摘要:1338] they keep the water clean. they make the tank look much prettier. [译文] 首先他们使水保持清洁.其次他们使水箱更好看些. A. For; And B. For one thing; And C. For; Also D. For one thing; Also [答案及简析] D. for one thing-.also-.常用句型."一则-再则-,首先-其次-"


When the TV viewer turns on his set, what sort of programs does he have to choose from? You might think there would be more programs devoted to entertainment than to anything else, but that’s not the case. In most countries, fewer than 20% of broadcasting hours are devoted to entertainment. U.S. figures are high----34.8% , and the unloving Canadians are even higher with 44%. Except Canada and Italy, all countries give more broadcasting time to education than to either information (news , documentaries and so on) or entertainment programs. Of course, few educational broadcasts take place during peak viewing times. In Japan though , more than 60%of broadcasting time is taken up with education of one kind of anther----just another example of the businesslike Japanese philosophy. In the U.K., the figure is 56.4% . the Italians have fewer educational programs than anyone else. They don’t go in for entertainment either. Only about ten percent of viewing time is devoted to dramas and serials, quiz shows, music, sports etc. You will find more news information programs on Italian TV than anything else. That’s understandable in a country experiencing social and political changes. Italians rely on TV to tell them what’s going on---and events are happening almost too fast to follow. The percentage of time the U.S. devoted to news and documentary programs is much smaller. After education, most TV time is given to entertainment. Many of these programs are shown around the world.
【小题1】Based on this passage, the greatest percentage of TV broadcasting hours to educational is in __.

A.JapanB.ItalyC.CanadaD.the United States
【小题2】More news information programs are broadcast on Italian TV than anywhere else because the Italians ___.
A.are interested in what is happening in the world.
B.Like to follow the changes that are going on in their social life
C.Prefer to learn news information on TV rather than in newspapers
D.Expect TV to tell them the latest news about what is going on in their country
【小题3】 So far as the broadcasting hours devoted to entertainment , which of the following is true?
A.The Japanese figure is the highest in the world.
B.The U.S. figure is smaller than the U. K. figure
C.The U.K. figure is second to the Japanese figure
D.The Canadian figure is higher than that of any other country.
【小题4】In the United States, ____.
A.TV programs are shown for world audience to watch
B.Most of TV broadcasting hours are give to entertainment
C.Educational programs are shown during peak viewing times
D.TV broadcasting hours devoted to education are more than those devoted to entertainment


My House
My mother moved a lot when she was growing up on account of Grandpa being in the army. She hated having to adjust to new schools and make new friends. That’s why I thought she was joking when she put forward the idea of moving. But she was completely serious. “For just the two of us,” my mother said, “an apartment in the city will suit our needs much better.” Personally, I think she’s lost her mind. I guess I can understand why she would want to move, but what about me and what this house means to me?
I suppose if you looked at my house, you might think it was just another country house. But to me it is anything but standard. I moved into this house with my parents ten years ago. I can still remember that first day like it was yesterday. The first thing I noticed was the big front yard. To me it seemed like an ocean of grass—I couldn’t wait to dive in. The backyard was full of gnarled (扭曲的, 粗糙的) and scary trees that talk on windy nights. But I grew to like them and the shadows they cast in my room. My father and I even built a small tree house, where I often go to remember all the wonderful times we had before Father’s death.
This house is special—maybe only to me—but special nevertheless. It’s the little seemingly insignificant things that make this house so special to me: the ice-cold tile floors that make me tremble on midnight snack runs; the smell of my father’s pipe that still exists; the towering bookcases of my mother; the view outside my bedroom window.
This house holds too many memories, memories which would be lost if we gave it up.
【小题1】Why did the author’s mother decide to move?

