

(1)我国800mm年等降水量线,大致与我国那条界限一致 (填山脉、河流)。

(2)400mm年等降水量线以东的区域大致属于我国 (季风区/非季风区),受来自 的暖湿气流影响显著。

(3)a地属于 (气候类型),与b地相比,a地气温高的原因是

(4)c地位于 (地形区),该地年降水量稀少的原因是

(5) d地位于 (地形区),该地发生频率最高的地质灾害是 ,产生这种灾害的原因有 。治理该灾害最主要的措施是



(2)季风区 太平洋

(3)亚热带季风气候 纬度低

(4)塔里木盆地 深居内陆,距海遥远,受重重山脉的阻挡,海洋 湿润气流难以到达

(5)云贵高原 滑坡/泥石流 夏季降水集中,多暴雨;高原地形,地表坡度大;喀斯特地貌,地表破碎,碎屑物堆积多;植被破坏严重 植树造林,退耕还林


试题分析:本题考查我国气温、降水的分布及主要的气候灾害。(1)据图可知,800mm年等降水量线大致经过秦岭淮河一线。(2)400 mm年等降水量线以东的区域,受夏季风的影响较大,故其为季风区,受暖湿气流的影响,降水较多。(3)a地位于秦岭淮河以南,为亚热带季风气候,其与b地相比气温较高,其主要原因是a地地处南方,纬度较低,太阳辐射强,故热量多,气温较高。(4)c地深居内陆受海洋湿润气流影响的较小,加上重重山岭的阻挡,故降水较少。(5)d地为云贵高原,为山区,故其滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害频发;主要原因从地形、气候、植被等情况分析可知,地形主要为喀斯特地貌,地表破碎,碎屑物堆积多;气候:夏季降水集中,多暴雨;地形:高原崎岖不平,地表坡度大。植被:破坏严重。治理措施:植树造林,退耕还林。



“Can I see my baby?’’asked the new happy mother

Unluckilyshe found her baby had been_____without ears when it was in her arms

Time proved that the babys_____was perfectHe got on well with his classmatesBut one dayhe rushed home and said to his mother_____tears in his eyes“A big boy_____me a freak(怪胎).”

As the boy_____he developed a talent for art and music

The boys father had a meeting with the family doctor“Could anything_______

done?”He asked the doctor

“I believe I could graft(移植)a pair of outer ears_____you could get them”the doctor said

Howevertwo years_____nobody wanted to offer the young man earsThen one day the father said“Son_____will offer his ears to youBut it’s a secret”The operation was a great______

Time kept the secretbut the day did come…The young man stood with his father______his mothers bodySlowlythe father held out a hand and raised the thickbrown hair______the son found his mother had no outer ears

“Mother said she was glad she______let her long hair be cut”the father said gently·“and nobody ever thought Mother______beautifuldid they?’’

Real____ lies not in what is done and knownbut in what is done but not known

1A. active B. dead C. born D. awake

2A. speaking B. hearing C. writing D. reading

3A. of B. in C. around D. with

4A. called B. asked C. said D. told

5A. looked up B. grew up C. brought up D. caught up

6A. is B. was C. are D. be

7A. if B. until C. unless D. because

8A. went down B. got over C. went by D. arrived

9A. nobody B. someone C. anyone D. everyone

10A. succeed B. successful C. success D. failure

11A. between B. besides C. towards D. beside

12A. With interest B. To his surprise C. In silence D. With anger

13A. always B. often C. never D. sometimes

14A. less B. more C. most D. least

15A. idea B. friendship C. thought D. love

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