摘要:277] The library needs , but it will have to wait until Sunday. [译文] 图书馆需要打扫.但得等到星期天. A. cleaning B. be cleaned C. clean D. being cleaned [答案及简析] A. need等词表示需要时后面一般跟懂名词的主动形式表示被动意思.


XI’AN---Seven people died in a fire early on Wednesday morning in Xi’an, capital of Shanxi Province. A restaurant with a karaoke hall in the southern suburbs caught fire around 2 a. m. and seven waitresses who were sleeping on the second floor of the restaurant were killed. The restaurant was completely destroyed and the waitresses, the local police said, were killed by toxic smoke from burning decorations.

MANILA---Four people were killed yesterday in the central Philippine island of Tacloban when a bomb they had dug up exploded, local police were quoted as saying. The four people were digging to set up a septic(poisonous)tank in their house when they dug up the bomb. It went off, killing all four people, local police were quoted by radio station DZBB as saying. The police did not say where the bomb came from. Unexploded bombs from World War II are still discovered around the Philippines once in a while.

TEL AVIV---An Israeli couple kissed for 30 hours and 45 minutes which, a spokeswoman said yesterday, was a world record. The couple, both in their twenties, started kissing on Monday at 8:30 p.m. along with 250 other couples in a contest. “For nearly 31 hours they didn’t eat, drink, talk or even go to the bathroom. And the whole time, they were standing up”, said Arielle Goldman, who handled public relations for the event. She said a representative of the Guinness Book of World Records was on hang to witness the event, recorded on video. The previous record was 29 hour and 37 minutes, Goldman said. The winning couple received two round-the-world plane tickets and $2,500. (277 words)

Which of the following statements is right?

A. The news report didn’t mention the loss caused by the fire.

B. After reading the report we know how the fire broke out.

C. The reporter tended to think the bomb had something to do with World War II

D. The police refused to admit the bomb had anything to do with World War II.

The underlined word “toxic” means _____.

A. poisonous         B. dangerous        C. hot       D. thick

The Israeli couple kissed for nearly 31 hours_____.

A. to test their endurance                  B. to set a new world record

C. to show their special love                D. to prove they are very healthy

Why did so many couples take part in the contest?

A. Because it was a good chance to enjoy themselves.

B. Because they were poor and wanted to gain the 2,500 dollars.

C. Because they wanted to attract people’s attention.

D. Because they aimed at the honor and prize.


    British scientists have done something that,many people thought,was impossible: they created the first clone of an adult mammal(哺乳动物).The clone,named Dolly,is a seven-month-old sheep,grown from a cell of an adult female sheep.

    What is a clone? A clone is a copy—a genetic copy. Genes are the instructions for life. They tell a cell what to do and how to do it. Genes make each individual plant or animal different and unique. But a clone has the same genes as the original organism(生物体).

    Cloning is not new. Plants have been cloned for centuries. New plants are often grown from cutting from another plant. Also,plants like pineapples,strawberries and carnations(康乃馨)are sometimes cloned. One benefit of cloning is that we can make many copies of the best and healthiest plants.

    It has been much more difficult to clone animals. Frogs have been cloned,but they died as tadpoles,never living long enough to become adult frogs,which made the scientists despondent. Mice,sheep and cattle have been cloned from embryos. But Dolly is the first healthy clone of an adult mammal. How did they do it?

    (1)An unfertilized egg was taken from a sheep.

    (2)The egg nucleus(细胞核)was removed.

    (3)A cell was taken from the udder(乳房)of a pregnant(怀孕的)sheep. It was“starved”,so that it stopped growing.

    (4)The two cells were combined into one,and then implanted in a third sheep,where it grew normally.

    (5)The clone was born. It was genetically identical to the pregnant sheep.

    This sounds much easier than it actually was. To end up with one clone,the scientists started with 277 udder cells. And they needed in a way to make the egg cell accept a new nucleus. They did that by starving the cell.

