摘要: There no fun the evening watching TV. A. is; to spend B. are; to spend C. is; spending D. are; spending 答案:C 解析:fun为不可数名词.后跟doing.


Wong Fuk-wing(黄福荣), a Hong Kong volunteer(志愿者)at an orphanage(孤儿院)in Yushu, was killed in the earthquake when he was trying to save others on April 14, 2010.
Wong managed to run safely out of the building with some children when the first quake happened at 7:50 am on April 14, but he went back inside to rescue three other children and three teachers inside, although he knew the danger of aftershocks(余震).
At 10 am, all the children and one of the teachers were saved. However, Wong was buried under the fallen building and died. The other two teachers were still waiting to be rescued.
46-year-old Wong was a truck driver, who often said he could only give his efforts to charity(慈善)instead of money, as he did not earn a lot. His tragic(悲剧的)end touched the hearts of many people both in Hong Kong and on the mainland.
Wong began volunteering in 2002. In 2003, Wong was told by the doctor he got serious illness, which gave him a great blow. However, the illness did not deter the warm-hearted man. When the earthquake struck Wenchuan is Sichuan Province in 2008, Wong rushed to the disaster area of Shifang to offer his help though his family did not want him to go.
In fact, Qinghai is a place Wong had often visited since 2006. As a volunteer, he gave out medicine and clothing to the orphanage there. No one could expect that Wong would die helping others.
Hong Kong Chief Secretary Henry Tang Ying-yen said he had “the highest respect” for the hero who gave his life for others. “What he did has shown the Hong Kong spirit.” The citizens of Hong Kong called him “ the pride of Hong Kong’s people” and people on the mainland have also praised him as “ a true hero”.
【小题1】Wong died in the earthquake          .

A.after he sent medicine and clothing to the orphanage
B.when he returned to save the teachers and students
C.because he suffered from his serious illness again
D.as the first earthquake happened
【小题2】The underlined word “ deter” in Para. 5 refers to “      ”.
【小题3】What can we know about Wong from the passage?
A.He never visited Qinghai before 2010.
B.He was supported by his family being a volunteer.
C.He was thought highly of by the Chinese.
D.He was a taxi driver before he died.
【小题4】Why are so many people deeply moved by the story of Wong?
A.He always offered money to the orphanage.B.He fought against his illness bravely.
C.He helped the orphanage though being poor.D.He put other people’s lives above own.


       Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all ,you probably sing or whistle when you are happy.

       Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However ,they sing most of the time for a very different reason .Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.

       Do you know what a “territory” is? A territory is an area that an animal ,usually the male, claims(声称)as its own .Only he and his family are welcome there .No other families of the same species(物种)are welcome. Your yard and house are your territory where only your family and friends are welcome. If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten you, you might shout. Probably this would be enough to frighten him away.

       If so, you have actually scared the stranger away without having to fight him .A bird does the same thing. But he expects an outsider almost any time ,especially at nesting(筑巢)season. So he is screaming all the time, whether he can see an outsider or not .This screaming is what we call a bird’s song, and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.

       Birds sing loudest in the spring when they are trying to attract a mate and warn others not to enter the territory of theirs.

       You can see that birds have a language all their own. Most of it has to do with attracting mates and setting up territories.

56.Some scientists believe that most of the time birds’ singing is actually       .

       A.an expression of happiness                   B.a way of warning

       C.an expression of anger                         D.a way of greeting

57.What is a bird’s “territory”?

       A.A place where families of other species are not accepted.

       B.A place where a bird may shout at the top of its voice.

       C.An area for which birds fight against each other.

       D.An area which a bird considers to be its own.

58.Why do birds keep on singing at nesting season?

       A.Because they want to invite more friends.

       B.Because their singing helps frighten outsiders away.

       C.Because they want to find outsiders around.

       D.Because their singing helps get rid of their fears.

59.How does the writer explain birds’ singing?

       A.By comparing birds with human beings.

       B.By reporting experiment results.

       C.By describing birds’ daily life.

       D.By telling a bird’s story.


Have you ever wondered why birds sing? Maybe you thought that they were just happy. After all, you probably sing when you are happy.
Some scientists believe that birds do sing some of the time just because they are happy. However, they sing most of the time for a very different reason. Their singing is actually a warning to other birds to stay out of their territory.
Do you know what a “territory” is? A territory is an area that an animal, usually the male, claims (声称) as its own. Only he and his family are welcome there. No other families of the same species are welcome. Your house is your territory where only your family and friends are welcome. If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten you, you might shout. Probably this would be enough to frighten him away.
If so, you have actually frightened the stranger away without having to fight him. A bird does the same thing. But he expects an outsider almost any time, especially at nesting (筑巢) season. So he is screaming all the time, whether he can see an outsider or not. This screaming is what we call a bird’s song, and it is usually enough to keep an outsider away.
【小题1】Some scientists believe that most of the time bird’s singing is actually ________.

A.an expression of happinessB. a way of warning
C.an expression of angerD. a way of greeting
【小题2】What is a bird’s “territory”?
A.A place where families of other species are not accepted.
B.A place where a bird may shout at the top of its voice.
C.An area for which birds fight against each other.
D.An area which a bird considers to be its own.
【小题3】Why do birds keep on singing at nesting season?
A.Because they want to invite more friends.
B.Because their singing helps frighten outsiders away.
C.Because they want to find outsiders around.
D.Because their singing helps get rid of their fears.
【小题4】How does the writer explain birds’ singing?
A.By comparing birds with human beings.
B.By reporting experiment results.
C.By describing birds’ daily life.
D.By telling a bird’s story.
【小题5】What does the underline word “screaming” in paragraph 4 mean?


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