摘要:5.A:He didn’t realize his mistake until he was told about it. B:It was he was told about it he realized his mistake.


When I was looking at my railway timetable, I read with satisfaction that there was an express train (快车) to Westhaven. It went to the station in my hometown and the journey lasted only an hour and 17 minutes. When I got on the train, I couldn’t help noticing that a lot of villagers got on as well. At that time I was not surprised at all. I thought that there might be many people besides myself who wished to take the express train to save time. Neither was I surprised when the train stopped at Wildly, a small station a few miles along the line. Even an express train can be delayed sometimes. But when the train stopped station after station, I began to wonder. It suddenly struck me that this express was not running down the line at 90 miles an hour, but no more than 30. One hour and 17 minutes passed and we had not covered half the distance. I asked a passenger if this was Westhaven Express, but he said he had not even heard of it. Two hours later, I was talking angrily to the station master at Westhaven. When he said there was not such an express train, I asked for his copy of the timetable. There was a sign of victory in my voice when I told him that it was there in black and white. Looking at the timetable, he told me to look careful. At the bottom of the page it said, “This service has been stopped.”
61. The passage mainly tells us about ______.
A. the writer’s unhappy journey on a train
B. a mistake in the railway timetable
C. a careless mistake made by the writer
D. the reason why the train was delayed
62. An express train should travel at the speed of ______.
A. more than 40 miles an hour
B. no more than 40 miles an hour
C. 90 miles an hour
D. less than 90 miles an hour
63. Which of the following is true according to the story?
A. The writer got a wrong timetable.
B. The writer had wanted to take an express train.
C. The villagers got on an express train to save time.
D. None of the passengers had heard of Westhaven Express
64. The writer didn’t realize he was on the wrong train until ______.
A. he saw a lot of villagers getting on the train
B. the train stopped at a small station
C. he found the train was delayed
D. an hour passed after he got on the train
65. What was the writer’s mistake?
A. He didn’t notice the words at the bottom of the timetable.
B. He didn’t know that Westhaven Express was not in the timetable at all.
C. He got on a train which didn’t go to Westhaven.
D. The express train changed it speed.



When I was looking at my railway timetable, I read with satisfaction that there was an express train (快车) to Westhaven. It went to the station in my hometown and the journey lasted only an hour and 17 minutes. When I got on the train, I couldn’t help noticing that a lot of villagers got on as well. At that time I was not surprised at all. I thought that there might be many people besides myself who wished to take the express train to save time. Neither was I surprised when the train stopped at Wildly, a small station a few miles along the line. Even an express train can be delayed sometimes. But when the train stopped station after station, I began to wonder. It suddenly struck me that this express was not running down the line at 90 miles an hour, but no more than 30. One hour and 17 minutes passed and we had not covered half the distance. I asked a passenger if this was Westhaven Express, but he said he had not even heard of it. Two hours later, I was talking angrily to the station master at Westhaven. When he said there was not such an express train, I asked for his copy of the timetable. There was a sign of victory in my voice when I told him that it was there in black and white. Looking at the timetable, he told me to look careful. At the bottom of the page it said, “This service has been stopped.”

1.The passage mainly tells us about ______.

   A. the writer’s unhappy journey on a train

   B. a mistake in the railway timetable

   C. a careless mistake made by the writer

   D. the reason why the train was delayed

2.An express train should travel at the speed of ______.

   A. more than 40 miles an hour

   B. no more than 40 miles an hour

   C. 90 miles an hour

   D. less than 90 miles an hour

3.Which of the following is true according to the story?

   A. The writer got a wrong timetable.

   B. The writer had wanted to take an express train.

   C. The villagers got on an express train to save time.

   D. None of the passengers had heard of Westhaven Express

4.The writer didn’t realize he was on the wrong train until ______.

   A. he saw a lot of villagers getting on the train

   B. the train stopped at a small station

   C. he found the train was delayed

   D. an hour passed after he got on the train

5.What was the writer’s mistake?

   A. He didn’t notice the words at the bottom of the timetable.

   B. He didn’t know that Westhaven Express was not in the timetable at all.

   C. He got on a train which didn’t go to Westhaven.

   D. The express train changed it speed.




When I was looking at my railway timetable, I read with satisfaction that there was an express train (快车) to Westhaven. It went to the station in my hometown and the journey lasted only an hour and 17 minutes. When I got on the train, I couldn’t help noticing that a lot of villagers got on as well. At that time I was not surprised at all. I thought that there might be many people besides myself who wished to take the express train to save time. Neither was I surprised when the train stopped at Wildly, a small station a few miles along the line. Even an express train can be delayed sometimes. But when the train stopped station after station, I began to wonder. It suddenly struck me that this express was not running down the line at 90 miles an hour, but no more than 30. One hour and 17 minutes passed and we had not covered half the distance. I asked a passenger if this was Westhaven Express, but he said he had not even heard of it. Two hours later, I was talking angrily to the station master at Westhaven. When he said there was not such an express train, I asked for his copy of the timetable. There was a sign of victory in my voice when I told him that it was there in black and white. Looking at the timetable, he told me to look careful. At the bottom of the page it said, “This service has been stopped.”

