
【题目】I spent an hour writing out all the invitations to my daughter's classmates.She told me who said they were coming.We spent so much time and money making gifts.“Tina would love the sunglasses,and Mike would love this pencil…” Jenny said.She helped me make cupcakes,60 of them with different colors and tastes.

Everything was ready.At four,it started to rain.And it didn't seem to stop soon.“Will they come at five?” Jenny asked me.She looked worried.I was not sure,either.We sat on the sofa and waited.At 4:50,Lisa,Jenny's best friend arrived.We were both happy and welcomed her.Until 5:20,seven of thirty classmates came.

I thought Jenny would be sad.“I'm happy today,Mom,” Jenny told me after the party was over.“It was rainy, but some of my classmates still came.I know who are my real friends.”

“Yes,it's the most important thing,” I said.

1Who is the writer of the passage?

A. Jenny. B. Jenny's mother.

C. Jenny's teacher. D. Jenny's classmate.

2What is the first paragraph mainly talking about?

A. The party invitations.

B. The party preparations.

C. The guests at the party.

D. How to make cupcakes.

3Why was Jenny worried?

A. Something was not ready for the party.

B. Her classmates didn't love the gifts.

C. Her classmates might not come because of the rain.

D. There weren't enough cupcakes for her classmates.

4How did Jenny feel about the party?

A. She was sad.

B. She was happy.

C. She was surprised.

D. She was tired.

5What does the passage tell us?

A. Real friends always support (支持) us.

B. It's not easy to have a birthday party.

C. Never believe what others said easily.

D. Don't try to be friends with everyone.








1句意:谁写的这篇文章?根据I spent an hour writing out all the invitations to my daughter's classmates可知是妈妈;故选B

2句意:第一段主要讲述什么?根据I spent an hour writing out all the invitations to my daughter's classmates. .We spent so much time and money making gifts和 She helped me make cupcakes,60 of them with different colors and tastes.可知是在为聚会做准备;故选B

3句意:詹尼为什么担心?根据it started to rain.And it didn't seem to stop soon.“Will they come at five?” Jenny asked me.She looked worried.她担心因为下雨,她的同学不能来;故选C

4句意:对于聚会詹尼感觉怎样?根据I'm happy today,Mom,” Jenny told me after the party was over.故选B

5句意:这篇文章告诉我们什么?根据“It was rainy, but some of my classmates still came.I know who are my real friends.”和文意可知无论什么情况,真正的朋友都会支持我们;故选A


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