摘要: not to wake the baby!


The church seems cold this morning, even after all the people, friends and family, fill the benches. I sit here in silence, in shock and denial. This was not supposed to happen. What about our dreams, or our plans? We were going to raise our children, travel the world, and grow old together. I’m only 37, a typical housewife. I don’t know if I can do all this alone – two children, no father. What do I do or say?

The faces of so many people confuse me as they come to pay their last respects. Some have real sorrow; I can see it in their eyes. The others seem to just say, “I told you so.” Those famous last words: I – told – you – so. How I can’t stand them. And the pointing fingers as so – called family and so – called friends pick me out of the crowd for others to see. I want to scream and wake up but I can’t do anything but sit there. How can they be so blind? I fell in love with a man. Love knows no boundaries.

He was a good man, hardworking, caring and kind. He was retired form the Navy and a gentleman. He was sensitive to others’ needs, the kind of man that knew what to do or say, how to humor any situation and calm everyone’s fears. I remember our first child was a big surprise to both of us. I remember when I told him the news. He fell off his chair, saying over and over in disbelief, “But I’m almost sixty.” After a few months he started planning our next and even doing his famous little dance whenever he discussed the idea.

A man, thirty years older than I , lies in a coffin. Flowers, the American flag and his VFW comrades surround him, paying tribute (颂词) to him as the man he really was. And I sit alone here, with our two children, in silence, praying that this cold morning at church is only a nightmare (梦魇) and I will awake to his loving arms again.

Our son, our first born, his joy and pride, sits to the right of me seeming just as confused as me. I look over at him. How he looks like his father – blonder hair, tall and skinny – even his Irish temperament (气质) and that naughty look in his eyes. He’s wearing his father’s watch. It’s too big for him but he refused to take it off. I know he’ll keep it safe. Our second, the little angel and Daddy’s little girl, lays in her stroller (婴儿车) in the aisle, sound asleep. She’ll never remember the man she called Da”.

1.The man passed away, leaving his dearest woman to bring up their two children, the elder of whom is a boy of about          .

       A.1                        B.3                        C.7                        D.9

2.The last paragraph, which is italicized, does not lie where it originally was. It’s better for it to go back          .

       A.between para. 1 and para. 2                  B.between para. 2 and para. 3

       C.between para. 3 and para. 4                  D.to the very front

3.We can infer from the passage that         .

       A.the woman’s family were against her marriage to the man

       B.none of the people there showed real sympathy to the woman

       C.the woman did something wrong

       D.the family had lived a happy life before the man died

4.In paragraph 3, the underlined word “our next” means          .

      A.our next dance                                    B.our next news

       C.what for us to do next     D.our next baby


       In the wake of Chicago’s worst ever winter, when all of the rooftops were loaded ,many overloaded with snow…Robert McGrath saw his   1   run out to the backyard garage(车库)to    2   some boxes.

       Seconds ___3__ he heard the crash!

       Looking out he saw the roof of the garage had ___4__. McGrath did not stop   5   hat or coat…He ran from the house, took a snow shovel ,and called out for neighbors to   6   . Shouting and digging(挖), with    7   freezing on his face—throwing snow and pulling away   8   --he heard her voice and then saw her hand .He kept digging ,throwing and    9   .

       And within minutes he had his wife in his arms and was   10    , “Are you all right? Are you all right ? I thought you  11   hurt. Oh baby ,I love you so much!” At last, it turned out.

       What Robert McGrath did   13  know was this: Mrs. McGrath had gone into the garage through one door and out through    14   . She was safe in the house   15    she looked out and saw her husband digging and shouting   16    and throwing pieces of wood, eagerly trying to rescue__17__ .She could not let her great rescuer    18  . So she put her coat on again and went outside and    19   entered the garage through the back door—and allowed her husband to be her   20   .

1.A.neighbour              B.son                     C.friend                  D.wife


2.A.take                      B.produce               C.lift                      D.repair

3.A.before                   B.ago                     C.later                    D.immediately

4.A.caved in                B.broken in             C.destroyed in         D.emptied in

5.A.with                     B.for                      C.to                       D.by

6.A.care                      B.help                    C.watch                 D.run

7.A.air                        B.milk                    C.hand                   D.sweat

8.A.walls                    B.boards                 C.cars                    D.roofs

9.A.pulling                  B.climbing              C.talking                 D.making

10.A.injuring               B.crying                 C.killing                  D.laughing

11.A.were                   B.made                   C.turned                 D.kept

12.A.dead                   B.beautiful              C.fine                     D.pretty

13.A.exactly                B.not                      C.only                    D.often

14.A.it                        B.one                     C.other                   D.another

15.A.while                  B.but                      C.when                  D.since

16.A.tears                   B.minds                  C.orders                 D.opinions

17.A.himself                B.themselves           C.someone             D.her

18.A.down                  B.up                       C.behind                 D.alone

19.A.noisily                 B.painfully              C.happily                D.quietly

20.A.teacher                B.lover                   C.hero                    D.worker


Imagine yourself halfway across the world in the beautiful hills of South Africa surrounded by the smiling faces of African children.Each day you wake to the sounds of laughing children.This place is Botshabelo, "place of refuge".However, these children were not always laughing, happy or safe.Nearly all of these children have been abused or ignored.Many are HIV positive and all have lost some or all of their family to AIDS.Here at Botshabelo, they are safe from hunger, cold, illness, poverty, hopelessness and fear.