A.Because she hated the countryside.
B.Because Grandpa was on constant move.
C.Because Dad’s death made her lose her mind.
D.Because she thought a city flat more fit for them.
【小题2】What impressed the author when she first moved into the house?
A.The tree house.B.The big trees. C.The cold floors.D.The green grass.
【小题3】How did the author let us feel that the house was special to her?
A.By arguing whether the house was standard.
B.By explaining why the house suited their needs. k.&s~5*u
C.By describing the small things related to her house.
D.By comparing the differences between country and city life.
【小题4】 My mother moved a lot when she was growing up because of   ________.
A.Grandpa being in the army.B.their family’s liking moving
C.the life’s needD.Mother’s work


About a year ago, a couple with three children moved into the apartment next door to mine. I never heard any noise from the children, but the parents were always shouting at the kids.
We often met in the hallway when we were coming or going. I always spoke, but the only answer I got was a hello from the four-year-old girl.
One afternoon when I returned, they were just coming out of their apartment and the little girl was holding the door open for the others. I remained in the car doing unnecessary things. But when I looked up I saw the little girl was still holding the door open, waiting for me. I hurried as much as I could and thanked her.
I was really touched by her act of kindness. That afternoon I was at the K-Mart and I bought a white Teddy bear for her. The next day, there was a knock on the door and it was the little girl and her father. She was very proud of the bear and thanked me like I had never been thanked before.
Now when we meet in the hall, we all speak in a friendly manner. As time passes, I don’t hear that yelling as often as before.
Last night we had about four inches of snow. I looked out at my car and wondered how I was going to keep my doctor’s appointment. I went out to remove the snow. But when I opened my front door, I found my car was there with all the snow removed. You couldn’t imagine how I felt at that moment. I thanked that family in my heart.
Isn’t it amazing how a small kind act of a four-year-old girl can change so many things for the better? My guardian angel says that good things come from small acts.
【小题1】 Who did the writer think removed the snow on his car?

A.That family next door.B.Someone sent by his doctor.
C.Some strangers.D.The gate keeper.
【小题2】Which of the following is CORRECT according to the passage?
A.The children were very naughty and often made their parents angry.
B.Life must be very hard for the parents next door as they had a large family to support.
C.The writer put off the appointment with his doctor because of the heavy snow.
D.The little girl’s kind act changed the relationship between the writer and her family.
【小题3】 The right time order of these events in the passage may be         .
① I bought a white Teddy bear for the four-year-old little girl.
② A new family moved into the building next to my door.
③ The four-year-old little girl held the door for me.
④ The father came with the little girl and thanked me.
⑤We speak to each other now in a friendly manner.


Someone asked me, “what do you think of youth?” I showed him a can of COKE. See this?
“C” means “courage”. There’s a seed in everyone’s heart. As long as you really keep watering it, it will grow and harvest. Courage gives us the power to follow our dreams. Believe in yourself and be prepared for anything in the future.
“O” stands for “optimism”. When in trouble, some people feel disappointed but some people still keep their dreams. Be sure to choose the latter. Life is very much like a mirror. If you smile on it, it smiles back on you. If you frown, you will get a similar look in return. Throw away the sadness in your heart while filling it with brightness and hope.
“K” can be understood as “knowledge”. In order to keep up with the times, we should use knowledge to enrich ourselves. Knowledge is the food of thought and, as long as it is put in our brain, we will grow wiser.
“E” is short for “enthusiasm (热情)”. Enthusiasm is the sign of youth. We use colourful paint-brushes in our hands to create the pictures of youth on our own. Let the sky and sea know we’re young. Let out our enthusiasm wherever we go.
Drink a can of COKE. You will find your youth as refreshing (有活力的) as a can of coke. Enjoy and value your youth.
【小题1】In the passage, the word “COKE” refers to           .

A.a kind of drink young people enjoy
B.what young people should have
C.basic abilities young people need
D.young people’s confidence and pride
【小题2】The seed in everyone’s heart in fact is          .
【小题3】What should young people do to prepare themselves for the highly technological future?
A.Learn to be an active learner.
B.Have confidence in themselves.
C.Follow their interests and dreams.
D.Be enthusiastic wherever they are.
【小题4】According to the writer, young people are           .


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