摘要: Victor apologized for to inform me of the change in the plan before hand. A. his being not able B. him not to be able C. his not being able D. him to be not able


Maybe you know that the letter “V” stands for “Victory” in the western countries. 1  do you know the history of the sign?

During the World War II , Europe was ruled by the  2 .A lot of people fled to Britain. 3  was one Belgian  4  Victor Dalveli. He loved his motherland very much, and every day he  5 a shortwave radio to broadcast to the Belgian people, 6 them to fight against the enemies. On the last day of 1940,he asked his countrymen to 7  the letter “V” wherever they could to show their determination(决心)to win the final victory. In a few days the letter “V”  8  everywhere, 9  in the enemies’ barracks(兵营).

Later, the letter “V” spread  10  the other fallen countries in Europe. 11  it was simple and meaningful, it soon became very  12 .When they met, 13  put out their middle and index(食指)fingers to say hello to each other.

At that time, in some restaurants, knives and forks were  14  in such a way as to form a “V”. 15  in some clock shops, clocks were stopped at 11:05 to show the sign of “V”.

1.A.And      B. Besides    C. Because   D. But

2.A.Germany    B. Germen    C. Germans   D. Germens

3.A.Among it   B. Inside it    C. Among them D. It

4.A.named     B. whose name  C. who named   D. naming

5.A.heard     B. listened    C. sent    D. used

6.A.called on   B. calling on   C. calling a D. called at

7.A.read      B. say      C. write    D. find

8.A.appeared   B. was appeared C. happened D. was happened

9.A.besides      B. still      C. even       D. behind

10.A.outside     B. through    C. to       D. by

11.A.After    B. Because    C. When   D. Though

12.A.popular     B. interesting   C. excited   D. strange

13.A.Belgians   B. soldiers    C. friends     D. classmates

14.A.used       B. placed     C. bought   D. brought

15.A.And     B. But      C. For     D. Over



Victor’s hobby was collecting stamps. He had stamps from many countries, like England, Canada and China. On his birthday, can you guess what people gave him? That’s right---stamps.

  Victor’s favourite stamps came from France. He had almost every stamp from 1954 to 2004. He only needed one. That was a 1974 special edition*. It was very hard to find.

  He looked for it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives to help him. But nobody could find the stamp. It made Victor very sad.

  “Don’t worry. Never give up,” his father said to him. “If you have enough patience, you’ll find it one day.”

  “I hope so,” Victor said.

  Victor also liked writing. He had a pen friend in France. They wrote to each other every month. Victor’s pen friend, Phillip, usually used new stamps to send letters. Sometimes, his mother gave him stamps to use. Once Phillip’s mother gave him a big, green stamp. It looked old. When Victor received the letter, he was very surprised. On the envelope, he looked carefully at the stamp. It was the 1974 special edition stamp. Victor was so happy. He told his sister, his mother and his father.                         

“ You see,” his father said. “ You did find your stamp. So, it’s good to have two things in life.”

  “What are they?” Victor asked.

  “ Friends and patience.” He answered.

68. It was very difficult for Victor to find a special French stamp of _________.

A. 1954     B. 1974       C. 1994     D. 2004

69. Who owned the special edition stamp at the very beginning?

A. Phillip.     B. Phillip’s mother.   C. Victor.    D. Victor’s father.

70. The passage mainly tells us that ________ is(are) important to people.

A. a happy family           B. a good hobby

C. relatives and friendship        D. friends and patience



  Some people worry about being the target of laughter.These people are frightened.They suffer from an emotional disorder called gelotophobia.That long name comes from the Greek language.The word Gelos means laugh, while phobos means fear.

  Victor Rubio is an expert on human behavior at the Autonomous University of Madrid.He says people laugh at others for many different reasons.He says being laughed at causes a fear response in the victim.That fear leads the victim to avoid social situations.Sadly, gelotophobia limits the way they lead their lives.

  Victor Rubio was among researchers in a huge international study about laughter.The researchers wanted to understand the difference between normal shyness and true gelotophobia.Another goal was to measure the fear of being laughed at within different cultures.

  A team from the University of Zurich led ninety-three researchers from many countries in search of answers.

  The researchers surveyed more than twenty-two thousand people.They used questions provided in forty-two languages.Their findings were reported in the scientific publication Humor.

  Some of the people questioned said they felt unsure of themselves in social situations.But they hid their feelings.Others said they avoided social situations where they had been laughed at before.People also admitted to differing levels of fear that they themselves were the targets of other people’s laughter.The researchers measured and compared all these reactions.

  Fear of being laughed at, being made fun of, is a common emotion.But the researchers learned that these feelings differed from nation to nation.

  For example, the study found that people in Turkmenistan and Cambodia are likely to hide insecure(不安)feelings when they are around others’ laughter.But people in Iraq, Egypt and Jordan who feel they have been victims before may avoid such situations.

  People in Finland were the least likely to believe that people laughing in their presence were making fun of them.Only eight and a half percent of Finns said they would-compared to eighty percent of those questioned in Thailand.


The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]


a common emotion








In which country are people most likely to avoid social situations where they have been laughed at before?

[  ]










According to the text the following is true EXCEPT that ________.

[  ]


people suffer from gelotophobia because they are shy


not all the people questioned hid their feelings in social situations


perhaps Humor is a magazine


people in Finland are the least likely to suffer from gelotophobia


A person who suffers from gelotophobia will probably ________.

[  ]


be active in social activities


be easily laughed at


like to laugh at others


like to stay alone


Since it was published in 1818, Frankenstein, a classic horror story, has been in print in many languages.  The monster from the novel by Mary Shelley is the result of man's uncontrolled desire to create and apply his knowledge.

    The novel features Victor Frankenstein, a student who explores the secrets of life in his laboratory. Fearing that he has created a monster, Victor Frankenstein wants to stop but too late. The monster kills Victor Frankenstein's young brother and causes the murder to be blamed on an innocent girl. Victor and the monster meet in the frozen mountains. The monster asks Victor to create a female monster, promising to afterwards leave with her for the wilds. Victor begins the work and discovers the monster has followed him to watch the work. Victor regrets his decision to create a second monster and worries that together they will begin a species of monster. Victor destroys the monster's bride. The monster soon takes revenge (复仇) on Victor by killing his best friend, his father and finally, his bride, Elizabeth. Victor pursues (追赶) the monster across many places. On the point of death, Victor meets a ship and tells his story to the captain whose letters and diaries are then to form this novel. Victor Frankenstein's last words are, "Farewell, Walton! Avoid ambition, even if it is only the obviously innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries."

Frankenstein’s conflicted ambition is with us always. And the Monster stands at our window, reminding us to take care of our creations against experimenting with things we don’t understand.

36. The passage was written to _______。

    A. tell us the story from Frankenstein         B. encourage us to explore the secret of life

    C. entertain us with the monster              D. show pity on Victor Frankenstein

37. According to the passage, Mary Shelley' s Frankenstein is made up of_________。

    A. poems         B. plays    C. fairy tales     D. letters and diaries

38. The correct order of the following events is_________。

    a. The monster follows Frankenstein to watch his work.

    b. Frankenstein runs after the monster across many places.

    c. The monster kills Frankenstein's bride.

    d. Frankenstein kills the monster's bride.

    e. Frankenstein creates a monster in experiments.

    A. e, b, a, c, d       B. e, d, c, b, a     C. e, a, c, d, b       D. e, a, d, c, b

39. In the last paragraph, the writer of the passage points that_______。

    A. the monster is still disturbing people

    B. man's ambition in creations should never be allowed

    C. man's risky experiments have created many monsters

D. creations in science should be carefully dealt with


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