摘要:1038] The King family a visit some of their relatives this week. [译文] King一家人本周拜访了他们的一些亲戚. A. are in; of B. is in; of C. are on; to D. is on; to [答案及简析] C. their一词表明family是指的是一家人.因此用复数, pay a visit to 拜访.参观.


     Having lived in the house for so long, we found our kitchen looked old. We decided it was time to   1  
the kitchen, and my husband and I were discussing    2     colors. The children, sitting nearby, suddenly all
spoke together: "Not the measuring stick."
     "No," I    3   them. "Not the measuring stick."
     The measuring stick isn't a (an)   4   stick but the kitchen side of the door between our kitchen and
dining room. Along the edge we've   5     each child's growth by making a mark showing his or her   6    
on every birthday. Over the years so many colored pens, pencils and markers have been used, that now,
this white door is somewhat like an abstract painting.
     Names and dates show different    7   , and I can tell by the script (手迹) who measured whom. An
eight-year-old measured her three-year-old sister, a grandchild measured her grandmother, and my
husband measured me. At the parties, when this door   8   back and forth frequently, friends stop to   9  
the names and dates. When we ask if they would like to be always remembered, they usually smile   10  
and go back right up into place,    11   to be measured.
     Many of those listed on the door are still    12   ; some have stopped. Some remain with us only in
  13   . When my mother came to see my eldest daughter graduate from university, we measured her too.
It was her last visit to our home.
     We haven't   14   the new kitchen color plan yet, but one thing is certain: whatever color we choose,
the back of the ki
(     )1. A. restore        
(     )2. A. comfortable    
(     )3. A. promised        
(     )4. A. false          
(     )5. A. kept            
(     )6. A. age            
(     )7. A. information    
(     )8. A. adjusts        
(     )9. A. copy            
(     )10. A. proudly        
(     )11. A. ready          
(     )12. A. growing        
(     )13. A. sight          
(     )14. A. concerned about
(     )15. A. fresh         
B. rebuild      
B. possible    
B. repeated    
B. wonderful    
B. witnessed    
B. weight      
B. handwriting  
B. shuts        
B. read        
B. automatically
B. voluntary    
B. contributing
B. design      
B. approved of  
B. old          
C. sell      
C. available
C. followed  
C. actual    
C. recorded  
C. name      
C. style    
C. opens    
C. appreciate
C. shyly    
C. able      
C. studying  
C. amazement
C. decided on
C. white    
D. repaint        
D. changeable    
D. responded      
D. obvious        
D. accompanied    
D. height        
D. characteristic
D. swings        
D. remove        
D. calmly        
D. unwilling      
D. working        
D. memory        
D. relied on      
D. original      



It’s wonderful when teenage dreams collie true after a lot of hard work.Ban Ki—Moon,foreign minister of the Republic of Korea,knows this only too well.He dreamt of being a diplomat(外交官)from a young age and now"the 63-year—old has become the world’s top diplomat.

On October 9,2006,UN Security Council appointed Ban to take the place of Secretary General

Kofi Annan.Next January he will become the first Asian to take the post in 35 years.

Bom into a pool"family in ROK,s Chungju,young Ban showed early talent at languages.In his

Senior 1 year he wrote an English book to help his classmates study.At 18 Ban WOn the first prize in  an English speaking eompetidon.This allowed him to travel to Washington and meet the former US President John F.Kennedy.“This was the moment when my dream began,”said Ban.

Ever since then Ban worked hard to keep his dream alive.After graduating from the top—ranking Seoul National University,he joined the foreign ministry and became its most industrious(勤奋的)worker.In 2004 he became the top diplomat in the ROK.

Ban,s down—to—earth efforts also gave him the ability to get along with everyone.After being  a diplomat for 36 years,he made many friends but no enemies.

But critics think his gentleness might make him ready to give in.They doubt whether he can take a strong stand on burning issue like the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s(DPRK,朝鲜)nuclear programme.

As the DPRK ll/mounced a successful nuelefltr test on October 9,2006,experts said the UN’s  new boss would be challenged by his first tough task.But Ban,who played a leading role in past nuclear talks with the DPRK,seems to have his own ideas.

“I understand the power of Tai Chi(太极)well,”said Ban.He’s ready to travel to Pyongyang

to talk its leaders into giving up nuclear weapons.