61. The passage mainly tells us about ______.

A. the writer’s unhappy journey on a train

B. a mistake in the railway timetable

C. a careless mistake made by the writer

D. the reason why the train was delayed

62. An express train should travel at the speed of ______.

A. more than 40 miles an hour

B. no more than 40 miles an hour

C. 90 miles an hour

D. less than 90 miles an hour

63. Which of the following is true according to the story?

A. The writer got a wrong timetable.

B. The writer had wanted to take an express train.

C. The villagers got on an express train to save time.

D. None of the passengers had heard of Westhaven Express

64. The writer didn’t realize he was on the wrong train until ______.

A. he saw a lot of villagers getting on the train

B. the train stopped at a small station

C. he found the train was delayed

D. an hour passed after he got on the train

65. What was the writer’s mistake?

A. He didn’t notice the words at the bottom of the timetable.

B. He didn’t know that Westhaven Express was not in the timetable at all.

C. He got on a train which didn’t go to Westhaven.

D. The express train changed it speed.




When I was looking at my railway timetable, I read with satisfaction that there was an express train (快车) to Westhaven. It went to the station in my hometown and the journey lasted only an hour and 17 minutes. When I got on the train, I couldn’t help noticing that a lot of villagers got on as well. At that time I was not surprised at all. I thought that there might be many people besides myself who wished to take the express train to save time. Neither was I surprised when the train stopped at Wildly, a small station a few miles along the line. Even an express train can be delayed sometimes. But when the train stopped station after station, I began to wonder. It suddenly struck me that this express was not running down the line at 90 miles an hour, but no more than 30. One hour and 17 minutes passed and we had not covered half the distance. I asked a passenger if this was Westhaven Express, but he said he had not even heard of it. Two hours later, I was talking angrily to the station master at Westhaven. When he said there was not such an express train, I asked for his copy of the timetable. There was a sign of victory in my voice when I told him that it was there in black and white. Looking at the timetable, he told me to look careful. At the bottom of the page it said, “This service has been stopped.”

61. The passage mainly tells us about ______.

   A. the writer’s unhappy journey on a train

   B. a mistake in the railway timetable

   C. a careless mistake made by the writer

   D. the reason why the train was delayed

62. An express train should travel at the speed of ______.

   A. more than 40 miles an hour

   B. no more than 40 miles an hour

   C. 90 miles an hour

   D. less than 90 miles an hour

63. Which of the following is true according to the story?

   A. The writer got a wrong timetable.

   B. The writer had wanted to take an express train.

   C. The villagers got on an express train to save time.

   D. None of the passengers had heard of Westhaven Express

64. The writer didn’t realize he was on the wrong train until ______.

   A. he saw a lot of villagers getting on the train

   B. the train stopped at a small station

   C. he found the train was delayed

   D. an hour passed after he got on the train

65. What was the writer’s mistake?

   A. He didn’t notice the words at the bottom of the timetable.

   B. He didn’t know that Westhaven Express was not in the timetable at all.

   C. He got on a train which didn’t go to Westhaven.

   D. The express train changed it speed.


Several months ago I decided it would be wise to look into the possibilities of buying a life insurance policy(保险单), because I understood it might be a good investment. I got the name of an insurance agent from a friend and called the agent to get some information. From the kinds of questions I put to him the agent could tell that I knew nothing about insurance, so he kindly offered to explore the matter with me in more detail---to help me determine the kind of policy I ought to be considering.

That evening he appeared at my door promptly(准时地) at 7:30; without wasting time on pleasantness, he spread his papers out on the kitchen table and launched into a lengthy explanation. I listened attentively as he talked about the difference between various types of policies, and he explained the kind of coverage he felt I ought to have. Toward the end of the evening (after three or four hours of talking), he kindly helped me fill out an application for a $50,000 policy, and then he asked if I could go to a Dr. Luther’s office on Friday for a physical examination.

I don’t know why, but it was not until the mention of the doctor’s appointment that I realized fully what was happening. I was about to sign a lifetime contract, yet I had not really made a decision about whether I wanted to buy the policy. However, since he had spent so much time with me, I didn’t want to make him feel that he had wasted his time. So I invented an excuse about things I had to do on Friday, and I assured him I would call him in a few days. Actually, I had no intention of going to see Dr. Luther or of calling the agent again. I wanted to forget the whole thing.

It’s been over three months now since our meeting, and my friendly insurance agent still calls at my office faithfully two or three times a week. My secretary knows that I don’t want to talk to him, so when he calls she tells him that I’m in a meeting or that I’m out of the office or that I’m away on a business trip. I realize now that it was a mistake not to tell him that first night that I didn’t want the policy. Since I still can’t bring myself to tell him clearly that I’m not interested, and please not to bother me anymore, all I can do is avoid his calls and hope I don’t run into him some place.


 41.The writer phoned the insurance agent because_____.   

   A. he wanted to fill out an application

   B. he had decided to buy a life insurance policy

   C. he took great interest in the insurance company

   D. he was eager to explore the possibilities of buying a policy

 42. After several hours of talking, the writer _____.

A. decided to buy the policy

B. decided to put off making a decision

C. made an appointment with Dr. Luther’s

D. decided not to buy the policy

 43. The writer didn’t tell the agent the truth because ____.

A. he was afraid of him

B. he felt embarrassed to do so

C. he thought it none of the agent’s business

D. he did not wish to lose the agent’s friendship

 44. The writer realized that _____.

A. he should have told the truth to the agent earlier

B. he should buy the policy

C. the agent is a real friend

D. insurance is but a cheat 


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