    It may soon be possible to clone many types of animals. Will we also be able to clone human organs,or even whole human beings? We have only begun to think about the morality of cloning technology. Maybe the question to ask is not whether we can clone humans,but instead,should we clone humans?

59. What can replace the underlined word“despondent” in the fourth paragraph?

A. calmed down          B. set down

C. cut down             D. cast down

60. Dolly is a sheep________because she is grown from a cell of an adult female sheep.

A. that has no father         B. that has no mother

C. that has no parents        D. that has no tail

61. According to the passage we can know that__________.

A. only plants can be cloned

B. only strawberries and carnations can sometimes be cloned

C. animals and plants have quite a long history of cloning

D. genes can tell a cell what to do and how to do it during cloning

62. From the fourth paragraph we can know that__________.

A. a tadpole is the early stage of a grown-up frog

B. a tadpole is a frog without a tail

C. a tadpole is a kind of animal

D. a tadpole is a clone of an adult mammal


XI’AN---Seven people died in a fire early on Wednesday morning in Xi’an, capital of Shanxi Province. A restaurant with a karaoke hall in the southern suburbs caught fire around 2 a. m. and seven waitresses who were sleeping on the second floor of the restaurant were killed. The restaurant was completely destroyed and the waitresses, the local police said, were killed by toxic smoke from burning decorations.
MANILA---Four people were killed yesterday in the central Philippine island of Tacloban when a bomb they had dug up exploded, local police were quoted as saying. The four people were digging to set up a septic(poisonous)tank in their house when they dug up the bomb. It went off, killing all four people, local police were quoted by radio station DZBB as saying. The police did not say where the bomb came from. Unexploded bombs from World War II are still discovered around the Philippines once in a while.
TEL AVIV---An Israeli couple kissed for 30 hours and 45 minutes which, a spokeswoman said yesterday, was a world record. The couple, both in their twenties, started kissing on Monday at 8:30 p.m. along with 250 other couples in a contest. “For nearly 31 hours they didn’t eat, drink, talk or even go to the bathroom. And the whole time, they were standing up”, said Arielle Goldman, who handled public relations for the event. She said a representative of the Guinness Book of World Records was on hang to witness the event, recorded on video. The previous record was 29 hour and 37 minutes, Goldman said. The winning couple received two round-the-world plane tickets and $2,500. (277 words)
【小题1】Which of the following statements is right?

A.The news report didn’t mention the loss caused by the fire.
B.After reading the report we know how the fire broke out.
C.The reporter tended to think the bomb had something to do with World War II
D.The police refused to admit the bomb had anything to do with World War II.
【小题2】 The underlined word “toxic” means _____.
【小题3】 The Israeli couple kissed for nearly 31 hours_____.
A.to test their enduranceB.to set a new world record
C.to show their special loveD.to prove they are very healthy
【小题4】Why did so many couples take part in the contest?
A.Because it was a good chance to enjoy themselves.
B.Because they were poor and wanted to gain the 2,500 dollars.
C.Because they wanted to attract people’s attention.
D.Because they aimed at the honor and prize.


Section B (18 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

When I was 8 years old, I once decided to run away from home. With my suitcase   36  and some sandwiches in a bag, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “I’m leaving.”

“If you want to   37 , that’s all right,” she said. “But you came into this home without anything and you can leave the same way.” I   38  my suitcase and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again.

“Wait a minute,” Mom said. “I want your   39  back. You didn’t wear anything when you arrived.” This really angered me. I tore my clothes off—shoes, socks, underwear and all—and   40 , “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered, “but once you close that door, don’t expect to come back.”

I was so   41  that I slammed (砰地关上) the door and stepped out on the front porch.   42  I realized that I was outside, with nothing on. Then I noticed that down the street, two neighbor girls were walking toward our house. I ran to   43  behind a big tree in our yard at once. After a while, I was   44  the girls had passed by. I dashed to the front door and banged on it loudly.

“Who’s there?” I heard.