“Ban has a typical oriental style,mild but determined”says Yoon Young—Kwan former foreign minister  of  the ROK.“He may look soft from the outside。but inside he has strong views.’’

56.Ban Ki—Moon was allowed t0 meet former US President John F.Kennedy because——.

A.he dreamt of being a diplomat    B.his English was excellent

C. he wrote an English book  D.he was a most industrious worker

57.What does the underhned phrase“my dream”refer to?

A.The UN chief.    B.The foreign minister of POK.

C.A diplomat.      D.The US president.

58.Which of the following is the best sentence to be put into the blank in Para.8 7

A.1 will think over a s仕ong way to solve the problem.

B.Soft ways are  often the best to deal with intense conflicts.

C.The nuclear programme of DPRK is very demanding.

D.Terrible conflicts should be settled by all the countries.

59.Acording to the text,we can infer that——.

A.Ban Ki—Moon has no idea about dealing with the nuclear programme

B. Ban Ki—Moon likes playing Tai Chi in his spare time

C.An Asian took the post of UN chief in 1973

D.Ban Ki—Moon became the world’S top diplomat at the age of 60



The popular song ‘Gangnam Style’ from South Korean recording artist PSY has just become the most watched video on YouTube ever, getting more than 808 million views on the popular media site.
The distinction was previously held by another pop heavyweight, Justin Bieber, whose song ‘Baby’ had a little more than 804 million views at press time. PSY made the announcement on his Twitter page earlier today.
Since its release, the song has defeated such other popular videos as Jennifer Lopez’s ‘On the Floor’ and Eminem's ‘Love the Way You Lie’. And in September, 'Gangnam Style' also became the most liked video on YouTube, now with nearly 5.4 million thumbs up.
At the time of the announcement, the Guinness Book of World Records released a statement saying: “In years past it was unthinkable that something would be viewed a hundred million times, and now Gangnam Style has achieved more than twice this figure in just three months on YouTube. PSY, your certificate is waiting here at our office, come pick it up any time!”
Despite its massive popularity, the video shows no signs of slowing down, and it even has a shot at becoming the first video to get more than one billion views.
If it maintains its current rate of around six million new views per day, ‘Gangnam Style’ would be in line to break that record by the end of the year.
The YouTube honors are just the latest in a long list that shows just how popular the song has become. Since it was released in July, the song has seen a meteoric rise through the music industry.
It has found its way to the tops of music charts in more than 30 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Canada, while providing material for thousands of parody(恶搞)videos.
It became part of the 2012 presidential elections with the now famous ‘Mitt Romney Style’ video and was even used by the North Korean government in propaganda films promoting their supreme leader.
Meanwhile, such influential figures as President Obama, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt have all made mention of the hit song.
【小题1】This passage mainly talks about a world famous________.
A. music chart                         B. video website
C. music video                         C. Korean pop singer
【小题2】Which of the following about “Gangnam Style” is NOT true according to the passage?

A.“Gangnam Style” has defeated Justin Bieber’s “Baby” on You Tube’s views.
B.“Gangnam Style” has been the favorite to at least 5.4 million people.
C.“Gangnam Style” has been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records.
D.“Gangnam Style” has been the first to get more than 1 billion views.
【小题3】What can we infer from this passage?
A.The influence of “Gangnam Style” has spread far and wide
B.Obama won the presidential election partly because of the ‘Mitt Romney Style’ video.
C.Despite its massive popularity, the fever of “Gangnam Style” has decreased.
D.PSY will become one of the greatest musicians due to the popularity of “Gangnam Style”.


The insanely popular song from South Korean recording artist PSY has just become the most watched video on YouTube ever, gaining more than 808 million views on the popular media site.

The record was previously held by another pop heavyweight, Justin Bieber, whose song“Baby”had a little more than 804 million views at press time. PSY made the announcement early today.

Since its release,the song has outshone such other popular videos as Jennifer Lopez’s“On the Floor.”and Eminem’s“Love the Way You Lie”.

And in September,“Gangnam Style”also became the most liked video on YouTube,now with nearly 5.4 million thumbs up.

At the time of the announcement, the Guinness Book of World Records released a statement saying: “In years past it was unthinkable that something would be viewed a hundred million times, and now Gangnam Style has achieved more than twice this figure in just three months on YouTube. PSY,your certificate is waiting here at our office,come and pick it up any time!”

