摘要:13.A.face B.head C.heart D.body


第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
September 4 was my first day at Phillips Academy, my new school. It was also my 18th birthday.
I received a warm   26    from my host family--- the Steins. Gena was my host mum, and her daughter Lily would also be a new  27   at Phillips. They took me to the school and      28   me around the campus.
On our way to my dorm (学生宿舍), we saw a truck delivering a student’s  29  to her room. Many students at the school were very rich, and they would fill their dorms with decorations(装饰物). But I was  30   not to because I thought it was a   31   of time and money.
I had a single room, which was about the   32   of a Chinese college dorm --- the ones which usually hold six people.  33  she helped carry my bags, Lily asked me, “What’s your favorite  34  ,Teresa?” I thought for a moment before answering, “Orange.” I didn’t know why she had asked the question.
We   35  an introduction meeting after dinner.  36   of the students were native English speakers, so I felt a little   37  .  I returned to my room after the   38  , tired and wanted to go to bed after a (n)   39  day.
When I opened my door, I found a big    40  .The bed was perfectly made with blankets and an orange sunflower pillow. On the    41   was a sunflower-pattern mat(地垫,垫子)while a colorful lamp    42  beside the bed.
I opened my mouth,   43   .  How beautiful!
There was also a  44   card. I touched the little pillow on the bed as I read the card. A warm current (暖流) rushed through my   45   .
26. A. heart           B. card                  C. service                     D. welcome
27. A. student       B. teacher                    C. citizen               D. visitor
28. A. walked               B. introduced         C. showed             D. invited
29. A. bag             B. newspaper         C. letters               D. money
30. A. warned       B. forced                     C. determined        D. supposed
31. A. matter         B. waste                C. show                 D. use
32. A. design         B. size                   C. pattern                     D. example
33. A. As               B. Though             C. Because             D. While
34. A. fruit            B. weather             C. food                 D. color
35. A. organized     B. planned             C. attended            D. opened
36. A. All              B. Most                 C. Some                D. Few
37. A. pleased       B. nervous            C. angry                D. afraid
38. A. dinner         B. class                C. meeting             D. party
39. A. exciting       B. surprising         C. tired             D. interested
40. A. secret          B. joke                  C. warmth          D. surprise
41. A. wall            B. desk                  C. floor            D. ground
42. A. stood           B. lay                C. appeared        D. hanged
43. A. frightened    B. moved                     C. satisfied         D. understood
44. A. post             B. birthday            C. name            D. festival
45. A. mind         B. head                C. face               D. body


A team from Krakow, in Poland, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (机能性核共振成像)(FMRI)to assess brain activity when 40 volunteers were shown various images.Men showed activity in areas which dealt with what action they should take in order to avoid or face up to danger.But the study found more activity in the emotional centers of women's brains.The researchers, from another university, carried out scans on 21 men and 19 women.Brain activity was monitored while the volunteers were shown images of objects and images from ordinary life designed to remind different emotional states.

The images were displayed in two runs.For the first run, only negative pictures were shown.For the second run, only positive pictures were shown.

While viewing the negative images, women showed stronger and broader activity in the left thalamus(神经床).This is an area which passes sense information to the pain and pleasure centres of the brain.Men showed more activity in an area of the brain called the left insula(脑岛), which plays a key role in controlling natural functions, including breath, heart rate and digestion.Generally, activity in this area tells the body to either run away from danger, or meet it head on - the so-called "fight or flight response".

While viewing positive images, women showed stronger activity in an area of the brain associated with memory.With men, the stronger activity was recorded in an area associated with visual processing.Dr Urbanik believes these differences suggest women may analyze positive stimuli(刺激)in a broader social context and associate positive images with a particular memory.

For instance, viewing a picture of a smiling child might remind memories of a woman's own child at this age.On the contrary, male responses tend to be less emotional.

1.The research shows that men response differently to__________compared with women.

A.different images    B.ordinary life 

C.different activities        D.medical scan

2.According to the passage, when faced with danger, ____________.

A.women react more slowly than men       B.women usually try to avoid it 

C.men usually have no reaction         D.men react to it more directly

3.What is discussed in the 4 th paragraph?         .

A.Men and women’s different memories   B.The different responses to the children

C.Different reactions to positive stimuli    D.Negative results of the visual processing

3.The passage mainly develops______.

A.by inferring                   B.by comparing  

C.by listing examples       D.by giving explanations



A team from Krakow, in Poland, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (机能性核共振成像)(FMRI)to assess brain activity when 40 volunteers were shown various images.Men showed activity in areas which dealt with what action they should take in order to avoid or face up to danger.But the study found more activity in the emotional centers of women's brains.The researchers, from another university, carried out scans on 21 men and 19 women.Brain activity was monitored while the volunteers were shown images of objects and images from ordinary life designed to remind different emotional states.

The images were displayed in two runs.For the first run, only negative pictures were shown.For the second run, only positive pictures were shown.

While viewing the negative images, women showed stronger and broader activity in the left thalamus(神经床).This is an area which passes sense information to the pain and pleasure centres of the brain.Men showed more activity in an area of the brain called the left insula(脑岛), which plays a key role in controlling natural functions, including breath, heart rate and digestion.Generally, activity in this area tells the body to either run away from danger, or meet it head on - the so-called "fight or flight response".

