
【题目】It was late in the evening. I heard someone knocking at the door. I opened it and saw a young man with glasses. He said he was a friend of my father’s and he had an appointment with him. I didn’t remember my father had such a friend but I had to let him in. As he talked, I found that he didn’t know anything about my father. Just then my father came in and the young man was surprised. I took hold of the man while my father called the policemen.

根据短文,判断对错. 对的写T,错的写F.

1One day a young man knocked at the door at midnight.

2He was one of my father’s friends.

3He knew nothing about my father.

4My father and I caught the young man and took him to the police station.

5The young man was a policeman.








1根据It was late in the evening. I heard someone knocking at the door可知,时间是晚上。故选F。


3根据As he talked, I found that he didn’t know anything about my father可知,本题正确。故选T。

4根据I took hold of the man while my father called the policemen可知,故选F。





Nancy, try to cook for us today, my mother called. But Mom, I dont know how to cook, I said. Today I will 1 you to cook, said my mother. I didnt know 2 it would go, but I agree.

I saw my mother cook rice before, so I did it easily. 3 when it came to cooking vegetables, I didnt know how to do it. My father asked me to cut up one cabbage and make other ingredients(原料) 4 . Now put some garlice(大蒜)into the pot. Then, 5 some turmeric(姜黄根粉)and put the cabbage. Dont forget to add some salt. My father stood next to me and told me what I should do 6 finishing the cabbage, I cooked beef soup. 7 , I finished cooking the meal in almost two hours. I 8 the food to my parents. They ate it and said it was wonderful. At last, it was 9 turn to eat the food. I thought it was terrible.

From that day on, I learnt to cook. The first experience of 1 0 my own cooking was so terrible, but it taught me a great lesson. I started respecting(尊重) food, as I learnt that one had to try his best to cook it.

【1】 A. shake B. question C. expect D. teach

【2】 A. what B. how C. which D. where

【3】 A. Because B. So C. But D. If

【4】 A. ready B./span> traditional C. lucky D. similar

【5】 A. fall B. cover C. pick D. add

【6】 A. through B. after C. from D. before

【7】 A. Quickly B. Loudly C. Finally D. Quietly

【8】 A. served B. turned C. filled D. shared

【9】 A. my B. his C. our D. their

【10】 A. waiting B. reaching C. discussing D. tasting

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