Despite its massive popularity, the video shows no signs of slowing down, and it even has a shot at becoming the first video to get more than one billion views.

If it maintains its current rate of around six million new views per day, “Gangnam Style”would be in line to break that record by the end of the year.

It has found its way to the tops of music charts in more than 30 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Canada, while providing material for thousands of parody videos.

It became a staple in the 2012 presidential elections with the now ramous “Mitt Romney Style” video and was even used by the North Korean government in propaganda(宣传)films promoting their supreme leader. Meanwhile, such influential figures as President Obama, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt have all made mention of the hit song.

1.Which of the following ranks second in views on YouTube?

A.Gangnam Style.                       B.Baby.

C.On the Floor.                         D.Love the Way You Lie.

2.Which statement about Gangnam Style on YouTube is wrong?

A.It has become the most watched video.

B.It has become the most liked video.

C.It has won more than 5.4 million thumbs down.

D.It has more than two hundred million views in three months.

3.What does the statement made by the Guinness Book of World Records suggest?

A.Some video gained more views than Gangnam Style.

B.It is impossible that Gangnam Style should have 100 million views.

C.Guinness Book of World Records has recognized Gangnam Style’s achievements.

D.Guinness Book of World Records won’t believe Gangnam Style’s achievements.

4. Gangnam Style is to _______ if it keeps its current rate.

A.get more than one billion views

B.get more than two billion views

C.get more than 808 million Views

D.get one hundred million views

5.What can we learn about Gangnam Style from the last paragraph?

A.It is especially popular in developing countries.

B.It has played a part in the US presidential elections.

C.Few influential figures know it.

D.The supreme leader of North Korea has ever performed it.



下面文章中有5处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(  A、B、  C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

A. Find a fiction book.

B. Learn how to read your card.

C. Find your non-fiction book.

D. Decide if you want to search by author, title or subject.

E. Learn to find the card you need.

F. Understand the Dewey Decimal System.


The card catalog was once found in every library. Most libraries have now replaced the card catalog with a computerized cataloging system. However, some libraries still have the set of drawers with thousands of cards inside, and some library patrons still prefer the hands-on approach to researching the information they need. Cards are set up alphabetically in long drawers. Different types of cards are kept separate from each other so you may search by author, title or subject. Learning to use the card catalog can help you find the book you want without waiting for a computer terminal.



Once you have found the card for the book you want, write down the numbers and letters at the top of the card and the title and author of the book. The numbers at the top are how the book is cataloged using the Dewey Decimal System, and the letters are the first three letters of the author's last name. Your library will have the numbers at the end of the stacks (the shelves of books), so find the stack your book is located in, then scan the shelves of that stack until you locate the number on the card. More than one book can have the same number, so you will narrow down your search if you have the first three letters of the author's name.


The cards in a card catalog reference other cards. An author card will also have a book title and subject, a title card will have the author and subject, and a subject card will have author and title. This is handy for cross-referencing, so if you want to read a book on beekeeping, you can look that up in the subject cards and find an individual card on each book the library carries on beekeeping.


If you want to look up a book by Stephen King, find the author cards in your library's card catalog, and look under "K". The cards are organized by last name and are broken down into the individual drawers. Sometimes a letter will take up more than one drawer, so you may find drawers that have "Ka-Ke" and then "Ki-Kr." Stephen King will be in the drawer with "Ki-Kr." You would find a card in a similar manner by title or by subject by finding the drawer with the corresponding letters such as "Be" for beekeeping in the subject cards or "Wr" for "The Writer's Market" ("The" is not considered part of titles).


This isn't required to use the card catalog, but it can make searching for your book a little easier. The numbers range from 000 to 999; 000-099 are general subjects, 100-199 are psychology and philosophy, 200-299 is religion, 300-399 is social science, 400-499 is language, 500-599 are natural science and math, 600-699 is applied sciences, 700-799 is art, 800-899 are literature and plays, and 900-999 are geography and history.


The author card will have a call number at the top, a line with the author's name with last name first, then lines for the title of the book, its publisher, a brief summary and subject listings. For an author with many books like Stephen King, there will be a card for each of his books in alphabetical order. Title cards are similar but have the title first, then the author in the following line. Subject cards have the subject in all capital letters at the very top of the card and the same information as on an author's card. Many cards on the same subject will be organized by the authors' last names.



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