摘要:2075] The salesman scolded the girl and let her off. [译文] 售货员责备了那个被抓住偷东西的姑娘.然后让她离开了. A. caught stealing B. caught to steal C. catching stealing D. catching stolen [答案及简析] A. catch sb. doing sth.结构的过去分词形式作定语修饰the girl.


Frankfurt: Renault SA Chief Executive Officer Carlos Ghosn said the future of electric cars depends on a rebound (反弹) in oil prices that may boost sales of the battery –powered vehicles he’s spending 4 billion euros ($ 5.9 billion) to develop.
“If oil is less than $ 70, we are going to have a problem,” Ghosn said in an interview at the Frankfurt Motor Show.
Renault pledged to sell 100,000 electric cars by 2016 in Israel and Denmark, the first two countries to hire the Paris-based company’s US partner Better Place to roll out nationwide networks of battery-charging swapping stations.
Ghosn is pitting (绞尽脑汁)electric cars from Renault and Japanese affiliate Nissan Motor Co against a new generation of smaller, cheaper gasoline electric hybrids from rivals including Toyota Motor Corp. The French company’s Fluence sedan, on show for the first time in Frankfurt, will become the world’s first mass-market electric car if the agreement with Better Place pays off.
“The outlook for investors in electric cars is extremely dangerous, but if oil prices take off again, there may be a significant commercial opportunity and big rewards,” said Peter Schmidt, managing director of Warwick, England-based consulting firm Automotive Industry Data.
The price of oil, which stood at $70.75 a barrel(桶) by this morning in Europe, will rise to $75 tomorrow, based on the median(中间数)of 35 estimates ranging from $40 to $110. It’s likely to fluctuate (波动)between $80 and $92 through 2013, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
59. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The higher oil prices are, the better it will be for electric cars.
B. Sales of electric cars depend on the new design.
C. The agreement with Better Place pays off.
D. The quality of battery-powered autos can not be guaranteed.
60. The sentence “But if it’s at $ 200, the economic equation’s very easy, and if it’s more than $ 200, even easier.” can be put at the end of _________.
A. paragraph one              B. paragraph two           
C. paragraph three             D. paragraph four
61. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Fluctuation of oil prices              B. Bad future for electric cars
C. Oil price holds key for electric autos   D. A promising CEO
62. The estimated oil price in 2013 might be between________________.
A.$35—$75           B.$40—$110    C. $70.75—$75    D.$80—$92


As Americans’ health and fitness levels continue to decline, many of those in the worst shape are afraid to go to a “regular” gym to improve their poor health. They somehow feel embarrassed and don’t know how to begin. For these individuals, boutique gyms that specialize in particular parts of population may be good choices. These special gyms provide a more personal setting tor those returning to a healthy lifestyle or starting a fitness program for the first time. Personal training and individualized attention are key features of these new kinds of gyms.
Bulldog Fitness, a gym for kids only, is using the latest trend in video games that provide a workout to engage their young members. Playstation2 Game Bikes, the Treadwall (a rock climbing wall that moves with you), and DDR Dance Machines are customers’ favorites.
Meanwhile, Irene Pastore of Senior Fit in New York city shows that “age is no excuse for ill-health.” Her boutique gym focuses on the health risks associated with sedentary living. Personal training programs are designed specifically for seniors depending on their special needs.
“We feel that people that need the most guidance often don’t know where to turn. If America is going to change its current health decline, the public and healthcare industry needs to pay more attention to the unique needs of customers,” says Dr. Sal Arria, CEO and founder of the International Sports Science Association(IS-SA). Dr. Arria claims that those returning to a fitness state should make certain that they choose a trainer who holds a specialized certification that qualifies them to work with their individual area of need.
71.Why are Americans in the worst shape afraid to go to gym?
A.Because they are afraid of the price.
B.Because there are no boutique gyms foe them.
C.Because they are uncertain of the results.
D.Because they are uncertain about how to start.
72.Boutique gyms feature ___________ .
A.flexible schedules and remarkable results
B.keeping customers in good shape
C.building customers’ confidence for the first time
D.personal training and individualized attention
73.Bulldog Fitness has all of the programs listed below EXCEPT________.
A.Nintendo Fly-fishing                    B.the Treadwall
C.DDR Dance Machine                   D.Playstation2 Game Bikes
74._____________is a good gym for seniors.
A.Regular gym                           B.Boutique gym
C.Bulldog Fitness                         D.Senior Fit
75. Dr. Arria states that those returning to a health lifestyle should_________.
A.know where to get guidance
B.get health guidance from the public and healthcare industry
C.focus more attention on certifying personal trainers
D.choose a qualified trainer with specialized certification