“It’s Billy! Let me in!”

The voice behind the   45  answered, “Billy doesn’t live here anymore. He ran away from home.” Glancing behind me to see if anyone else was coming, I begged, “Aw, c’mon, Mom! I’m   46  your son. Let me in!”

The door inched open and Mom’s smiling face appeared. “Did you change your   47  about running away?” she asked.

“What’s for supper?” I answered. (277 words)

1.                A.packed         B.returned        C.cleaned  D.repaired


2.                A.drop out        B.go by           C.move around  D.run away


3.                A.pressed        B.shook          C.threw    D.pulled


4.                A.bag            B.clothes         C.sandwiches    D.suitcase


5.                A.explained       B.suggested       C.continued D.shouted


6.                A.angry          B.sorry           C.frightened D.ashamed


7.                A.Certainly        B.Naturally        C.Suddenly D.Possibly


8.                A.play           B.bide           C.rest  D.wave


9.                A.sure           B.proud          C.eager    D.curious


10.               A.house          B.tree           C.door  D.yard


11.               A.also           B.still            C.even D.already


12.               A.conclusion      B.promise        C.concern   D.decision




Many drivers think driving their vehicle is the only mode of transportation.However,high fuel prices have forced many consumers to look for alternative transportation.Alternative transportation is more efficient than driving your vehicle everywhere.If more drivers used alternative transportation,such as the public transit system, riding a bike, buying a hybrid vehicle or carpooling,then they would save hundreds of dollars.

    Carpooling is an alternative mode of transportation consisting of more than two commuters(固定路线上班者) sharing a vehicle. Commuters that live near each other,share a common  destination and have the same work hours form the simplest and most common carpool arrangement.It is a simple way for individuals to take part in the climate change challenge while  saving money,reducing traffic jam and air pollution,and saving energy along the way.The  more people in a carpool,the greater the savings.

    Most carpoolers agree that the good company of their fellow carpoolers is a benefit that they really enjoy.Agreement on a few simple points will ensure that your carpool stays a happy one.Although these points seem to be just common sense,there are a few specific rules

that you may want to consider.

    Carpooling is encouraged in many big cities around the world through computerized matching of riders with similar commute patterns and preferenees to tackle rush hour traffic jams and reduce  pollution.There are websites providing assistance to individuals who are considering carpooling as an  alternate means of commuting.However,some Shanghai city government departments drew criticism for banning the practice because it disrupted the taxi service market.

Driving Alone vs.Carpooling Approximate cost per person annually of 22 cents per mile for gas, maintenance, tired and depreciation(折旧).

Round-trip miles

Cost to drive alone per year

Cost if 2 people carpoo1 per year

Cost if 3 people carpoo1 per year


$ 554

$ 277

$ 184


$ 1108

$ 554

$ 369


$ 1663

$ 831

$ 554


$ 2217

$ 1108

$ 739


$ 2772

$ 1386

$ 924


$ 5544

$ 2772

$ 1848

61.The second paragraph mainly tells us_________

  A.what is carpooling            B.why we carpoo1

  C.the advantages of carpooling  D.brief history of carpooling

62.Carpooling has the following benefits EXCEPT ________.

  A.strengthening friendship B.saving money

  C.saving time                D.reducing air pollution

63.Compared with a person driving alone,how much can you save in a year if you carpool   with two persons for about 50 miles of round-trip?

  A.$ 2772.    B.$ 924     C.$ 1386   D.$ 1848

64.This passage doesn’t tell us anything about________.

  A.people’s attitudes towards carpooling

  B.the problems caused by carpooling in Western countries

  C. how to arrange carpooling

  D.the officials’attitudes towards carpooling

65.From this passage we can inier that________.

  A.people who can not afford to buy a car 1ike carpooling most

  B. carpooling will be banned in developing countries like China.

  C. whether carpoollng is good or not is still under discussion

  D.carpooling is a promising way that can benefit both people and environment


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