摘要:946] some of this juice---perhaps you’ll like it. [译文] 尝尝这种果汁.也许你会喜欢的. A. Trying B. Try C. To try D. Have tried [答案及简析] B. 祈使句用动词原形.


Bestsellers for last week

A Special Relationship

This novel is about a woman whose entire life is turned upside down in a very foreign place despite the fact that people there speak her language. Sally Good child is a 37-year-old American who, after nearly two decades as a highly independent journalist, finds herself pregnant and in London. She married an English foreign correspondent, Tony Thompson, whom she met while they were both on assignment in Cairo. From the beginning, Sally’s relationship with both Tony and London is an uneasy one: She finds her husband and his city to be far more foreign than imagined. But her adjustment problems soon turn into a nightmare(噩梦). She discovers that everything can be taken down and used against you, especially by a spouse (配偶) who now considers you an unfit mother and wants to prevent you from ever seeing your child again.

Born in 1955, Douglas Kennedy is the bestselling author of romances such as “The Big Picture”. He is also the author of several praised travel books.

White Hot

   Sayre Lynch decided never to return to her hometown Destiny, after she changed her last name and finally escaped from the influence of her controlling father, Huff Hoyle, who owns the iron foundry that the town is built around.

       But when Danny, her younger brother, is found dead with a shotgun in his mouth, Sayre unwillingly goes back for his funeral and is annoyed when her father’s handsome lawyer, Beck Merchant, tries to please her.

       When the young officer investigating(调查) the case notes that some of the evidence points to murder rather than suicide(自杀), Sayre finds herself unable to leave Destiny. She’s annoyed by Beck’s constant presence, and she is not sure if he’s trying to help or throw her off the trail. Nor does she trust her father or her older brother, Chris, who is as prime suspect in Danny’s murder.

       As she tries to figure out how the handsome, charming Beck fits into the picture, she finds herself deeply attracted to him.]

       Sandra Brown is the author of 51 New York Times top-five bestsellers. She began her writing career in 1981 and has since published 65 novels.

From the brief introduction of “A Special Relationship” we can imagine _____.

       A. Sally and Tony’s marriage is pleasant.         B. Sally and Tony may break up.

       C. Sally and Tony often quarrel about their jobs.        D. Sally is hard to get on with.

The story of Sally and Tony mainly happens in _____.

       A. America    B. London     C. Cairo        D. Cairo & London

It can be learned from the passage that______.

    A. Chris killed Danny.                   B. Lynch is Sayre’s real family name.

    C. Huff Hoyle knows who killed Danny.    D. Sayre fell in love with Beck.

In the introduction of White Hot, the underlined phrase suggests_____.

    A. Sayre thinks Beck has something to do with Danny’s death.

    B. Sayre thinks Beck is the right person she wants to marry.

    C. Sayre likes the handsome Beck in the picture.

D. Sayre doesn’t know whether Beck likes her.


Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks  by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

A busy life can be personally satisfying, but it may make you feel too tired to achieve the inner peace that will connect you with your true happiness. Begin with simplifying your life and working towards a more peaceful state of mind.

Recognize the differences between the things you need and the things you want. Our culture provides us with the message that materials will make our lives better. The reality is that most of these things will complicate our lives without bringing true happiness. Free yourself-- learn to be satisfied with fewer materials and greater simplicity.

If you let someone else define your life, your’re missing the chance to follow your own desires. Your inner life is weakened when you are limited by conformity. Why do you give up your freedom and allowed all of your decisions to be defined by what others think you “should” do? Think for yourself. Let your passions be your guide.

Life is full of opportunities to earn money, give services. Learn new skills and make new friends. Some of us want them all and fill up our timetable with all kind of activities. Rushing from one activity to another leaves you with no time to slow down. No matter how worthy you think your activities are, rethink them. Keep the ones that are most important and leave out the ones that are adding to the pace of your life with little return.

Life is forever changing, and you will never reach a point of simplicity and endless happiness. But each moment you spend on the path to simplicity does have the possibility to bring happiness to your life.

Title: Ways to Find Happiness Through Simplicity


A busy life will prevent you from    the inner peace.

Try to simplify your life to achieve a peaceful  .

Free yourself from


on  .

Distingushing things you need from things you want.

Learning to be    with fewer materials and greater simplicity.

Think for


Never missing the chance to .

Never being affected by what others think you “    ” do.

Letting your passions be your guide.

Rethink all the


Leaving time to  rather than fill up every day with activities.

Keeping the activities that are   .


Each effort to simplify your life may    you achieve happiness.


Americans this year will swallow 15,000 tons of aspirin, one of the safest and most effective drugs invented by man. The most popular medicine in the world today, it is an effective pain reliever. Its bad effects are relatively mild and it is cheap.

For millions of people suffering from arthritis(关节炎), it is the only thing that works. Aspirin, in short, is truly the 20th-century wonder drug. It is also the second largest suicide drug and is the leading cause of poisoning among children. It has side effects that, although relatively mild, are largely unrecognized among users.?

