摘要: Clever as he is , he doesn’t work hard enough to pass the college entrance examination. A but B however C so D yet








I have a good friend who's name is Li Ying. She is our          76.                     

monitor and one of the excellent student in our class.                77.       

Clever as she is, but she works very hard. We have a               78.       

lot on common and have a lot to talk about. One evening           79.       

she told me that something happened when her parents was        80.       

out. She was doing her homework one Sunday morning            81.       

when she smell something burnt. She stopped to look out          82.       

of the window and find a cloud of smoke coming out              83.       

of her neighbor's house. She called 119 immediate. Ten             84.       

minutes later, firemen came and put out fire. Her neighbor           85.       

was very thankful for her help.


Winston Churchill was born into a famous family.His father was a successful politician.However, as a boy, Churchill was considered a slow learner in school.Later he entered the Army and saw action in various countries.
In October 1900, Churchill began his political career.For the next sixty years Churchill’s work as a great politician was both brighter and more difficult than his father’s had been.In 1939 German attacked Poland.Churchill prepared to fight.In 1940 he became the Prime Minister of English.
France fell.The Germans fought their way through Western Europe.It looked as if Britain was about to lose the war.Was it now possible to ask for peace, and listen to Hitler?
Churchill spoke: “I have nothing to offer but blood, hard work , tears and sweat… You ask what is our policy? I will tell you, it is to fight, by sea , by land and air, with all our force and with all the strength that God can give us.You ask what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory.”
The Germans began moving their armies to the French coast and prepared to go to war with British.The British had not enough guns to go around.Churchill gave the answer: “ We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be.We shall fight on the coast ; we shall fight on the landing grounds; we shall fight in the fields and in the streets; we shall fight in the hills; we shall never give up.”
By his courage and hard work, Churchill heartened his people and other nations fighting together against Hitler.Victory finally came when the Germans lost World War II.
Churchill died in 1965 and was given a state funeral.This was a fitting payment to one of all the greatest men the world had ever seen.
【小题1】Churchill ______ before he became a politician.

A.was a slow studentB.was an army man
C.helped his father in his careerD.had little interest in politics
【小题2】The Germans attacked British _______.
A.after France was defeated B.before France fell
C.soon after Poland was attackedD.before Churchill became the Prime Minister
【小题3】The underlined word “heartened” probably means ______ in this passage.
A.surprisedB.encouragedC.asked forD.called for
【小题4】Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Churchill had worked as a politician for more than sixty years.
B.The writer admired and respected Churchill very much.
C.Churchill was not so clever as his father.
D.Churchill was one of the most inspiring, brave and wise leaders in the British history.


Three engineers and three accountants (会计) are traveling by train to a conference.At the stationthe three accountants each buy tickets and watch as the three engineers buy only a single ticket.

“How are three people going to travel on only one ticket” asks an accountant.“Watch and you’ll see” answers an engineer.They all board the train.The accountants take their respective seats but all three engineers cram into a restroom and close the door behind them.

Shortly after the train has departedthe conductor comes around collecting tickets.He knocks on the restroom door and says“Ticketplease.” The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand.The conductor takes it and moves on.

The accountants see this and agree it is quite a clever idea.So after the conferencethe accountants decide to copy the engineers on the return trip and save some money.When they get to the station they buy a single ticket for the return trip.

To their astonishmentthe engineers don’t buy a ticket at all.“How are you going to travel without a ticket”asks one puzzled accountant.“Watch and you’ll see” answers an engineer.When they board the train the three accountants cram into a restroom and the three engineers cram into another one nearby.The train departs.

Shortly afterwardone of the engineers leaves his restroom and walks over to the restroom where the accountants are hiding.He knocks on the door and says“Ticketplease.”

1. The three engineers buy only a single ticket because________.

Aonly one of them need buy a ticket

Bthe three accountants buy tickets for them

Cthey just want to save money

Dthey are too poor to buy more tickets

2.The underlined word departed in the third paragraph means________.

Astarted out? Bseparated

Cstopped? Darrived

3. We can infer from the passage that________.

Athe accountants are not as clever as the engineers

Bthe accountants are cleverer than the engineers

Cthe engineers are not as clever as the accountants

Dthe engineers are as clever as the accountants

4. Which one of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

AOnly one engineer is in the restroom when the conductor collects the ticket.

BAt first the three accountants know why the three engineers buy one ticket.

COn the return trip the three accountants buy three tickets again.

DOn the return trip the three engineers don’t buy any ticket.



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