摘要:1418] I’m tired, it’s too dark for us to go out. [译文] 我疲倦了.再者.天也太黑了不能出去了. A. however B. besides C. except D. but [答案及简析] B. 表示不出去的两个理由.




Alice watched from her brother’s New Orleans house as Hurricane Katrina split trees, broke windows, and swallowed cars, including her own, A few miles away ,her best friend ,Pat also a nurse. was supervising patients in the high-risk hospital when the river banks broke, For the next six days, Pat and her crew lived there until a rescue boat picked them up,

Both of them were evacuated to safer parts of the States, Weeks later, they ,like thousands of others,returned to find their homes uninhabitable, their jobs gone,

The following spring, as she was rebuilding her life, Alice contacted an information centre for returning, residents, When asked if she would head a desperatedly needed clinic, Alice said she’d do ti ,but only with Pat ,It took Pat less then five minutes to say yes, And after consulting with her children, she offered her damaged home as the new clinic.

As word spread ,help poured in , Groups raised money and donated medical equipment ,exam tables, free ductwork, other supplies and even labor, Bedrooms were transformed into exam rooms and Pat’s living room into a waiting room.

On February 27,2007,the clinic opened, with patients lined up around the block, Those who came in that first day were very sick with problems from not taking their medicine for a year after Katrina, Over 1,200 people have made their way to the clinic, whose decoration passes what Pat calls the mama test.:”Would your mama feel comfortable here?” Until recently, it was the only health-care facility in there, “It’s a relief to have a clinic right here in the neighborhood where I can check my pressure.”says Latoya Owens, 30, who suffers from hypertension.

“This is the most rewarding thing I ‘ve ever done ,” says Alice .Adds Pat ,”I ‘m alleviating(减轻)some suffering in an underserved population. I listen to their stories, and I cry a lot, People outside New Orleans think things are back to normal here, but we are far from that.”


56 When Hurricane Katrina arrived,         

 A  Alice was driviilg to her brother’s hous    B.Pal was visiting in a hospital

 C  houses were destroyed                   D peoplc were rescued to safety

57.What does the fifth paragraph mainly 1elI us?

 A.The clinic opened a year after Hurricane Katrina.

 B.The clinic helped local people a lot.

 C.The clinic was the only one of its kind in the neighborhood.

 D.The clinic was decorated to people’s satisfaction.

58.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage'

 A.Things in New Orleans were much worse than people thought.

 B.Alice felt happy and satisfied about what she was doing.

 C.Pat thought a lot before agreeing to work together with Alice.

 D.People were ready to help when disasters happened.

59.Pat cried a lot probably because      

 A.she was sad about what people had suffered

 B.she was moved by people’s help to the clinic

 C.work in the clinic was too difficult

 D.she lost her job and home during Hurricane Katrina

60.The underlined word“evacuated’’in the second paragraph most probably means“    

 A.foreed        B.attached       C.related    D.moved


Alice watched from her brother’s New Orleans house as Hurricane Katrina split trees, broke windows, and swallowed cars, including her own, A few miles away, her best friend, Pat also a nurse. was supervising patients in the high-risk hospital when the river banks broke, For the next six days, Pat and her crew lived there until a rescue boat picked them up,

Both of them were evacuated to safer parts of the States, Weeks later, they ,like thousands of others, returned to find their homes uninhabitable, their jobs gone,

The following spring, as she was rebuilding her life, Alice contacted an information centre for returning, residents, When asked if she would head a desperatedly needed clinic, Alice said she’d do ti ,but only with Pat ,It took Pat less then five minutes to say yes, And after consulting with her children, she offered her damaged home as the new clinic.

As word spread, help poured in, Groups raised money and donated medical equipment, exam tables, free ductwork, other supplies and even labor, Bedrooms were transformed into exam rooms and Pat’s living room into a waiting room.

On February 27,2007,the clinic opened, with patients lined up around the block, Those who came in that first day were very sick with problems from not taking their medicine for a year after Katrina, Over 1,200 people have made their way to the clinic, whose decoration passes what Pat calls the mama test.: “Would your mama feel comfortable here?” Until recently, it was the only health-care facility in there, “It’s a relief to have a clinic right here in the neighborhood where I can check my pressure.” says Latoya Owens, 30, who suffers from hypertension.

“This is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done ,” says Alice .Adds Pat ,”I ‘m alleviating(减轻)some suffering in an underserved population. I listen to their stories, and I cry a lot, People outside New Orleans think things are back to normal here, but we are far from that.”

1.When Hurricane Katrina arrived,         

A.Alice was driving to her brother’s house                  B.Pal was visiting in a hospital

C.houses were destroyed                          D.people were rescued to safety

2.What does the fifth paragraph mainly 1elI us?

A.The clinic opened a year after Hurricane Katrina.

B.The clinic helped local people a lot.

C.The clinic was the only one of its kind in the neighborhood.

D.The clinic was decorated to people’s satisfaction.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage'

A.Things in New Orleans were much worse than people thought.

B.Alice felt happy and satisfied about what she was doing.

C.Pat thought a lot before agreeing to work together with Alice.

D.People were ready to help when disasters happened.

4.Pat cried a lot probably because      

A.she was sad about what people had suffered

B.she was moved by people’s help to the clinic

C.work in the clinic was too difficult

D.she lost her job and home during Hurricane Katrina

5.The underlined word“evacuated”in the second paragraph most probably means“    

A.freed        B.attached         C.related            D.moved

     A letter to Edward,a columnist (报刊专栏作家)
     Dear Mr Expert,
     I grew up in an unhappy and abusive home.I always promised myself that I'd get out as
soon as possible.Now,at age 20,I have a good job and a nice house,and I'm really proud
of the independence I've achieved.
     Here's the problem:several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had
places like mine so much so that they make mine theirs.
     It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me.But now they seem
to take it for granted that they can show up any time they like.They bring boyfriends over,
talk on the phone and stay out forever.
     I enjoy having my friends here sometimes-it makes the place feel comfortable and warm
but this is my home,not a party house.I was old enough to move out on my own,so why can't
I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy (隐私)?
Edward's reply to Joan
     Dear Joan,
     If your family didn't pay attention to your needs when you were a child,you probably have
trouble letting others know your needs now.
     And if you've gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere (气氛)
,you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with-or destroy the
nice atmosphere you now enjoy.You need to understand that in true friendship it's okay to put
your own needs first from time to time.
     Be clear about the message you want to send.For example,"I really love your company but
I also need some privacy.So please call before you come over."
1. We can learn from the first letter that Joan________.
A.lives away from her parents
B.takes pride in her friends
C.knows Mr Expert quite well
D.hates her parents very much
2.We can infer from the first letter that________.
A.Joan considers her friends more important than her privacy
B.Joan's friends visit her more often than she can accept
C.Joan doesn't like the parties at all
D.Joan dislikes the boyfriends her friends bring over
3.According to Mr Expert,why can't Joan tell her friends her feelings?
A.She is afraid of hurting her friends.
B.She does not understand true friendship.
C.Her family experience stops her from doing so.
D.She does not put her needs first.
4.The underlined word "conflict" in the second letter means________.
A.dependent life  
B.fierce fight
C.bad manners  
D.painful feeling
5.The second letter suggests that Mr Expert________.
A.is worried about Joan's problem
B.warns Joan not to quarrel with her friends
C.advises Joan on how to refuse people
D.encourages Joan to be brave enough

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