
【题目】Do you have ______________ or have ______________ ?

A. a sore backa stomachache B. sore backstomachache

C. a sore backstomachache D. sore backa stomachache


【解析】考查名词。句意:你背疼或者肚子疼吗?have a sore back背疼;have a stomachache肚子疼。故选A。



A good way to pass an examination is to work hard every day in the year. You may fail in the examination if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the examination. If you are taking an English examination, dont learn only rules of grammar.

Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can. A few days before examination you should start going to bed early. Do not stay up late at night studying and learning things. Before you start the examination, read carefully over the examination paper. Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write. When you have finished your examination at last, read your answers, correct any mistake that you see and make sure that you have not missed anything out.

【1】 How do you know to pass an examination?

A. Work hard every day in a year.

B. Work hard many days in a year.

C. Work hard most of time in a year.

D. Work hard only before the examination.

【2】 If you are going to take an examination, ____________ .

A. study hard and sleep less

B. get up early and do a lot of reading

C. go to bed early and have a good rest

D. go to bed late and get up late

【3】 What should you do when you have finished the examination?

A. Pick up your pen and write at once.

B. Go over your paper before you hand it in.

C. After you finish the examination, hand in at once.

D. Try to understand every word while you are reading.

【4】What should you do if you want to learn English well according to the passage?

A. Speak more, listen less, never write.

B. Speak less, write more, never listen.

C. Read more, listen more, speak less.

D. Read and speak as much as possible.

【5】 What does "missed...out"mean according to the passage?

A. 遗漏 B. 增补 C. 缺乏 D. 丰富


Tears come out of my eyes when I talk to my parents on the phone. 1 This is what I want to know most. I have supper at 5 oclock in the dining room. Now it is the busiest time for my parents. Dad works from seven oclock in the morning to nine oclock in the evening, so all the housework is left to my mum. 2 Every day she gets up at 4 oclock in the morning, and then works till dark.

I promise her to study hard in the university because I am her hope. 3 I just want her to promise me that she can take care of herself and my dad because they are just like the blood in my body.

In my family, everyone is equal. We are very happy to have meals together. Mum says that the happiest time for Dad and her is to see my sister and me come back home. We play cards in the room, watch TV and do anything we like, with Dad and Mum preparing delicious food in the kitchen. 4 I forget all the difficulties and unhappiness at that time. The only thing I would like to do is to enjoy the time with my parents.

5 Love your parents as they love us. Give them a call, telling them you love them and miss them.


A. It is also the happiest time for me.

B. What are they doing when I call them?

C. Sometimes, love doesnt need many words.

D. Besides the housework, she also has to work on the farm.

E. I promise her to take care of myself because Im important to her.

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