.

In technology camps, one subject that children can learn about is video game design. They learn how to use computer programs to create games of their own. One program that teaches video game design is called Cybercamps. Children can learn how to design their own virtual(实际上的) worlds to set their video game in. Then, they program their own rules and objects into the game.

Cybercamps also offers courses in robot building and Web design. A recent story in the Washington Post described how one child made a robot that could sing a song. Another made a robot that could follow a black line drawn on a piece of cardboard. Also, children can learn how to make Web sites. One child made a site for Pokemon, one of his favourite cartoon shows.

1Traditional camps are _______.

A. in the woods B. in the mountains C. on lakesD. all above

2Special camps offer young people the chance to learn _______.

A. only space B. only science

C. only medicine D. different subjects

3In Cybercamps a child made a robot that could _______.

A. sing B. dance C. speak D. draw

4Which one is NOT true according to the passage?

A. There are many special camps in the USA now.

B. Families prefer traditional camps to special camps.

C. Special camps can be in the middle of nature or a big city.

D. In technology camps, children can create games of their own.

5The best title for the passage is _______.

A. Traditional campsB. Special camps

C. Summer camps D. Summer holiday


Who won the World Cup?What happened at the United Nations?How did the critics like the new play?________an event takes place,newspapers are on the streets giving the details.Wherever anything happens in the world,reporters are on the spot to gather the news.Newspapers have one basic________,to get the news as quickly as possible from its sources,from those who make it to those who want to________it.Radio,telegraph,television,and________inventions brought competition for newspapers.So did the development of magazines and other means of communication.________,this competition merely spurred the newspapers on.They quickly make use of the newer and faster means of communication to improve the_________and thus the efficiency of their own operations.Today more newspapers are________and read than ever before.Competition also led newspapers to branch out into many other fields.Besides keeping readers________of the latest news,today’s newspapers educate and influence readers about politics and other important and serious matters.Newspapers influence readers’economic choices________advertising.Most newspapers depend on advertising for their______.Newspapers are sold at a price that______even a small fraction of the cost of production.The main______of income for most newspapers is commercial advertising.The success in selling advertising depends on a newspaper’s value to the advertisers.This______in terms of circulation.How many people read the newspaper?Circulation depends somewhat on the work of the circulation department and on the services or entertainment______in a newspaper’s pages.But for the most part,circulation depends on a newspaper’s value to readers as a source of information______the community,city,country,state,nation and world and even the outer space.

【1】A.Just when


C.Soon after












C.one another

D.the other














B.be informed

Cto be informed










【11】A.tries to cover

B.manages to cover

C.fails to cover

D.succeeds in covering







C.is measured

D.was measured



C.which offered

D.to be offered





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