摘要:1423] That’s where I when I was a child. [译文] 这就是我小时候常住的地方. A. used to living B. used to live C. am used to live D. am used to living [答案及简析] B. used to do sth. 过去常常-.


You are walking down the street, minding your own business when you see a snowball. No big deal, right? Except the snowball is as tall as you are. And weighs about a ton. Did we mention that it is June?

   That’s the experience thousand of Londoners had when they crossed paths with “ Snowball in Summer,” Goldsworthy makes sculpture (雕塑)from all sorts of things he finds outside – leaves, earth, and rocks, as well as ice and snow. He wanted to find out how busy people would react to an unexpected snowball melting in their midst.

   During the winter of 2008, he rolled 13 giant snowballs near his home in Scotland. He filled each one with a surprise in the center – such as berries, feathers, little stones or sheep’s wool – which would appear as the snow melted. The finished snowballs were stored in a deep freeze until summer, then transported to London in refrigerated trucks. At midnight on June 21, 2008, while the city slept, Goldsworthy and his helpers rolled their snowballs into place.

  People walking to work or school must have thought the sky was falling when they stumbled across snowballs the size of baby elephants. Some of them had never even seen snow in real life, and they couldn’t help touching them in great surprise. As the snow started to melt, things got even more interesting. The perfectly round snowballs took on different shapes as the stuff inside began to poke through. Two days later, most of Goldsworthy’s snowballs were gone, and their fillings scattered. But Londoners were left with a really good story about that odd summer day when the snowball came.

What is really special about the snowballs is that ______________________.

A. they lie in the street

B. they are in the shape of baby elephants.

C. they have berries, feathers, little stones and feathers in them.

D. they appear in June.

What was the purpose of Goldsworthy in making the snowballs?

A. To find out people’s reactions to them

B. To call up people’s memory of the cold winter.

C. To show off his skills in sculpture.

D. To let people experience the cold winter.

Why did Goldsworthy and his helpers roll their snowballs into place at mid-night?

A. They didn’t want to disturb other people.

B. It was quite at that time.

C. They wanted to avoid the traffic jam.

D, They wanted to give people a surprise.


Mr. Smith is well known in Washington because of his many social blunders. He always likes to attend the various so??cial functions because he wants to expand his circle of friends. Whenever he is invited, he goes, unless he is ill.

Recently he received an invitation to a fashionable ban??quet. Although he did not know the hostess, he accepted the invitation. He was secretly very pleased, because he felt that his reputation as a desirable guest was growing.

When he arrived at the banquet hall, he found that about one hundred people had been invited. He began to move a-round the hall. He spoke to other guests whether he knew them or not. He soon realized that he had never met any of the other people present, although they seemed to know each other.

At dinner he was seated beside a very dignified woman. The woman tried to be friendly even though she had never met Mr. Smith before. She spoke politely whenever he spoke to her. Between the first and the second course of the meal, she, turned to Mr. Smith and said, “Do you see that gray-haired man at the end of the table? The one with glasses.”

“Ah, yes. Who is he?”

“He’s the Secretary of the Interior!” she replied.

Mr. Smith said, “So that’s the secretary of the Interior! I’ m afraid that I find very little to admire about him, although he is the Secretary.”

The woman stiffened and did not reply. Mr. Smith contin??ued in spite of her coldness. “I really can’t see how he re??ceived his appointment unless he is perhaps a relative of the President.”

“It hardly matters whether you like the Secretary or not,” she said. “He was chosen because the President thought he was the man for the job. If he does the job well, you should have no complaint.”

“That’s just it,” persisted Mr. Smith. “No one does the things he does, unless he is a complete fool!”

“Sir!” said the woman in all her dignity. “Do you know who I am?” “No,” replied Mr. Smith.

“I am the Secretary’s wife,” she said coldly. Mr. Smith was shocked, but he went on in spite of his embarrassment. “Madam, do you know who I am?”

“No, I don’t,” the woman replied.

“Thank goodness!” exclaimed Mr. Smith, as he quickly left the table.

Why is Mr. Smith well known in Washington?

A. He’s the Secretary of the Interior.

B. He has more friends than other people.

C. He always makes foolish mistakes on social occasions.

D. He likes to go to all kinds of parties.

At dinner he was seated beside a very dignified woman. The underlined part means ________.

A. beautiful          B. serious             C. noble                D. kind-hearted

When Mr. Smith learned that the woman didn’t know who he was, he felt ________.

A. shocked            B. worried          C. embarrassed   D. relieved


How the iron of tomorrow can change your lifestyle today.

(the first Self Cleaning Iron)

General Electric introduces the iron of tomorrow. The iron can clean itself. Inside where a iron gets dirty. Because it cleans itself each time you empty it. How? With a push of a magic blue button.

The magic blue button

The first thing you’ll notice that’s different about this iron is the blue button on the side. It’s marked "Self Clean". Push this blue button, and you can wash out loose mineral deposits(沉淀物) that remain and block up inside. Push this button, and you’ve made life a lot easier.

Less chance of brown spots

Sure, Self Cleaning Iron is going to cut down on brown spots. (Those ugly spots that happen on nice, cleanly pressed clothes.) Because a Self Cleaning Iron becomes clean each time you press that magic blue button.

Steams better longer

Common sense tells you that if you’ve an iron that blocks less often it has to stay younger for a long period of time. In other words, it steams better longer. That’s another joy of ow??ning General Electric’s Self Cleaning Iron.

What does it mean to you

Today you are doing so much more than just running a house and running after the kids. You’re working. You’re going to school. It’s all part of your lifestyle. The iron can change that lifestyle. By giving you less trouble before you iron. If we can make it easier for you to be a better wife, a better mother, a better housekeeper, we want to. The new Self Cleaning Iron is another one of Home-Makers from Gener??al Electric.

Lifestyle. We’ re with yours. GENERAL ELECTRIC

This passage is ________.

A. an introduction to General Electric

B. an operating instruction of Self Cleaning Iron

C. an advertisement of Self Cleaning Iron

D. a description of the change of lifestyle

This iron can clean itself by ________.

A. emptying itself                       B. washing out mineral deposits

C. blocking up mineral deposits                 D. giving off more steam

according to the passage, what is most likely to attract the customers?

A. It is made by General Electric.

B. The iron will not produce mineral deposits.

C. There will be fewer brown spots on pressed clothes.

D. Their clothes will be cleaned at the same time.

Self Cleaning Iron can help change your lifestyle because________.

A. you can run your house better

B. you don’t have to run after the kids

C. you can use it while you are working

D. we want you to be a better housekeeper


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