摘要:9.A.downstairs B.upstairs C.outside D.inside


For some minutes, all was quiet in the street. Then from across the street someone came walking.

It looked like a man of middle height, dressed in a big raincoat, a soft hat and rubber-soled boots or shoes, and making little sound while walking. No one was in sight. It was a street with two rows of about fifty small houses and there were three lamps on either side. The lamp nearest to the child’s house could be seen clearly, but the others were almost hidden by the smoky air. A car passed the end of the street and its lights showed faintly,but clearly enough to show the smooth skin of a woman’s face. The car disappeared as the woman, wrapped up in her coat, reached the doorway of the child’s house. She put a key in the lock quickly, pushed the door open and stepped inside, then closed the door without looking round. She began to breathe hard.

She leaned against the door for a moment, then straightened up as if with an effort, and walked towards the door of the front room, the passage leading to the kitchen, and the narrow staircase. She hesitated outside the door, then went up the stairs quickly but with hardly a sound. There was enough light from the narrow hall to show the four doors leading off a small landing(楼梯平台). She pushed each door open in turn and shone a torch inside, and the light fell upon beds, walls, furniture, a bathroom hand-basin, a mirror which flashed brightness back; but this was not what the woman was looking for. She turned away and went downstairs, and hesitated again at the foot of the stairs, then turned towards the kitchen. Clearly there was nothing there, or in the small washroom that she wanted. Two rooms remained; the front room and a smaller one next to it. She opened the front room door. After a moment, she saw the child’s bed and the child.

1.The lights of the car passing the end of the street showed that ______.

A.a woman was driving the car

B.someone was standing by a street lamp.

C.a man and a woman were walking up the street.

D.a woman was walking by herself up the street.

2.After the woman closed the front door, she ___________.

A.looked round quickly

B.started breathing again

C.rested before moving

D.walked straight towards the front door

3. When she was upstairs, the woman _______.

A.saw that there was a wash-basin in each room

B.noticed a mirror which she was looking for

C.found a torch in one of the rooms

D.opened four different doors

4. Once she was in the house, the woman behaved as if what she was looking for ____

A.might be in the kitchen

B.was more likely to be upstairs

C.would be easily seen by the light from the hall

D.would look frightening to a child



After a long day at school, I walked home with my heavy schoolbag. Sleepy and  1 , I threw my things on the sofa and picked something from the  2 to eat. I passed by the living room and wished I could watch TV, but I knew my  3 would take me the whole night. I took my schoolbag and went  4 to my room. I tried to understand chemistry and  5 sleepiness at the same time. I tried to keep my eyes  6 and I wanted something to cheer me up.

Later, I  7 the sound of the front door opening. And I waited for it—the sound of my mom singing. Though she sang off-key(跑调),   8  made me excited that she was here. I ran down to  9 my mom. We hugged each other and talked for a while. I like it when my mom was happy. Her  10 seemed to flow down to me and I got the strength to  11 the stress (压力) again.

Sometimes, I wonder how my mom can still be  12 after coming back from work. Every weekday, she wakes up  13 in the morning to go to work and spends all hour on the bus before getting downtown. At a  14 factory, she works standing for the whole day and draws patterns(图案) for clothes over and over. After work, my mom at times gets stuck(被困) in  15 for two hours on her way back home. When I 16 my school life with her work life, I should not be the one to  17 . At least I have some interesting things to do at school, but one mistake at work can cost my mom her job. I  18 that my mom has a positive (积极的) attitude and lives her life with a joyous heart, which encourages me to do my work well,  19 there may be difficulties. Seeing her happy makes me feel  20 , too.

