摘要:(2010高考英语上海秋季卷,26)It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was journey. A. three hour B. a three-hours C. a three-hour D. three hours [答案]C [解析]此题考查复合形容词数词+连字符+名词的用法,连字符连接的词作名词定语且用单数.意为“三小时的路程


An enjoyable trip

On October 28th, we began our exciting trip to the world-famous sand island—Fraser Island, which is said to be the world largest sand island and it is one of the world cultural heritages (遗产). We were really amazed by the spectacular view there.

The road to the island is really tough and bumpy. The bus driver, who was also our guide was a very strong man. He was optimistic (乐观的) and helpful. I found he was all smiling on the way though the ride was not very smooth. We stopped for several times because the cars in front of us were blocked by sand. The road was completely sand about 50 centimeters high. We were thrown back and forth like taking a rollercoaster (过山车). All of us couldn’t help laughing when we were shaken from side to side. It took us more than an hour to arrive there. I guess this road is one of the most impressive things.

The beach is so wonderful and terrific! This was my first visit to the seaside. The broad sea made me speechless. We were really thrilled by the amazing view. We couldn’t stop taking so many pictures. The bus ran along the beach with the sea water on one side and bushes on the other side. The view outside the bus was really fantastic! The driver told us there were dingoes (野犬) in the bush. When we were sitting on the bus, we kept on searching the faraway bush for a dingo. Unfortunately, we didn’t see one.

The lake is the next destination we went to. This lake which is ringed by white sand beaches lies peacefully on the hill, which is 18 meters above the sea level. The crystal clear water from the rainfall is sparkling (闪光). Male students jumped into the lake without taking off the clothes. They played with water like small children. Nowhere else in the world can you find such a wonderful fairly land.

The forest is the last place we visited. Those towering rainforests grow on sands. There are many varieties of species. Some trees are so tall and have a history of 500 years. Some gum trees are quite strange because their barks (树皮) fall. The driver told us that this was because they wanted to protect themselves from worms or fires. This forest is home to many animals. We could hear bird singing when we were walking in the shade from the trees.

The tour to Fraser Island makes a deep impression on us. It provides us magnificent views. It is well worth a visit.


Many of you may wonder what else to do besides watching TV or surfing the Internet on weekends.Why not have a picnic? Junior 2 students at Beijing No.4 Middle Schoo1 had a “King of cooking” competition·

    Earlier this month,about 300 students at the schoo1 went to a suburb(郊区)of Beijing to have the contest.They were divided into 24  groups.Each group had buyers,slicers  (掌刀),firemakers.washers and cooks.

    Firemakers faced the most problems during the time.Some of them had no idea how to keep fire burning.  “The fire kept going out.we had to blow at the sparks(火星)and put on corn leaves and old newspapers,”said Wu Mofei,13.

    “It took us an hour to make the fire.Our eyes had tears from all the smoke and our faces became dirty,”he added.   

When the fires were finally made,the cooks became the busiest people.Huang Lanye made fried celery(芹菜)and ham pickled cabbage(泡菜)and tomato soup.

    She was proud of her work.“It’s my first time making Chinese dishes.My group members ate them up in minutes and said they were as delicious as what their parents made!” said the 14-year-old girl.

    Finally over ten students were titled “King of Cooking”.Wang Xiaoyue,14,was one of them.“My group got a mark of 98 at the competition,’’Wang said.“We have 1earned a lot while

having so much fun! We are the best!”

    Beijing No.4 Middle School has been organizing similar(类似的)fun activities for six years.“we want to give students a chance to get real life experiences and 1earn how to work as a team,’’said Jia Dong,who works for the school’s student affairs office.

1.The text mainly tells us——.

A.a “King of Cooking”  competition organized by Senior 2 students at Beijing No.4 Middle School

B.a picnic organized by Junior 2 students at Beijing N0.4  Middle School

C.a “King of Cooking”  competition organized by Junior 2 students at Beijing No.4 Middle School

D.after-school activities of students at Beijing No.4 Middlle School

2.Which of the following was not the problem some firemakers met?

  A.They didn’t know how to keep fire burning.

  B.They spent a long time in making a fire.

  C.The fire kept going out.

  D.They didn’t have enough corn leaves and old newspapers.

3.We can infer that Huang Lanye was a ___in their group

A.buyer  B.firemaker  C.washer  D.cook

4.According to the passage,we can know____.

A.only ten students were titled “King of Cooking” in this competition

B.the “King of Cooking” competition has been held once every year in the past six years

C.Wang Xiaoyue  was  titled  a “King  of  Cooking”  in  this  competition

D.Beijing No.4 Middle School has been encouraging students to take part in all kinds of competitions



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