摘要:32.Many a time I saw him to the laundry and his clothes . A.go; have; washed B.going; having; washing C.to go; to have; wash D.went; had; to wash



A long time ago, in Egypt,there lived a famous person named Zun-Nun.A young man came to _36_him and asked, “I don't _37_why people like you always dress simply.” Zun-Nun smiled and _38_his ring from one of his fingers and said, “I will answer your _39_but first take this ring and go to the _40_across this street. Can you sell this for one chip of gold?”  Looking at the dirty ring,the young man became_41_, “One chip of gold? I’m not sure if it could be _42_at that price.”

The young man went to the market quickly. He _43_the ring to the vegetable ,meat and fish traders,and the others. But nobody was willing to _44_a chip of gold. He went back and reported, “Nobody was _45_enough to offer more than one chip of silver.” With a smile Zun-Nun said, “Now go to the gold shop in this street and show this to the _46_ trader. Don’t give your _47_,just see how much he will pay for it.”

The young man went to the shop _48_and returned with a(n)_49_expression on his face. He reported, “The trader offered one thousand  chips of gold for this ring,and the  50  of it was one thousand times higher than what the traders in the market offered.” Zun-Nun just smiled and _51_softly, “That was the answer to your question, my friend. A person cannot be valued only by his _52_. The gold and diamond inside someone could_53_be seen and valued if you could look at the _54_soul. It requires heart to see,and it involves(涉及) a _55_. We cannot see it from the words or attitude. Many a time what we think is brass(黄铜)is gold.”

36. A.beg            B.visit           C.help              D.question

37. A.agree          B.suppose         C.understand        D.think

38. A.held           B.put            C.took              D.placed

39. A.question       B.telephone       C.alarm             D.description

40. A.playground     B.company         C.stage             D.market

41. A.careful        B.doubtful        C.hopeful           D.helpful

42. A.sorted         B.checked         C.exported          D.sold

43. A.offered        B.added           C.provided          D.led  

44. A.cost           B.search          C.pay               D.buy  

45. A.outspoken      B.brave           C.just              D.confident

46. A.coal           B.steel           C.cotton            D.gold 

47. A.price          B.attitude        C.advice            D.explanation

48. A.repaired       B.mentioned       C.damaged           D.painted

49. A.angry          B.pitiful         C.cold              D.different  

50. A.color          B.weight          C.value             D.size

51. A.spoke          B.felt            C.touched           D.played

52. A.language       B.accent          C.kindness          D.dress

53. A.also           B.only            C.still             D.always

54. A.outer          B.rest            C.inner             D.lost

55. A.process        B.location        C.luck              D.support





. Anger is a natural reaction which comes out when we feel that we have not been given a fair treatment. The positive(积极的) side of this negative(消极的) emotion is that it has helped us to evolve(进化,演变) as humans and cope(应对) in a better manner with our surroundings. However, it tends to become a problem when we fail to control it. Many a time it happens that your anger has hurt others or has spoiled(宠坏) one of your relationships for which you regret later. It has some bad effects on the health, too.

We should control anger so that it does not cause harm to us or to those around us whom we love. One of the best ways to control anger is to get help from others. If you feel that you are unable to manage your anger, it can make you more upset. So tell someone that is close to you, a friend or a family member, about your problem. When you discuss a matter with others, there is a better chance of finding a solution to your problem. Besides, there are no better stress relievers than humor. When you feel that it is because of stress that your anger is becoming unmanageable, you can use humor. It can help you look at difficult things in a lighter way and you will feel better about the things around you.

Anger tends to make us have a lot of negative thoughts. Therefore, we have to change the negative thoughts into positive ones. For this you have to first refuse all the negative thoughts that are in your mind one by one. This can be done with a lot of practice. Once you are successful in that, you have to maintain your focus only on the positive things of life.

Meditation (冥想) is an excellent anger management technique. In addition, what we do is disconnect(使分离) ourselves from the outer world and focus all our attention into the inner world. This helps us develop a sense of controlling our thoughts that tend to cause anger.


Anger is a natural reaction which comes out when we have been treated (1) ______.

(2)       sides

Help us evolve as humans.

Help us deal with our surroundings  (3) ______.

Negative sides

(4)         others.

Spoil your (5) ______.

Have some bad effects on your (6)          .

How to manage your anger

Get help from others

Discuss your problems with your friend or a (7) ______ member.

Use (8)        

It can help you look at difficult things in a lighter way.

Think positively

(9)        all the negative thoughts and focus only on positive things.

