摘要: He is not the same boy that he used to be.


He wanted to go to college, and the only thing that might have stopped him was his disability.

    But this year, Zhang Yan and other physically disabled kids can realize their dream just like any other students.

   As registration(报名)for this year’s college entrance examinations draws near, the government has loosened its requirements on physical examinations for new college students.

   A new rule was jointly decided in March by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the China Disabled Persons’ Federation. It clearly states that no student should be rejected(拒绝)simply because they have a physical disability.

   Schools may still advise disabled students on the choice of their major if it is likely to affect their future chances of employment. However,the final decision will be up to the student.,

  “Now I can just go ahead and do my best in the exams. I don’t have to worry that my healthier classmates will have the upper hand because of my disability,” said Zhang happily.

  The 18-year-old boy will graduate this year from a Chengdu high school in Sichuan Province. He lost an eye during an accident as a child.

  Zhang’s mother called Peking University to ask if her son’s eye problem would make it difficult for him to accepted by the university’s Bio-chemistry Department. She was happy to find out that their choice of students would be based “fairly” on exam results.

  “The university official said my son would be judged at the same level as other students ,” said Zhang’s mother.


67. From the report we can infer that Zhang Yan probably _____.

A.     is not sure of his success in the coming exam

B.      does a very good job in his studies.

C.      will not be chosen by the Peking University.

D.     shows not much interest in Peking University.

68. From the 5th paragraph we can infer that ___.

A.     some colleges have strict limits to disabled students

B.      a major is not important to disabled students.

C.      Students are not free to choose their major.

D.     disabled students may have difficulty finding a job if their major is not chosen properly.

69. Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the report?

A.     There will be no physical examinations for new college students this year .

B.      Zhang Yan has some interest in Bio-chemistry .

C.      Examination marks are quite important to students.

D.     Many colleges used to set limits to disabled students.

70. Which can be the best headline for this report?

A.     Zhang Yan Will Go To University.

B.      Colleges Open Up To The Disabled

C.      Lucky Disabled Students

  D. A New Rule For Colleges. 

Space travel used to be a young man’s game,but when John Glenn went into space aboard Discovery, four generations of men and women could gaze into the sky and think “That could be me someday.”At the same time Glenn was looking down and doing some thinking of his own.

“It’s quite something,”he said, “to look down on this blue planet。seeing that little film of air that surrounds it.You fly over the Mediterranean, over the Middle East—and it’s so beautiful.You wonder why in the world humans can’t solve all the problems they’ve created and left to fester over the centuries.”

“I was at the Houston airport on my way back to Washington recently when this older guy walked up to me,all excited.He shook my hand and said,‘Boy, you’re changing my life! I said how’s that? He said,‘I’m 74。and ever since 1 was a kid I’ve wanted to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.I haven’t done it,and I kept putting it off.And now I’m gonna do it! And all the time his wife is standing behind him,just shaking her head.”

“So I may have killed a man on Kilimanjaro, for all I know.But I’ve noticed something.I’ve noticed that maybe because of all this, people are seeing themselves in a way they haven’t before.They’re realizing that older people have the same ambitions,hopes,and dreams as anybody else.I say you should live a life based on how you feel and not by the calendar.”

1.The word “fester'’ in the second paragraph most probably mean          

A.get infected                                       B.become uncertain

C.grow worse                                         D.go rotten

2.Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? 

A.Space travel will become older people’s career 

B.John Glenn’s achievements encouraged an old man to conquer high mountains. 

C.John Glen spoke his thoughts freely about his space travel. 

D.John Glenn advised older people on how to reorganize their lives.

3.John Glenn’s example shows that               

A.more and more grandparents will be astronauts someday

B.older people are beginning to change their normal way of life

C.people’s ambitions should not be held back with age

D.older people have the same rights as young men


My basketball coach at Princeton used to say, "On the court, you can tell who is selfish(自私的)."

   When my sister Michelle brought Barack Obama home to meet the family, she said to me, "I want you to take him out to play, to see what type of man he is when he’s not around me." So I invited Barack to play basketball with a few friends of mine.

    I was very nervous although I had already met Barack a few times. I was thinking this guy seemed like a good guy. We played a hard five-on-five. He was thin but not weak. He played extremely left-handed. He dealt with everything perfectly. He wasn’t the best guy out there or the worst guy. I liked the fact that he was confident but wasn’t proud. Barack was very team-oriented (有团队精神的), very unselfish. He played as if he was one of us —he wasn’t trying to be president of Harvard Law Review. But the best part about it was that when we were on the same team, he did not pass me the ball each time. He wasn’t trying to suck up to my sister through me. I was glad to give my sister the good news, "Your boy is straight."

