
【题目】东北地区大规模开荒,造成该区域湿地面积锐减、生态环境恶化。下列对于该区域开发与保护的说法,正确的是(  )







三江平原,又称三江低地,即东北平原东北部,中国最大的沼泽分布区,在三江盆地的西南部。三江平原是指黑龙江、乌苏里江、松花江,三条大江汇流、冲积而成了这块低平的沃土,三江平原素以“北大荒”著称,在1949年大规模开垦前,草甸、沼泽茫茫无际,亦有成片森林,野生动物繁多。华人民共和国成立后,这里进行了大规模的农垦耕作, “北大荒”已一跃而成“北大仓”,成为我国最大的农垦区,是小麦、大豆、玉米、水稻等重要商品粮生产基地。



【题目】Research says that husbands do not do their fair share of work around the house.A study from an American university says that men seldom do the same share of housework.Researchers interviewed 182 working couples who became first-time parents.Both husbands and wives worked almost the same number of hours in full-time jobs.However,men did five hours a week less housework than women after their baby was born..

It is a different story for mothers.Becoming a parent added about 21 hours a week to a mother's work.Most of this was looking after her baby.New fathers did not do more work because they did not realize the mother was doing so much more.Another reason is that after a baby is born,fathers follow the “traditional” roles.That is,the mother looks after the baby and the father works outside.This happens even when the mother is working the same number of hours in her job.

1It is found that ________ do less housework.

A. wives B. husbands C. parents D. babies

2The underlined sentence “It is a different story for mothers.” probably means “________”.

A. Mothers come from different families B. Mothers like reading different stories

C. Mothers work more hours than fathers D. Different mothers have different children

3What is the “traditional” role of a father?

A. Working outside. B. Looking after the baby.

C. Doing housework. D. Doing part-time jobs.

4Which part of a newspaper can this passage be taken from?

A. Sports. B. Medicine. C. News. D. Society.

5How many couples were interviewed according to the passage?

A. One hundred and eighty-two. B. Twenty-one. C. Five. D. Many.

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