Many people enjoy taking trips by themselves. Unluckily,they do not always have the best 41 . Instead,people should consider gfoup tours. Taking a group tour is a wise choice for people to

42 themselves.

      First,group tours plan travelers’ routes,so people don't have to 43 where they are going next or how they are getting there. They can just 44 and enjoy their trip. 45,my family once took a group tour to China. The travel agency 46 everything for us. We just looked at the . schedule the travel agency had. 47 and followed it. Thanks to the travel agency,we had a 48 trip. This made things 49 on my father since he didn’ t have to worry about where we would go next and 50 at night.

    Another 51 of group tours is that they allow .people to communicate with one another while traveling. Travelers are able to develop 52 with people they would never have met 53 they are traveling together for a number of days. As I know,my parents 54 Russia on a group tour for their honeymoon (蜜月) . They 55 another couple on that trip,and everyone had a great time together. Even after many years,they still 56 together from time to time. If my parents had traveled by themselves,it would have been 57 for them to get to know this couple.

    In short,there is 58 better than a group tour when traveling. Group tours schedule everything on the trip,and they give us the 59 to meet others and make friends with them. Group tours are the 60 way to travel when taking a trip.

41 A. maps    B. cars   C. places   D. vacations

42. A. help   B. enjoy   C. praise   D. encourage

43. A. guess   B. prove   C. worry about   D. talk about

44. A. relax   B. stop   C. walk   D. show

45. A. In all   B. So far   C. As usual   D. For example

46. A. made use of   B. took care of    C. ran out of   D. caught sight of

47. A. provided   B. found   C. changed   D. bought

48. A. short   B. strange   C. pleasant   D. terrible

49. A. earlier   B. easier   C. slower   D. worse

50. A. work   B. practice    C. stay   D. perform

51. A. rule   B. question   C. purpose   D. advantage

52. A. skills   B. programs    C. friendships   D. treatments

53. A. because   B. unless   C. while   D. although

54. A. left   B. visited   C. forgot   D. missed

55. A. met   B. invited    C. followed   D. recognized

56. A. dance   B. learn   C. cook   D. travel

57. A. certain   B. important   C. impossible   D. unnecessary

58. A. something   B. nothing   C. somebody   D. nobody

59. A. gift   B. hope   C. method   D. chance

60. A. best   B. last   C. only   D. new

                                Yash Gupta 

       Yash Gupta has worn glasses for many years. When they broke one day and he was not able to wear them to school,he had a big problem. 36 At the end of the day,he realized that he had learned nothing that day!

Yash quickly got his glasses fixed,but his experience changed his life. He realized that there were probably many kids around the world that did not have proper glasses to help them learn in school. 37 He found out that 13 million children around the world don't have proper glasses to help them see in class. Instead of just shaking his head at this problem,he decided to do something about it. 38 Its goal is to help find glasses for other kids and teens that need them.

     He created Sight Learning in 2011 and since then he has changed the lives of thousands of young students around the world!The organization has tried to provide eyeglasses to students who need them but cannot afford them. It has collected and given away、over $1,000,000 worth of eyeglasses. 39

     As Dr. Seuss,a famous writer,once said, "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,nothing is going to get better. It's not." 40 He has taken action to not only improve his own life,but those of others.

   A. Yash is stich a teenager.

   B. So,he did some research.

   C. Yash started a small organization,Sight Learning.

   D. Here is an easy way to help Yash and Sight Learning.

   E. He could not see much of what was going on in his classroom.

   F. He learned that not having glasses can cause a 20% loss in learning!

   G. This has helped over 20 ,000 young people in 5 countries to see better!


Dear young musicians, 

     Thank you for agreeing to take part in our Music Day. The whole idea of the day is for music students around the area to meet other players and receive expert(专家般的) teaching from our guests,six professional players!In the evening,you will perform the pieces you have worked on during the day at a concert which your friends and family can attend (参加)

      After you have registered(注册) at thf reception,go to the main hall. First,there will be a short performance by our professional musicians who are joining us for the day. After this you will go into your classes to practice on your own instruments for the evening concert. There will also be a chance to experiment with a different institiment from the one you normally play,and see if you enjoy playing something more unusual — we have several instruments to choose from!

      The first part of the day will finish at 5 pm,when parents can collect students. For those remaining in the hall until the evening concert at 7 pm,there will be DVDs for you to watch,although you should also bring something to do while you are waiting. A change ot clothes is required for the evening — black trousers or a skirt and white top — so unless you are going home at 5 pm,you will need to have this with you at the start of the day.

   If for whatever reason you cannot attend the evening concert,you must tell us as soon as possible,as we need to know numbers in order to prepare the stage. We look forward to seeing you at the Young People's Music Day.

33. What can students do on Music Day?

   A. They can have dinner with experts.

    B. They can receive professional advice.

   C. They can play with professional players.

   D. They can meet world-famous musicians.

34. To attend the concert,students must .

   A. arrive at 5:00 in the afternoon

   B. take one of their family members

   C. play five pieces of music each

   D. wear black trousers or a skirt and white top

35. What is the purpose of this text?

   A. To introduce Music Day. invite students to a concert.

   C. To put up a notice about Music Day.

   D. To encourage students to love music.


       Your next car could have two seats,three wheels 一 two in front and one in the back and a top speed of more than 100 miles per hour. Elio Motors plans to make such a tiny car named the Elio. Its two seats sit front and back instead of side by side. The driver is positioned in the center with the passenger directly behind.