Practice meditation

Help us (10)          our thoughts which tend to cause anger.




A long time ago, in Egypt,there lived a famous person named Zun-Nun.A young man came to _36_him and asked, “I don't _37_why people like you always dress simply.” Zun-Nun smiled and _38_his ring from one of his fingers and said, “I will answer your _39_but first take this ring and go to the _40_across this street. Can you sell this for one chip of gold?”  Looking at the dirty ring,the young man became_41_, “One chip of gold? I’m not sure if it could be _42_at that price.”
The young man went to the market quickly. He _43_the ring to the vegetable ,meat and fish traders,and the others. But nobody was willing to _44_a chip of gold. He went back and reported, “Nobody was _45_enough to offer more than one chip of silver.” With a smile Zun-Nun said, “Now go to the gold shop in this street and show this to the _46_ trader. Don’t give your _47_,just see how much he will pay for it.”
The young man went to the shop _48_and returned with a(n)_49_expression on his face. He reported, “The trader offered one thousand  chips of gold for this ring,and the  50  of it was one thousand times higher than what the traders in the market offered.” Zun-Nun just smiled and _51_softly, “That was the answer to your question, my friend. A person cannot be valued only by his _52_. The gold and diamond inside someone could_53_be seen and valued if you could look at the _54_soul. It requires heart to see,and it involves(涉及) a _55_. We cannot see it from the words or attitude. Many a time what we think is brass(黄铜)is gold.”
36. A.beg            B.visit           C.help              D.question
37. A.agree          B.suppose         C.understand        D.think
38. A.held           B.put            C.took              D.placed
39. A.question       B.telephone       C.alarm             D.description
40. A.playground     B.company         C.stage             D.market
41. A.careful        B.doubtful        C.hopeful           D.helpful
42. A.sorted         B.checked         C.exported          D.sold
43. A.offered        B.added           C.provided          D.led  
44. A.cost           B.search          C.pay               D.buy  
45. A.outspoken      B.brave           C.just              D.confident
46. A.coal           B.steel           C.cotton            D.gold 
47. A.price          B.attitude        C.advice            D.explanation
48. A.repaired       B.mentioned       C.damaged           D.painted
49. A.angry          B.pitiful         C.cold              D.different  
50. A.color          B.weight          C.value             D.size
51. A.spoke          B.felt            C.touched           D.played
52. A.language       B.accent          C.kindness          D.dress
53. A.also           B.only            C.still             D.always
54. A.outer          B.rest            C.inner             D.lost
55. A.process        B.location        C.luck              D.support


Introduction to anger
Anger is a natural reaction which comes out when we feel that we have not been given a fair treatment. The positive side of this negative emotion is that it has helped us to evolve as humans and cope in a better manner with our surroundings. However, it tends to become a problem when we fail to control it. Many a time it happens that your anger has hurt others or has spoiled one of your relationships for which you regret later. It has some bad effects on the health, too.
We should control anger so that it does not cause harm to us or to those around us whom we love. One of the best ways to control anger is to get help from others. If you feel that you are unable to manage your anger, it can make you more upset. So tell someone that is close to you, a friend or a family member, about your problem. When you discuss a matter with others, there is a better chance of finding a solution to your problem. Besides, there are no better stress relievers than humor. When you feel that it is because of stress that your anger is becoming unmanageable, you can use humor. It can help you look at difficult things in a lighter way and you will feel better about the things around you.
Anger tends to make us have a lot of negative thoughts. Therefore, we have to change the negative thoughts into positive ones. For this you have to first refuse all the negative thoughts that are in your mind one by one. This can be done with a lot of practice. Once you are successful in that, you have to maintain your focus only on the positive things of life.
Meditation (冥想) is an excellent anger management technique. In addition, what we do is disconnect ourselves from the outer world and focus all our attention into the inner world. This helps us develop a sense of controlling our thoughts that tend to cause anger.

【小题1】 ______
Anger is a natural reaction which comes out when we have been treated 【小题2】______.
Positive sides
﹡Help us evolve as humans.
﹡Help us deal with our surroundings 【小题3】_____.
【小题4】______  sides
﹡Hurt others.
﹡Spoil your 【小题5】______.
﹡Have some bad effects on your health.
Some ways to 【小题6】 ______ your anger
Get help from others
Discuss your problems with your friend or a
【小题7】______ member.
Use 【小题8】_______
It can help you see difficult things in a 【小题9】_________ way.
Think 【小题10】______
Refuse all the negative thoughts and focus only on positive things.
Practice meditation
Help us control our thoughts which tend to cause anger.


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