摘要: Kong Yiji is a famous c in Luxun’s novel.


TWENTY-FIVE years ago director Stephen Spielberg captured the hearts of Western audiences with his family classic.E.T.Now his Hong Kong director Stephen Chow is trying to do the same trick in China.
Chow's latest movie CJ7(《长江七号》),in cinemas now,is a heart-warming story about a poor migrant worker(外来务工者) and his son.When a strange alien enters their lives,father and son learn a lesson about the value of family.Chow hopes his movie will help to make family films more popular in China.
Family films have been the main part of the Hollywood market for the last 40 years.They have given audiences movies like E.T., Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park.However, there are few of these movies in China, where expensive history films are more popular.
A family film is not simply a children's movie.It is a film that is not only suitable for children, but appeals to the whole family.
According to Raymound Zhou,a famous film critic,these films are rare in China because“very few families go to the cinema together”.Because of this,there is little demand for movies that appeal to the whole family.    
However, in the West,it is common for the family to sit down and watch a movie together.Tim Bridges, from London,says:“I love it at Christmas when I sit down and watch a movie with my family.”     
All family films contain similar messages about being honest、remaining positive and learning there is more to life than money.According to the American movie reviewer,Dave Johnson, this is because “When parents watch a movie,they want their children to be learning good values”.    
Just like when the alien in Spielberg's E.T.phones home to make contact with his family, Chow will hope Chinese audiences are tuned in and ready to receive his family movie message.
63.Which of the following can replace the underlined part in the last paragraph?
A.understand what others are thinking  B.make telephones
C.go to the cinema                     D.sing songs    
64.What is the family film,according to the passage?
A.A kind of film that is about history.
B.A kind of film in which the characters are animals.
C.A kind of film that is meant for both children and adults
D.A kind of film that is about families    
65.What is implied but not stated directly in the passage?
A.Families in China should go to the cinema at Christmas.
B.It's good for children to watch family films.    
C.Chinese families don't like family films.
D.The movie CJ7 has nothing in common with E.T.
66.It can be inferred that in the future,_______.
A.Chinese families will go to the cinema together    
B.there may be more family films in China  
C.making family films in China is not easy
D.family films are about love




TWENTY-FIVE years ago director Stephen Spielberg captured the hearts of Western audiences with his family classic.E.T.Now his Hong Kong director Stephen Chow is trying to do the same trick in China.

Chow's latest movie CJ7(《长江七号》),in cinemas now,is a heart-warming story about a poor migrant worker(外来务工者) and his son.When a strange alien enters their lives,father and son learn a lesson about the value of family.Chow hopes his movie will help to make family films more popular in China.

Family films have been the main part of the Hollywood market for the last 40 years.They have given audiences movies like E.T., Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park.However, there are few of these movies in China, where expensive history films are more popular.

A family film is not simply a children's movie.It is a film that is not only suitable for children, but appeals to the whole family.

According to Raymound Zhou,a famous film critic,these films are rare in China because“very few families go to the cinema together”.Because of this,there is little demand for movies that appeal to the whole family.    

However, in the West,it is common for the family to sit down and watch a movie together.Tim Bridges, from London,says:“I love it at Christmas when I sit down and watch a movie with my family.”     

All family films contain similar messages about being honest、remaining positive and learning there is more to life than money.According to the American movie reviewer,Dave Johnson, this is because “When parents watch a movie,they want their children to be learning good values”.    

Just like when the alien in Spielberg's E.T.phones home to make contact with his family, Chow will hope Chinese audiences are tuned in and ready to receive his family movie message.

63.Which of the following can replace the underlined part in the last paragraph?

A.understand what others are thinking  B.make telephones

C.go to the cinema                     D.sing songs    

64.What is the family film,according to the passage?

A.A kind of film that is about history.

B.A kind of film in which the characters are animals.

C.A kind of film that is meant for both children and adults

D.A kind of film that is about families    

65.What is implied but not stated directly in the passage?

A.Families in China should go to the cinema at Christmas.

B.It's good for children to watch family films.    

C.Chinese families don't like family films.

D.The movie CJ7 has nothing in common with E.T.