1.                A.heavy          B.busy           C.hungry   D.unlucky


2.                A.classroom       B.kitchen         C.bedroom D.apartment


3.                A.dream          B.supper         C.homework    D.experience


4.                A.downstairs      B.outside         C.upstairs   D.inside


5.                A.break          B.put            C.get D.fight


6.                A.opening        B.opened         C.open D.closing


7.                A.felt            B.listened         C.raised    D.heard


8.                A.which          B.that            C.it    D.but


9.                A.look           B.greet           C.said to    D.help


10.               A.need          B.idea           C.faith  D.energy


11.               A.face           B.change         C.accept    D.1eave


12.               A.creative        B.sensitive        C.competitive    D.positive


13.               A.early          B.soon           C.fast   D.1ate


14.               A.furniture       B.shoe           C.car   D.clothing


15.               A.chat           B.traffic          C.duty  D.task


16.               A.replace        B.exchange       C.decorate  D.compare


17.               A.complain       B.decide         C.study D.play


18.               A.achieve        B.notice          C.admire    D.improve


19.               A.however       B.though         C.despite    D.at least


20.               A.good          B.skillful          C.successful D.important






    “What kind of Thanksgiving can I provide?”I said to myself.Living in a small house and still jobless,I  36   to make ends meet.

Still,I counted my blessing(知足)when I  37  that a young family in a nearby home lost  __38  to a flash fire.I watched as the entire community went to their  39  :A church provided shelter;others gathered food,bedding and clothing.Lines of busy people willingly gave their time   __40    their money.

    The afternoon before Thanksgiring,two'women came to our house  41  donations(捐赠物品).Although we had  42  to spare,I helped early items to their car,  43  in my heart to give more.

As we stood   44   chatting,my little Helen,only three,shouted,“Wait!Don’t anybody move.”She rushed into the house,complaining,“We   45  something!”

    I looked apologetically at the ladies,but  46  I could follow her,Helen was back outside.

carrying her  47   toy bear,which I had made for her birthday iust two months before.

    “Mommy,”her green eyes searched my   48  ,“the little girl doesn’t have any toys.I have to give it to her.”

    My heart quaked.I thought about the few  49  Helen had and how many hours I had spend sewing(缝)this one.Now she wanted to  50  it away.We stood in silence,the ladies  51  at me.I struggled with my feelings.I thought of all the things we needed and didn’t have.

    Everyone held their  52  as I bent down to face Helen.“Of course,Helen.”My voice nearly  __53   ,“you’re right.We forgot the toy.How  54  of you to remember!”

    And I  55   my own heart would never be as big as the one pounding(砰砰地跳)in my daughter’s little chest.

36.A.struggled  B.decided     C.prepared   D.happened

37.A.expected   B.announced       C.learned     D.believed

38.A.nothing    B.something C.anything   D.everything

39.A.trouble     B.help  C.experience       D.work

40.A.except for B.instead of         C.rather than       D.as well as 

41.A.collecting B.reporting  C.requiring  D.allowing

42.A.less   B.more C.little  D.much

43.A.refusing    B.offering    C.waiting     D.wishing

44.A.downstairs       B.upstairs     C.outside     D.inside

45.A.needed     B.gave  C.remembered     D.forgot

46.A.since B.before      C.when D.though

47.A.expensive B.favorite    C.friendly    D.ugly

48.A.face  B.head  C.heart D.body

49.A.books       B.clothes      C.friends      D.toys

50.A.take  B.throw       C.give  D.put

51.A.aiming     B.shouting   C.keeping    D.staring

52.A.words       B.steps  C.breath       D.hands

53.A.broke       B.failed       C.appeared   D.stopped

54.A.proud       B.thoughtful C.natural      D.clever

55.A.admitted   B.wished      C.explained  D.realized




        “What kind of Thanksgiving can I provide?”I said to myself.Living in a small house and still jobless,I  36   to make ends meet.

Still,I counted my blessing(知足)when I  37  that a young family in a nearby home lost  __38  to a flash fire.I watched as the entire community went to their  39  :A church provided shelter;others gathered food,bedding and clothing.Lines of busy people willingly gave their time   __40   their money.

    The afternoon before Thanksgiving,two women came to our house  41  donations(捐赠物品).Although we had  42  to spare,I helped early items to their car,  43  in my heart to give more.

As we stood   44   chatting,my little Helen,only three,shouted,“Wait! Don’t anybody move.”She rushed into the house,complaining,“We   45  something!”

    I looked apologetically at the ladies,but  46  I could follow her,Helen was back outside.

carrying her  47   toy bear,which I had made for her birthday just two months before.

    “Mommy,”her green eyes searched my   48  ,“the little girl doesn’t’t have any toys.I have to give it to her.”

