【题目】跨经度最多的大洋是( )
A. 大西洋 B. 北冰洋 C. 太平洋 D. 印度洋
【题目】我国气候的基本特征是: ; 。
Haze (雾霾) has become a common word in recent years. It is a kind of air pollution caused by human beings. More and more cars are on the road, and more and more factories are built everywhere, so the pollutant is gave off that do harm to people's life and health, Besides, haze will make the traffic heavier and accidents easy to happen, because drivers can't see the road clearly in the haze.Thirdly, if someone inhales (吸入) much haze, he has greater possibility to get cancer.
In order to protect ourselves and environment, we should take action at once instead of waiting for help. There are some tips for you:
Wear a mask(口罩): this is an efficient way to prevent you from inhaling the haze. But pay attention to buy the masks that arestandard (合格的) and as suitable as the size of your face. And after using, fold the masks, put away when they are dry, and don't wash them.
Don't go outside as possible as you can: in the haze, you should reduce (减少) the time on which you spend doing morning exercise. For workers, don't ride to offices but take a bus. And when going inside, you should drink much water.
The way to clean is very' simple: use the warm water to wash your face, mouth and nasal cavity(鼻腔). This can help you to wash ont the pollutant.
Don't keep windows open for a long time: if the haze is more and more serious, don't open the windows. If you want to, please avoid the peak(最高峰) of haze.
All people want to live in a healthy way, so do everything that we can do in our best.
【1】关于图中各点经纬度的判断,正确的是( )
A. A(0°,60°E) B. B(30°S,80°W)
C. C(30°S,0°) D. D(30°S,15°W)
【2】关于图中的描述,正确的是( )
A. B点在A点的东南方向 B. C点在B点的正东方向
C. D点位于北半球 D. A点地处高纬度地区
【题目】热带沙漠气候分布最广的地区是( )
A. 欧洲 B. 非洲 C. 北美洲 D. 南美洲
【题目】第31届夏季奥林匹克运动会,将于2016年8月5日~21日在巴西的里约热内卢举行,里约热内卢将成为奥运史上首个主办奥运会的南美洲城市,读图回答下题。(1)奥运会期间,地球公转至如图所示的( )A.①~②段B.②~③段C.③~④段D.④~①段(2)此时东莞的昼夜长短情况是( )A.昼长夜短B.昼短夜长C.昼夜等长D.不能确定(3)奥运会期间,下列现象可能出现的是( )A.黄河出现凌汛的时期B.长江干流水位是一年中的最低时期C.华北平原缺水严重时期D.东莞处在高温时期
【题目】目前,在我国各种交通运输方式中最重要的是( )
A. 铁路运输 B. 公路运输 C. 海洋运输 D. 航空运输
【题目】读图,完成问题:(1)亚洲西南以运河为界与非洲相邻,从东、西半球看,亚洲位于半球.受海陆热力性质差异的影响,亚洲的东部形成了世界上最为典型的季风气候.由南向北依次为 , , , 它们共同的气候特点是 .(2)从图中可以看出世界输出石油最多的是地区,该地区石油主要分布在及其沿岸地区.图3气候图代表了本区主要气候类型,该气候类型是 , 因此资源成为本区各国争夺的焦点,本区成为世界关注焦点,矛盾冲突不断的原因还有(两点).(3)2011年3月11日,日本发生里氏9.0级地震后,造成石油紧缺,请你写出一条由本区输往日本的海上石油输出路线. .(4)亚洲地形以为主,地势特点为 , 河流呈状向四周分流.