66.It can be inferred that in the future,_______.

A.Chinese families will go to the cinema together    

B.there may be more family films in China  

C.making family films in China is not easy

D.family films are about love



From Guangxi


The famous American gorilla(大猩猩) expert Diane Fossey had a completely new way to study gorillas — she pretended to be one of them. She copied their actions and way of life — eating plants and getting down on her hands and knees to walk the way a gorilla does. It was a new relationship.

Diane Fossey was murdered in Rwanda in 1985 and her story was made into the popular film Gorillas in the Mist. It was a long way from King Kong, which is about a gorilla as a monster (a frightening animal), and helped to show a new idea: the real monster is man, while the gorilla is to be admired.

Today there are thought to be around 48,000 lowland gorillas and maybe 400—450 mountain gorillas in the wild. From the Congo in West Africa, to Rwanda and Uganda further east, they are endangered by hunting and by the cutting down of their forest homes.

Some time ago, I found in my letterbox a little magazine from the World Wide Fund for Nature. It had two photos side by side. One was of a young gorilla. “This is a species of mammal(哺乳类动物),” said the words below it. “It is being destroyed by man. We must save it for our own good.” The other photo showed a human baby. The words also read, “This is a species of mammal,” but then went on: “It is the most destructive(破坏性的) on earth. We must retrain it for its own good.”

56.  The text mainly talks about _____.

A. Diane Fossey       B. the gorillas in Rwanda

C. the protection of the gorillas   D. the film Gorillas in the Mist

57.  We can learn from the text that _____.

A.  Gorillas in the mist was based Fossey’s experiences

B.  Lowland gorillas live longer than mountain gorillas

C. King Kong showed us that a gorilla is admirable

D. Diane Fossey was murdered by a gorilla

58.  What message can we get from the two photos in the magazine?

A.  Gorillas are man’s close friends. 

B.  Both man and the gorilla need to be saved.

C.  Young gorillas are as lovely as human babies.

D.  Man should live peacefully with the gorilla.


My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year,but I do try to get 1  for a month in 2   —usually July.Now as you probably know that's the main 3  season in Europe,the favourite places for holiday and the famous cities are usually very 4  .But I'm not seeking the sun—I get plenty of 5   in Hong Kong—and I'm certainly not seeking the 6  !So when I go on holiday I buy a Train Pass(a sort of train ticket)that 7  me first class travel on most of the 8  of Western Europe.First class compartments(车厢)are 9  crowded and they are very comfortable.If you're going on an overnight 10  you can take a sleeping train for some extra money .There are usually dining cars in the train.

I find that 11  travel is restful and 12  .There's always something to see.I particularly enjoy 13  through Switzerland and Italy.You can get a very good 14  of what a country is like from a train;you don't go too fast and you stop quite often. 15  rail travel is very safe and I am never sick on a train 16  I am on a ship!Then there are always people to 17  if you feel like a chat.

The 18  that I seldom travel by plane is quite simple:as train stations are usually built in the city centre,I don't have to 19  transport;transport can be a problem when arriving by 20 

1.A.back   B.off      C.home      D.away

2.A.Hong Kong B.Europe     C.summer     D.autumn

3.A.holiday  B.visiting    C.windy     D.rainy

4.A.quiet   B.peaceful    C.beautiful   D.crowded

5.A.pleasure B.daylight    C.sunshine    D.money

6.A.crowds  B.people     C.help      D.city-life

7.A.shows   B.allows     C.gives     D.takes

8.A.highways B.paths     C.roads     D.railways

9.A.hardly  B.always     C.certainly   D.much

10.A.way   B.journey    C.service    D.work

11.A.sea   B.plane     C.car      D.train

12.A.interesting        B.tiresome    C.lonely  D.cheap

13.A.to travel         B.travelling   C.to drive D.driving

14.A.idea   B.looking    C.drawing    D.painting

15.A.Also   B.Yet      C.But      D.However

16.A.when   B.while     C.as       D.and

17.A.talk to B.talk      C.speak about  D.speak

18.A.aim   B.train     C.car      D.air

19.A.worry about        B.order     C.take care of D.consider

20.A.ship   B.train     C.car      D.air



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