These children may live in Africa, but like all children they belong to the world.Through volunteering at the Children's Village, our global student ambassadors will experience themselves in a larger context of life, gain an expanded world view, build confidence and develop understanding of the balance between all living creatures.

EXPERIENCES: Our global group will volunteer for two weeks at a Children's Village. Here we will take care of 150 children.The days are always full and never dull.We will volunteer at a lion reserve later, where we will help care for baby lions.We will also spend one day at another reserve taking in the beauty of the African landscape and hoping to catch sight of giraffes, zebras and the African elephants.

WHO: Students aged 16 and above are invited to participate as our valued Student Ambassadors.A working knowledge of the English language is required.Adults are invited and needed to participate in the program as Adult Mentors, who will lend your unique skills and support throughout the program.We can promise you all an unforgettable, life-changing journey!

       WHEN: July 24, 2012 to August 7, 2012

       COST: $ 1, 750 plus the cost of airfare

56.What is the author's purpose of writing this text?

       A.To encourage people to help those sick children.

       B.To encourage people to join a volunteer program.

       C.To advise people to join a travel program to Africa.

       D.To advice people to spend more time with children.

57.According to Paragraph 1, we know that Botshal 'lo is a place mainly for___.

       A.children abused by their parents             B.people who are HIV positive

       C.poor parents sufficing AIDS               D.homeless children in South Africa

58.If we join the volunteer program, we will _____.

       A.stay in Africa only for two weeks in total.

       B.travel in Africa for a long time as a reward.

       C.have a chance to see various wildlife in South Africa.

       D.have no time for entertainment except caring for the kids

59.What are the requirements for a valued Stiulciit Ambassador?

       a.Being at least 16 years old.

       b. Being able to speak English well.

       c.Having work experience as an adult mentor.

       d.Studying in a university with volunteer experience.

       A.a bc               B.bcd                 C.cd                 D.ab


Imagine yourself halfway across the world in the beautiful hills of South Africa surrounded by the smiling faces of African children.Each day you wake to the sounds of laughing children.This place is Botshabelo, "place of refuge".However, these children were not always laughing, happy or safe.Nearly all of these children have been abused or ignored.Many are HIV positive and all have lost some or all of their family to AIDS.Here at Botshabelo, they are safe from hunger, cold, illness, poverty, hopelessness and fear.

These children may live in Africa, but like all children they belong to the world.Through volunteering at the Children's Village, our global student ambassadors will experience themselves in a larger context of life, gain an expanded world view, build confidence and develop understanding of the balance between all living creatures.

EXPERIENCES: Our global group will volunteer for two weeks at a Children's Village. Here we will take care of 150 children.The days are always full and never dull.We will volunteer at a lion reserve later, where we will help care for baby lions.We will also spend one day at another reserve taking in the beauty of the African landscape and hoping to catch sight of giraffes, zebras and the African elephants.

WHO: Students aged 16 and above are invited to participate as our valued Student Ambassadors.A working knowledge of the English language is required.Adults are invited and needed to participate in the program as Adult Mentors, who will lend your unique skills and support throughout the program.We can promise you all an unforgettable, life-changing journey!

       WHEN: July 24, 2012 to August 7, 2012

       COST: $ 1, 750 plus the cost of airfare

56.What is the author's purpose of writing this text?

       A.To encourage people to help those sick children.

       B.To encourage people to join a volunteer program.

       C.To advise people to join a travel program to Africa.

       D.To advice people to spend more time with children.

57.According to Paragraph 1, we know that Botshal 'lo is a place mainly for___.

       A.children abused by their parents             B.people who are HIV positive

       C.poor parents sufficing AIDS               D.homeless children in South Africa

58.If we join the volunteer program, we will _____.

       A.stay in Africa only for two weeks in total.

       B.travel in Africa for a long time as a reward.

       C.have a chance to see various wildlife in South Africa.

       D.have no time for entertainment except caring for the kids

59.What are the requirements for a valued Stiulciit Ambassador?

       a.Being at least 16 years old.

       b. Being able to speak English well.

       c.Having work experience as an adult mentor.

       d.Studying in a university with volunteer experience.

       A.a bc               B.bcd                 C.cd                 D.ab


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