摘要:1508] ----- How do you like the recorder? ----- It cannot help my spoken English and I can’t help it away. [译文] --你认为这个录音机如何? --它不能帮助我练习口语.我忍不住要扔掉它. A. improving; threw B. to improve; throw C. improve; throwing D. improving; throwing [答案及简析] C. cannot help doing sth忍不住要-,can’t help (to) do sth.对-没有帮助.




  One of the sailors who sailed with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World was a man named Juan Ponce de Leon.This voyage changed his life.

  He decided to stay when Columbus returned.Ponce was named governor of Puerto Rico (then called Boriquien) in 1508.

  While there, he heard many stories of a magical water source.People called it the Fountain of Youth and said that drinking its water kept you young.

  For the next few years, Ponce tried to find out where the Fountain of Youth was.He asked permission from Spain's King Charles V to go in search of it.The king consented, as long as Ponce paid for the ships and crew himself.

  The young explorer did so readily, and they set off.It was March 1513.They sailed for days but didn't see the fountain.On March 27, he came within sight of the Florida coast.On April 2, he landed at what he named St.Augustine.This was the first Spanish settlement on the mainland of North America.

  He had several adventures along the way.He did not, however, find the Fountain of Youth.He returned to Boriquien.

  He continued to govern tile island, and he continued to hear stories of the Fountain of Youth.Finally, in 1521, he set out again.

  This time, he landed on the Florida coast again.While he and his men were building houses for a new settlement, they were attacked by native tribesmen(部落成员).Many of his men died, but Ponce escaped, although he was injured.He reached Cuba and entered a hospital, where he died of wounds from the attack in Florida.Juan Ponce de Leon never found the Fountain of Youth.Neither did anyone else, at least as far as we know.


Ponce's voyage to the New World with Columbus ________.

[  ]


affected his future life greatly


made him forget the way back


was supported by Charles V financially


was to find the Fountain of Youth


The underlined word "consented" in Paragraph 4 probably means ________.

[  ]










According to the passage, Ponce ________.

[  ]


became governor of Boriquien in 1513


found the Fountain of Youth in 1521


arrived in Florida twice


didn't show much interest in the Fountain of Youth


According to the last paragraph we can know that ________.

[  ]


Ponce managed to escape from native tribesmen's attack without any injury


Ponce died in Florida in 1521


his men weren't well received by native tribesmen in Florida


people found the Fountain of Youth after Ponce's death

     The Sistine Chapel Ceiling painted by Michelangelo is one of the most famous artworks of the High
Renaissance. Now the great master's original has been recreated by simple cross-stitching (十字绣).
     It took Michelangelo four years-from 1508 to 1512-to complete the Sistine Chapel Ceiling. Its
cross-stitch reproduction, however, took four more years to copy in all its amazing detail. Joanna
Lopianowski-Roberts, a Canadian needle worker, 44, spent at least one hour every day with the work
on her lap. By committing a total of 3,572 hours, which her husband Aaron Roberts accurately timed
on a stopwatch, her dream became a reality.
     The extraordinary project started in October 1995. During the years that followed, Joanna would
face several challenges that brought her close to giving up completely. As is the method with
cross-stitching, Joanna had to pre-design an outline for each painting of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling and
then fill in all of the 45 sections with color and detail by stitching.
     To get the detail right for each painting, Joanna had to get an individual close-up (特写照片) of each
piece which came from several different sources. She even bought books from Rome to make sure she
had an accurate depiction (描绘) of every part of Michelangelo' s work.
     "It was really hard and I had a lot of false starts," she said. "I even considered stopping. After many
starts and retries, I decided in late 2001 that if I didn't set a commitment to myself of stitching an average
of one hour every day, I'd never finish."
     Joanna's Sistine Chapel, which measures 40 inches by 80 inches, is now kept safely at her home. And despite holding the item close to her heart, she says she would sell it to the right buyer for the right price.
     Her accomplishment has now been documented in Joanna's book In the Footsteps of Michelangelo:  The Sistine Chapel Ceiling in Cross Stitch which acts as a guide for other would-be stitchers to try
1. The cross-stitch work was completed in ________.
A. four years
B. six years
C. eight years
D. twelve years
2. How did Joanna' feel about the cross-stitch project?
A. It was easy and interesting.
B. It was very hard work.
C. It went on pretty smoothly.    
D. It was not very successful.
3. According to the passage, Joanna bought books from Rome to ________.
A. make the reproduction correct in every detail
B. improve her painting skill
C. learn cross-stitching from Italians
D. comfort and amuse herself
4. Which of the following is TRUE about Joanna?
A. She never thought of giving up the work.
B. She worked under her husband's instruction.
C. She was writing a book on Michelangelo.
D. She decided to sell her cross-stitch work.

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