A. House of Chow Restaurant (2006 State Winner)
House of Chow is a Multi Award Winner of the Restaurant & Catering Awards for
Excellence. We have a large regular clientele base and we are specialized in all kinds of Asian food. We strive to maintain quality service and consistency in our product to our customers.
Seats-Inside: 200            Mains Priced $16 To $30
B. Treasury on King William (2007 State Finalist)
The Treasury Restaurant is housed in the historic multi-award wining heritage. The food is a mix of Australian, Asian and European influences.
Seats-Inside: 60 / Seats-Outside: 30   Mains Priced $45 To $58
C. Amarin Thai(2007 State Finalist)
The owner of Amarin Thai has bought with her a chef from Bangkok. The restaurant is tree-fronted and once inside earthen walled with lavender and timber tables.
Seats-Inside: 90 / Seats-Outside: 20   Mains Priced $12 To $19
D. Vino Ristorante (2007 State Finalist)
Reasonable prices and BYO wine is welcome for a minimal $7 corkage, so why not come and relax in true Italian style and enjoy Vic and Tania’s warm hospitality and Italian cuisine(烹饪). Seats 70 people and also has a small, private function room.
Seats-Inside: 70 / Seats-Outside: 16  Disabled Access Available
Mains Priced $17 To $26    
E. Stamps Restaurant (2007 State Finalist)
Stamps Restaurant is set in the heart of historic Mitcham Village. Seating only 40 people, it focuses on great food and service. Finalist in 2007 SA Restaurant & Catering Awards, Modern Australian category.
Seats-Inside: 40   Smoking Area Available  Disabled Access Available
Mains Priced $25 To $32      Cuisine Style: Modern Australian
F. Caffe Buongiorno — O’Halloran Hill (2007 State Finalist)
Authentic Italian Cuisine set in outer Adelaide, 25km from the city. Finalist Restaurant & Catering 2006. Finalist Small Business Awards 2002. Winner Best Family Restaurant in SA Awards for Excellence 2006, and finalist in 2007 Family category of SA Restaurant & Catering Awards.
Seats-Inside: 110 / Seats-Outside: 40      Disabled Access Available
Mains Priced $24 To $28       Cuisine Style: Italian
【小题1】Marrenda has just been to Australia for a holiday and she wants to try some foreign food in Australia. She likes the mysterious atmosphere and she wants something cheap but tasty.
【小题2】Being tired of city life in Adelaide, the Smiths want to enjoy their weekend outside the city.They will go for a barbecue on Saturday morning and noon and plan a big dinner in a restaurant in the suburbs
【小题3】Mr. and Mrs. Chou are planning a wedding ceremony for their son, Jansen. They are going to hold it in a restaurant that can serve Chinese food.
【小题4】Lurraon and Finna want to have dinner together on weekend. Both of them prefer small but elegant restaurants, especially Finna, she likes both food and service are good. At the same time, Lurraon is addicted to smoking.
【小题5】Karen wants to have dinner with his father this weekend. He wants to find a restaurant which is not too big but provides small, private rooms because his father can’t walk properly.



   [1] Have you ever had the wish to live another 100 years or more? Experts say that scientific advances will some day enable us to live tens of years longer than what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span.

   [2] “I guess we are knocking at the door of living longer,” said Michael Zey, a Montclair State University business professor and author of two books on the future. "I think by 2075 we will            _________________ and that’s a conservative estimate (保守的估计)."

[3]At the conference in San Francisco, Donald Louris, a professor at New Jersey Medical School in Newark said advances in using genes as well as nanotechnology (纳米技术) make it likely that humans will live in the future beyond what has been possible in the past. "There is a great push so that people can live from 120 to 180 years," he said.

   [4]However, many scientists who specialize in ageing are doubtful about it and say the human body is just not designed to live past about 120 years. Even with healthier lifestyles and less disease, they say failure of the brain and organs will finally lead all humans to death.

   [5]Scientists also differ on what kind of life the super aged might live. "It remains to be seen if you pass 120, you know; could you be healthy enough to have a good quality of life?" said Leonard Poon, director of the University of Georgia Gerontology Centre. "At present people who could get to that point are not in good health at all."

1. What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 10 words)


2. Please fill in the blanks in the second paragraph with proper words. (no more than 5 words)


3. According to Donald Louris, what will enable humans to live longer? (no more than 8 words)


4. What does the word “it” (Line1,Paragraph4)probably refer to? (no more than 10 words)


5. What did Leonard Poon worry about? (no more than 15 words)




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