      The starting price for the car is just $6,800. l,t has only one door,on the left side,which cuts a few hundred dollars off the manufacturing costs. Having three wheels also makes it cheaper. It has air conditioning,power windows and door locks and an AM/FM radio. More features can be ordered through Elio's long list of suppliers. Elio will also sell the cars directly through its own stores and not through franchised dealers (特约经销商) .

   Paul Elio dreamed as a kid that he would one day own a car company called Elio Motors. In 2008,tired of high gas prices,he started working on a car that burns gas in a more effective way. quany imponam to mm was creating U.S. manufacturing jobs and making the car inexpensive enough to attract buyers who might otherwise be stuck in their old,unreliable cars. “Whatever matters to you,this can move the needle (针) on it,” he said.

   Already,more than 27,000 people have (预订) one. Paul hopes to make 250,000 cars a year by 2016. So far,reservation holders are those who will use the Elio as a second or third car for work. Finally,though,he believes the car will interest high school and college students as well as used-car drivers who want something newer and more reliable.

29. Which of the following shows the design of the Elio?

30. Paragraph 2 shd\ys that the Elio .

   A. is sold at affordable prices

   B. will be available in most stores

   C. has a fixed temperature

   D. does no harm to the environment

31. The underlined words “ move the needle ” in Paragraph 3 probably mean “

   A. take a chance

   B. stand in the way.

   C. break into pieces

   D. make a difference

32. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The history of Elio Motors

   B. Cool car or stupid vehicle?

   C. Paul Elio: a kid with big dreams

   D. What car to choose: new or used?


        Hello,Earth!Can you hear me?” That's the voice more than 400,000 people received recently. It was from Philae,a space vehicle that landed on a comet in 2014. However its transmissions(传送信号) back home went silent since then.

        It took a long time for Philae to make its way across the solar system and reach comet 67P/C-G. The space vehicle got there aboard the Rosetra probe(探测器),which has been circling around the comet since Philae separated from it in November,2014. 

    Philae' s job was to collect materials to. study the comet's composition. And for about two and a half days after landing,it did just that,sending the information back to scientists on Earth. But Philae s landing on the comet's icy surface had not been smooth. While touching down,it jumped up and ended up in the shadow of something like a huge rock. Philae runs on solar power,but there was no light in the place where it landed. In the end,it failed to work.

    However,as comet 67P/C-G moved closer to the sun,more sunlight reached the space vehicle,allowing it to power up and come back online. Philae then sent something to Rosetta,which passed on the information back to Earth.

      “We only received the information for about 85 seconds,but that’s enough to let us know it is alive and well,” says Stephan Ulamec,who works for the European Space Agency. “We hope to work out where it landed exactly on the 4-kilometer-wide comet. Now we plan to change how Rosetta moves so that Philae can keep on communicating and receiving instructions."

25. Hearing Philae’ s voice,those people must

have felt .

   A. afraid   B. calm

   C. excited   D. worried

26. According to the text,Philae .

   A. was damaged when it landed

   B. moved around comet 67P/C-G

   C. needs light and gas to keep working

   D. helps scientists learn about a comet

27. What Stephan says in the text suggests that

   A. Rosetta will move around another comet

   B. Philae will continue to work for scientists

   C. most comets are as wide as.four kilometers

   D. he wonders whether Philae is still alive

28. What does the author mainly talk about in the text?

   A. A sleeping space vehicle wakes up.

   B. It is very dangerous to travel in space.

   C. A new comet was discovered recently.

   D. Philae was sent into space snrnpcsfiillv


     Peter Huszcz once taught in an agricultural college. In the 1990s,he moved to Canada. Peter started out washing dishes in a restaurant in downtown Ottawa. When the manager asked him to help out rolling meatballs in the kitchen,he soon learned how to do the job very well. But it was boring and Peter suggested that the manager should buy a meatball-making machine. When the manager told him there was no such thing as a meatball maker,Peter was quick to notice that something was missing in the market. Putting his engineering knowledge to good use,he quickly came up with a simple method — the Magic Meatball Maker.

     He was sure there was a market for his machine,but it took him ten years of hard work to find it. He had to take risks,but he believed in his idea,and he managed to persuade other people to believe in him too. A local manufacturer(制造商) offered to produce the first 1,000 units in return for

a share in the profits(收益) ,local shops offered to keep his meatball makers and a friend' s daughter helped him out with his first sales.

     But his lucky break came when he managed to persuade a TV shopping channel(频道) to help sell the Magic Meatball Maker. The channel broadcast a program about how the invention worked in the studio kitchen. Within minutes,they had sold more than 4 ,000 units.

      This was just the start. Peter had been right. He had said his meatball maker would bring him great wealth,and it has: more than two million dollars so far and it's till selling to thousands of American housewives all across the USA.

21. Working in the restaurant,Peter.

   A. was chosen t (fbe the manager

   B. found a chance to make money

   C. broke a meatball-making machine

   D. was poor at making meatballs by hand

22. Which of the following helped Peter' s business take off?

   A. A local shop.

   B. A friend's daughter.

   C. A local manufacturer.

   D. A TV shopping channel.

23. What's the right order to describe Peter's life?

   A. Teacher  dish washer inventor→ businessman.

   B. Dish washer   teacher   inventor  businessman.

   C. Businessman  dish washer  inventor  teacher.

   D. Inventor  businessman  dish washer teacher.

24. What can we learn from the story?

   A. Better late than never.

   B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

   C. Where there is a will,there is a way.

   D. In time of danger,one's mind works fast.

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