    He isn’t selfish, which is the greatest praise you can give both a player and a leader. America has got a guy who is running a government in an efficient (有效率的) manner. That’s the same guy I got to know playing basketball when he was visiting my family.

1. Why does the author begin the passage with his coach’s words?

 A. He wants to remember and thank his coach.

 B. He wants to show that he is a basketball player.

 C. He wants to tell his sister about the words.

 D. He wants to use the words to test a person.

2.Why did Michelle ask the author to take Barack to play basketball?

 A. To see whether he was confident.

 B. To see whether he was good at sports.

 C. To see whether he was selfish or not.

 D. To see whether he could get along with others.

3.During the basketball game, Barack ______.

 A. played best all the time        B. was strong enough to play

 C. was not confident             D. wanted to be the team leader

4. The underlined phrase in the third paragraph can be replaced by "______".

 A. please (使满意)   B. know about       C. help       D. look for



George and Carol were medical students at the same college and like many other college students, they enjoyed playing jokes on people. Both of them smoked, but they knew that their professor was strongly against it, because smoking was dangerous to one's health. One day they decided to play a joke on their professor.

At one of their medical lectures(讲座)there was always a skeleton(骨架模型)in the room so that the professor could show the students the different bones in the human body.

That afternoon. Carol and George put a cigarette(香烟)in the mouth of the skeleton that was to be used for their next lecture.

When the professor came in. he began talking and then noticed the cigarette. He went up to the skeleton, took the cigarette out of its mouth and said. “You really should give them up, old boy. Look what they're doing to you!”


56. What do the professor's words mean__________.

A. It's only a joke to put a cigarette into a skeleton's mouth.

B. He would persuade the skeleton to give up smoking.

C. Smoking is really dangerous. It may even cause death.

D. Students should not learn from the skeleton to smoke.

57. To whom did the professor really say these words?

A. To George and Carol only.

B. To the skeleton which he called “old boy”.

C. Only to himself.

D. To all the students who attended his lecture.

58. The underlined word “they” in the passage means_________.

A. George and Carol                                 B. the students

C. the bones                                            D. cigarettes

59. What do you think of the professor?

A. Serious but humorous.                   B. Honest and foolish.

C. Kind and polite.                             D. Hard to get along with.


Expressions about water are almost as common as water itself.
The expression to be in hot water is a very old expression. Hot water was used five hundred years ago to mean being in trouble. One story says it got that meaning from the custom of throwing extremely hot water down on enemies attacking a castle.
That no longer happens. But we still get in hot water. When we are in hot water, we are in trouble. It can be any kind of trouble—serious or not so serious. A person who breaks a law can be in hot water with the police. A young boy can be in hot water with his mother, if he walks in the house with dirty shoes.
Beingin deep water is almost the same as being in hot water. When you are in deep water, you are in a difficult position.
To keep your head above water is a colorful expression that means staying out of debt. A company seeks to keep its head above water during economic hard times. A man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job.
Water over the dam is another expression about a past event. It is something that is finished. It cannot be changed. The expression comes from the idea that water that has flowed over a dam cannot be brought back again.
Another common expression to hold water, is about the strength or weakness of an idea or opinion that you may be arguing about. It probably comes from a way of testing the condition of a container.; If it can hold water, it is strong and has no holes in it. If your argument can hold water, it is strong and does not have any holes.
Throwing cold water also is an expression that deals with ideas or suggestions. It means to not like an idea. For example, you want to buy a new car because the old one has some problems. But your wife throws cold water on the idea, because she says a new car costs too much.
【小题1】If Robert says he is in deep water, we may guess_________.

A.he is swimming under the water
B.he is tired of changing shoes
C.he nearly breaks a law
D.he faces a difficult choice
【小题2】What can you say to your friend Jane, who is troubled by a mistake she has made?
A.Keep your head above water.
B.Throw cold water.
C.It is water over the dam.
D.It can hold water.
【小题3】If your argument doesn’t hold water, then it is _________.
【小题4】The passage explains the origins of the following expressions EXCEPT_________.
A.to be in hot water
B.to keep your head above water
C.water over the dam
D.to hold water


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