    My heart quaked.I thought about the few  49  Helen had and how many hours I had spend sewing(缝)this one.Now she wanted to  50  it away.We stood in silence,the ladies  51  at me.I struggled with my feelings.I thought of all the things we needed and didn’t have.

    Everyone held their  52  as I bent down to face Helen.“Of course,Helen.”My voice nearly  __53   ,“you’re right.We forgot the toy.How  54  of you to remember!”

    And I  55   my own heart would never be as big as the one pounding(砰砰地跳)in my daughter’s little chest.

36.A.struggled  B.decided     C.prepared   D.happened

37.A.expected   B.announced       C.learned     D.believed

38.A.nothing    B.something C.anything   D.everything

39.A.trouble     B.help  C.experience       D.work

40.A.except for B.instead of      C.rather than     D.as well as 

41.A.collecting B.reporting  C.requiring  D.allowing

42.A.less   B.more C.little  D.much

43.A.refusing    B.offering    C.waiting     D.wishing

44.A.downstairs       B.upstairs     C.outside     D.inside

45.A.needed     B.gave  C.remembered     D.forgot

46.A.since B.before      C.when D.though

47.A.expensive B.favorite    C.friendly    D.ugly

48.A.face  B.head  C.heart D.body

49.A.books       B.clothes      C.friends      D.toys

50.A.take  B.throw       C.give  D.put

51.A.aiming     B.shouting   C.glimpsing D.staring

52.A.words       B.steps  C.breath       D.hands

53.A.broke       B.failed       C.appeared   D.stopped

54.A.proud       B.thoughtful C.natural      D.clever

55.A.admitted   B.wished      C.explained  D.Realized




“What kind of Thanksgiving can I provide?” I said to myself.Living in a small house and still jobless,I  36   to make ends meet.

Still,I counted my blessing(知足)when I  37  that a young family in a nearby home lost  __38  to a flash fire.I watched as the entire community went to their  39  :A church provided shelterk#s^5*u;others gathered food,bedding and clothing.Lines of busy people willingly gave their time   __40   their money.

The afternoon before Thanksgiving,two women came to our house  41  donations(捐赠物品).Although we had  42  to spare,I helped early items to their car,  43  in my heart to give more.

As we stood   44   chatting,my little Helen,only three,shouted,“Wait! Don’t anybody move.”She rushed into the house,complaining,“We   45  something!”

I looked apologetically at the ladies,but  46  I could follow her,Helen was back outside.carrying her  47   toy bear,which I had made for her birthday just two months before.

“Mommy,”her green eyes searched my   48  ,“the little girl doesn’t have any toys.I have to give it to her.”

My heart quaked.I thought about the few  49  Helen had and how many hours I had spend sewing(缝)this one.Now she wanted to  50  it away.We stood in silence,the ladies  51  at me.I struggled with my feelings.I thought of all the things we needed and didn’t have.

Everyone held their  52  as I bent down to face Helen.“Of course,Helen.”My voice nearly  __53   ,“you’re right.We forgot the toy.How  54  of you to remember!”

And I  55   my own heart would never be as big as the one pounding(砰砰地跳)in my daughter little chest.

36.A.struggled   B.decided      C.prepared   D.happened

37.A.expected   B.announced         C.learned      D.believed

38.A.nothing      B.something C.anything    D.everything

39.A.trouble       B.help   C.experience         D.work

40.A.except for  B.instead of        C.rather than D.as well as

41.A.collecting   B.reporting   C.requiring    D.allowing

42.A.less    B.more C.little   D.much

43.A.refusing     B.offering      C.waiting       D.wishing

44.A.downstairs         B.upstairs     C.outside       D.inside

45.A.needed       B.gave  C.remembered     D.forgot

46.A.since  B.before        C.when D.though

47.A.expensive  B.favorite      C.friendly       D.ugly

48.A.face   B.head  C.heart D.body

49.A.books          B.clothes       C.friends        D.toys

50.A.take   B.throw         C.give    D.put

51.A.aiming        B.shouting    C.glimpsing   D.staring

52.A.words         B.steps C.breath        D.hands

53.A.broke B.failed C.appeared   D.stopped

54.A.proud          B.thoughtful C.natural       D.clever

55.A.admitted   B.wished       C.explained   D.realized


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