摘要:1.[作文题干] 假如你是王飞.最近你的朋友李亮因考试不利情绪低落.而很消极.请你用英语给他写一封e-mail劝慰他.鼓励他.并结合自身实际.提出应对方法. 词数120左右 Dear Liliang, I’m sorry to hear that Yours ever, Wangfei [命题理由] 考试不利情绪低落是学生生活中的的常见话题.学生们都熟悉.易于发挥.很可能进入高考命题人的视野. [构思点拨] 首先弄清题意.然后抓住要点:分析和正视现状.多用鼓励的语句.也可以做一些评论. [写作素材] 用了I’m sorry to hear that.not the only-but--.what’s worse.it’s unwise to do so.Failure is the mother of success.what we should do is to calm down and improve our learning methods to make some necessary changes or to ask our teachers for advice.Only by sticking to studying persistently can we make great progress step by step till success.等短语和句型和倒装等语法. [参考范文] Dear Liliang. I’m sorry to hear that you failed in your last exam.You are not the only one who seems to do his best but results in a failure in exams.Many students feel the same way as you and lose their confidence, what’s worse, don’t want to study hard any longer.I’msure you know that it’s unwise to do so. I was once in the same situation as yours.Failure is the mother of success.In face of failure, what we should do is to calm down and improve our learning methods to make some necessary changes or to ask our teachers for advice. Only by sticking to studying persistently can we make great progress step by step till success.I truly hope I can be helpful to you. Yours ever,


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