
【题目】Beethoven(贝多芬) was never afraid to show his feelings. Once when he was playing at a rich man’s house, one of the listeners, a man of good family, was talking to a girl. He liked girls more than music, and he didn’t stop talking when Beethoven started to play. The voice was not a quiet one, and Beethoven could hear well in those days. The music stopped in the middle and Beethoven stood up. “I don’t play for animals of this kind!” he cried. “No! Not for animals!” Then he walked out.


1Beethoven was a musician.

2The listener was from a poor family.

3One of the listeners still talked to a girl when Beethoven started to play.

4This listener was more interested in girls than in music.

5Beethoven went on playing after he heard their talking.








1根据短文中Once when he was playing at a rich man’s house, one of the listeners, a man of good family, was talking to a girl. He liked girls more than music可知,贝多芬是演奏音乐的人,他是一个音乐家,因此这句话是正确的。

2根据短文中Once when he was playing at a rich man’s house, one of the listeners, a man of good family, was talking to a girl.可知,这个男人来自一个很好、很富裕的家庭,不是poor,故这句话是错误的。

3根据短文中He liked girls more than music, and he didn’t stop talking when Beethoven started to play.可知,从贝多芬开始演奏,那个男人就没有停止过说话。由此可知这句话是正确的。

4根据短文中He liked girls more than music可知,这个男人对女孩比对音乐更感兴趣。由此可知这句话是正确的。

5根据短文中The music stopped in the middle and Beethoven stood up. “I don’t play for animals of this kind!” he cried.可知,因为那个男人老是在谈话,贝多芬在演奏中间停止了,他不想为这样的动物演奏音乐。由此可知这句话是错误的。



假如你叫李磊,进入九年级后,周末活动发生了很大的变化。请根据表格内所提供的信息,以"How Ive changed!"为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。首句已给出,不计入总词数。

In the past


In the day

going shopping, playing sports with friends

having classes

At night

watching TV, reading a newspaper or magazine, chatting online

doing lots of homework, reading books


happy and relaxed

tired and stressed out

How Ive changed!

My name is Li Lei. Im in Grade Nine this year. My life on weekends has changed a lot in the last two months.




On a snowy evening, Miss Grant was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her 1 had broken down. Just then a poor man named Dave walked by. He was on his way back home from work.

Miss Grant wondered, "Is the man going to help me? He looks very cold and 2 ." But to her surprise, he stopped and said with a smile, "What’s wrong, madam?" Miss Grant told him what was happening.

After forty minutes, Dave was able to fix the car. Miss Grant wanted to pay him.

"No, it’s 3 , madam," he said, "I was just helping someone in trouble. If you really want to pay me back, I hope whenever you see someone in 4 , please give him a hand.

A few minutes later, Miss Grant saw a shabby(破旧的) house by the road. She remembered Dave’s words, 5 she stopped. A woman warmly invited her in. Miss Grant could see that it was a 6 family and they needed help. When the woman was making tea in the kitchen, Miss Grant left 500 dollars on the table and went away 7 .

Dave came home later than before, thinking how hard their life was. Their baby was to be born the next month but there wasn’t enough 8 . His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, "Don’t worry, my dear! Everything’s going to be all right. A stranger has 9 us out."

Let’s always be ready to help others because helping others is helping 10 .

【1】A. bike B. car C. bus D. computer

【2】A. heavy B. helpful C. excited D. hungry

【3】A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

【4】A. need B. help C. surprise D. rush

【5】A. because B. but C. so D. though

【6】A. happy B. poor C. big D. rich

【7】A. quietly B. easily C. luckily D. mainly

【8】A. time B. water C. money D. work

【9】A. taken B. helped C. put D. found

【10】A. myself B. himself C. ourselves D. themselves

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