Although aspirin was first sold by a German company in 1899, it has been around much longer than that. Hippocrates, in ancient Greece, understood the medical value of the leaves and tree bark which today are known to contain salicylates(水杨酸碱), the chemical in aspirin. During the 19th century, there was a great deal of experimentation in Europe with this chemical, and it led to the introduction of aspirin. By 1915, aspirin tablets were available in the United States.?

A small quantity of aspirin (two five-grain tablets) relieves pain and inflammation(炎症). It also reduces fever by interfering with some of the body’s reactions.

The passage is written to          .

    A.suggests us using more aspirin   B.reminds us of the side effects of aspirin

    C.gives us a whole view of aspirin D.discusses the good effects of aspirin

According to the author, aspirin         .

    A.is very safe     B.first appeared in 1899

    C.can be harmful to children   D.can hardly be dangerous

Generally speaking, the author seems to be           .

    A.in favor of aspirin      B.against the use of sapirin

    C.not interested in aspirin    D.careful in using aspirin

What is the best title for this passage?

    A.How to Use Aspirin   B.Why I Take Aspirin

    C.The Most Popular Medicine    D.The Side Effects of Aspirin


What is the purpose of the World Games? What's the difference between the World Games and the Olympic Games?

_50 _the Olympic Games, the World Games have a rather _51_ history.In 1981, the first World Games were held in Santa Clara.Since then, in the year following the Olympics, some of the world's best athletes _52_ in their common search for _53_ at the world Games.

There are usually 25 to 35 _54_ at the World Games, The events at the World Games are not part of the Olympics or ones were part of the Olympic Games.Many events at the World Games _55_ as Olympic events, like weightlifting and badminton.They got their start as events at the World Games _56_ being moved into the Olympics.Just like the Olympics, the World Games also have _57_ competitions.These competitions get the sport the chance to be seen and the chance to become medal events.

The World Games are _58_ tied to the Olympic Games because the International Olympic Committee is the sponsor of the International World Games Association.The International Olympic Committee has decided that the number of Olympic participants is _59_ 10,500.The new policy means that no World Games competitions will be _60_ the Olympics any time soon.   

This year, the World Games were held in Taiwan.Some events, like softball, _61_ be Olympic sports but were dropped and now are _62_ for the World Games.The World Games look like a perfect supplement and _63_ ground for future Olympic Games.So next time you get a chance to watch the World Games, you may want to pay attention as it could be the future, or maybe even _64_.

A.As for            B.But for        C.Because of    D.Compared with

A.early            B.young          C.long           D.ancient

A.unite           B.lie           C.result         D.participate

A.fame            B.excellence    C.wealth         D.knowledge

A.games            B.sports        C.events       D.matches

A.end up           B.start on      C.break off     D.come up

A.after             B.since          C.before          D.unless

A.international      B.intense          C.fair            D.exhibition

A.loosely           B.somewhat      C.closely              D.partly

A.amounted to     B.limited to      C.added to      D.reduced to

A.moved into            B.engaged in      C.held in        D.established in

A.had to                B.seemed to      C.happened to   D.used to

A.good                 B.available       C.helpful        D.convenient

A.competing     B.playing         C.training         D.camping

A.focus           B.truth           C.hope           D.history




You Did More Than Carry My Books

    Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark   21   down and helped the boy pick up these articles.   22  they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark   23  the boy's name was Bill, that he  24  computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of   25   with his other subjects and that he had just broken  26  with his girlfriend.

    They arrived at Bill's home first and Mark was   27  in for a Coke-Cola and to watch some television. The afternoon passed   28  with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They  29  to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before  30  , Bill asked Mark if they  31  talk.

  Bill  32   him of the day years ago when they had first met. "Do you  33  wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?" asked Bill. "You see, I  34   out my locker(柜) because I didn't want to leave a mess(脏乱)  35  anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to  36  my things. But after we spent some time together  37   and laughing, I realized that  38   I had done that, I would have  39  a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You   40   my life." 

A.fell    B.sat  C.lay  D.knelt

A.Although    B.Since    C.After    D.Until

A.discovered  B.realized C.said D.decided

A.played  B.loved    C.tried    D.made

A.questions   B.ideas    C.trouble  D.doubt

A.up  B.out  C.off  D.away

A.put B.helped   C.invited  D.pushed

A.peacefully  B.willingly    C.freely   D.pleasantly

A.continued   B.agreed   C.forced   D.offered

A.graduation  B.movement C.separation   D.vacation

A.would   B.should   C.could    D.must

A.demanded    B.reminded C.removed  D.asked

A.ever    B.usually  C.even D.never

A.checked B.took C.cleaned  D.put

A.over    B.into C.with D.for

A.find    B.pick C.pack D.hold

A.talking B.playing  C.reading  D.watching

A.before  B.if   C.while    D.as

A.forgotten   B.passed   C.left D.lost

A.helped  B.recovered    C.improved D.changed


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