While viewing positive images, women showed stronger activity in an area of the brain associated with memory.With men, the stronger activity was recorded in an area associated with visual processing.Dr Urbanik believes these differences suggest women may analyze positive stimuli(刺激)in a broader social context and associate positive images with a particular memory.

For instance, viewing a picture of a smiling child might remind memories of a woman's own child at this age.On the contrary, male responses tend to be less emotional.

1.The research shows that men response differently to__________compared with women.

       A.different images     B.ordinary life 

       C.different activities         D.medical scan

2.According to the passage, when faced with danger, ____________.

       A.women react more slowly than men       B.women usually try to avoid it 

       C.men usually have no reaction          D.men react to it more directly

3.What is discussed in the 4 th paragraph?          .

       A.Men and women’s different memories   B.The different responses to the children

       C.Different reactions to positive stimuli    D.Negative results of the visual processing

3.The passage mainly develops______.

       A.by inferring                   B.by comparing  

       C.by listing examples        D.by giving explanations


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body . Through the years I would 21  the correct answer . When I was younger , I thought  22   was very important to us as humans , so I said , “My ears , Mummy .” She said , “No. Many people are 23 . But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon.”

Several years passed before she asked me again . Since making my first  24  , I had often thought over the question . So this time I told her , “Mummy , it must be our eyes .”She looked at me and said, “You are  25 fast , but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind.”

26  the years , mother asked me a couple more27 and always her response to my answers was , “No, but you are getting  28every year , my child.” Then last year , my Grandpa  29 . Everybody was heart broken . Everybody was crying . My mum looked at me when it was our 30  to say our final good-bye to Grandpa . She asked me , “Do you know the most important body part yet , my dear?”

I was 31 when she was asking me this now . I always thought this was a 32    between her and me .She saw the 33 on my face and told me , “This question is very important . It shows that you have really 34your life.” I saw her eyes well up with tears . She said , “My dear , the most important body part is your 35  .” I asked , “Is it because they hold up your head?” She replied , “No , it is  36 on them a crying friend or loved one can rest their head . I only hope that you have enough  37    and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry 38  when you need it.” Then and there I understood the most important body part is not a  39  one . It is sympathetic(同情的)to the pain of    40    .

21.A.notice      B.believe in        C.doubt       D.guess at

22.A.love        B.health      C.sound      D.sight

23.A.blind       B.deaf C.invisible   D.thoughtful

24.A.discovery        B.decision   C.attempt    D.suggestion

25.A.learning   B.thinking   C.growing   D.changing

26.A.Before     B.Till   C.Beyond    D.Over

27.A.ways B.things      C.questions D.times

28.A.stronger   B.taller       C.smarter    D.nicer

29.A.left   B.got ill      C.died                  D. got wounded

30.A.duty        B.turn C.pity D.chance

31.A.shocked   B.satisfied   C.interested        D.excited

32.A.game       B.test   C.match      D.secret

33.A.worry      B.puzzlement C.regret     D.pain

34.A.enjoyed   B.found      C.disliked    D.lived

35.A.shoulders        B.feet C.hands       D.hair

36.A.how        B.because    C.why D.whether

37.A.respect     B.favour     C.love D.fun

38.A.by    B.on    C.above      D.for

39.A.valuable   B.useful      C.selfish      D.precious

40.A.others      B.the deaf   C.Grandpa   D.the blind


Electric Shock

Injuries caused by electric shock are fairly common.When a person has received an electric shock, no one should go near him/her until the current has been turned off.If a shock occurring at work or at home causes someone to lose consciousness, electrical connection must be broken before anyone tries to give assistance.You should either turn off the switch at the mains or, if that is not possible, push the person away with a dry piece of wood.

Treatment Shock

Look out for signs of shock.People who have been injured or who may have lost a lot of blood, or those who have had heart attacks, may be in deep shock.The signs to look for are faintness, paleness, a moist, sticky skin, shallow, rapid breathing and a fast but weak heartbeat.

Shock can prove fatal, and it is essential to do something to prevent its developing.The best way to treat or prevent shock is to keep the patient lying down, better with the legs higher than the head; if possible, raise the lower part of the body on a rolled-up packet or similar object.Make the patient as comfortable as possible, loosening any tight clothing, and comfort him/her because fright increases the effects of shock.

1.Match the pictures with the passages._________

       A.Picture 2.Electric shock; Picture 3.Treatment of shock

       B.Picture 1.Electric shock; Picture 4.Treatment of shock

       C.Picture 4.Electric shock; Picture 2.Treatment of shock

       D.Picture 3.Electric shock; Picture 1.Treatment of shock

2.The above passages and pictures have something to do with________

       A.how to deal with difficulties                  B.how to do first aid

       C.how to face danger                              D.how to match pictures with passages

3.What would happen if you didn’t turn off the current when you had to treat an unconscious person who had just received an electric shock?

       A.He would regain his consciousness soon.

       B.He would die soon.

       C.Electrical connection would be broken. 

       D.You would be in danger of getting the shock yourself.

4.Of the following adjectives chosen from above, which one has the meaning of “causing death”? 

      A.Fatal.                B.Sticky.              C.Essential.          D.Unconscious.


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