
          We are looking for some more ghost producers to keep up with all the ghost production,mixing and mastering projects. We are looking for only the best producers to join our ghost producer community. You don't need years of experience; you need to understand the studio and create high-quality productions.

          We are a music production studio called DCC Studios,for some people better known as EDM. We focus on house music and all its subgenres (亚类) .DCC Studios is based in the Netherlands,created in 2014 and built on years of experience and knowledge. We make awesome music productions that will increase the quality of a DJ,producer or record company's  music portfolio (作品集) . We offer three types of music production services: Ghost Production,Audio Mixing and Audio Mastering.

          Why should you be a ghost producer for DCC Studios? Becoming a ghost producer for DCC Studios comes with various advantages:

          △ You will earn 70% of the project income. This ranges from ? 400 to ? 1,000 per project.

          △ You will acquire a lot of new projects and a higher income.

          △ We offer three services. So you can choose the service that you are good at and earn money while making your producer dreams come true.

          △ All work is on a freelance base,which means you can work anywhere you like.

          △You keep* 70% of all the (版税) .Just imagine what your portfolio will look like in the long run and imagine its possibilities.

          △ Improve your skills and abilities by working for real clients.

          △ Long-term potential.

13. Those who want to join the ghost producer community must .

   A. have their own studio

   B. have years of experience

   C. be the best producers in their community

   D. be able to make high-quality productions 14. What do we know about DCC Studios?

   A. It produces all kinds of house music.

   B. It was started by a record company.

   C. It has a very long history.

   D. It belongs to EDM.

15. If you join the ghost producer community,you may.

   A. have to go there regularly

   B. be unable to contact real clients

   C. choose from five services to work on

   D. have a lot of chances to obtain new projects

16. The text is mainly written to.

   A. advertise productions by DCC Studios

   B. hire professional DCC ghost producers

   C. introduce house music and its subgenres

   D. encourage people to become music producers



          The playground game of hg (捉人游戏) was temporarily banned at a Washington elementary school,but the ban was met by parent protests at a time when school recess (休息) is considered by many educators as one of the keys to better test scores.

          Parents,at Lakeridge Elementary School protested when they learned that the school's new “hands off’policy designed to reduce injuries during recess — also forbade tag. 

         “While at play,especially during recess and unstructured time,students are expected to keep their hands to themselves. The reason behind this is to^ ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students,Mary Grady of the Mercer Island School District said.

          Many Mercer Island parents protested that an exciting recess game of chase and touch was not only safe,but also healthy. ”Our kids need some unstructured playtime,” a concerned mother Kdsey Joyce said. “I totally survived tag."

          After further pushback,the school district finally gave up the ban and announced tag was back. Many schools tried to improve standardized test scores  by cutting recess time several years ago,but elementary principals(校长) reafized that playtime had actually helped students’ test performance. More than 80 percent of principals said recess improved academic achievement,according to a survey.

         Rather than banning tag,a non-profit organization called Playworks suggests using the game to teach conflict resolution,or even just for fun. u\ think a game like tag is wonderful/' Playworks Director Jonathan Blasher said. “It's important for kids to have that free-range play.^ Playworks was started in 1996 to prevent fights at recess that led to the ban on tag at Lakeridge Elementary School. Rather than forbid eertain;games,the group places coaches in schools during recess to suggest new ones. The idea was to both free teachers from breaking up fights and help children return to class

refreshed and with a few life skills.

9. Why was tag banned at the elementary school?

   A. It led to kids’ unhealthy habits.

   B. It was considered dangerous.

   C. It met with parent protests.

   D. It made the school noisy.

10. The underlined word “pushback” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

   A. resistance   B. discussion

   C. research     D. development

11. What did most elementary principals agree with?

   A. Recess time should be shortened.

   B. Playtime helps improve test scores.

   C. Standardized tests are difficult for students.

   D. Students,academic achievement has improved.

12. What can we learn about Playworks?

   A. It promotes playground games at recess.

   B. It offers teachers free lessons on life skills.

   C. It was started by Lakeridge Elementary School.

   D. It trains teachers to solve conflicts between kids.


          You've probably heard about the -dangers of smoking. The good news is that fewer teens smoke today than at any time since the 1990s. But here's  the bad news. Every day,nearly 4,000 kids in the U.S. try a cigarette for the first time. And every day,1,000 kids become regular smokers. Almost all teen smokers plan to quit within five years. But more than 60 percent are still smoking 7 to 9  years later.

           Most people hope every teen in the world stays away from cigarettes,but not the people who work for- tobacco companies. Before people knew that cigarettes were dangerous,tobacco companies openly marketed their products to teens. In the early 1900s,some cigarette packs included collectible baseball cards. In the 1940s and 1950s,tobacco advertisements often featured actors and actresses. That ended in 1964,when the U.S. government released the results of a major scientific study on the effects of smoking on health. New laws banned cigarette advertising on TV and radio.

            Advertising isn't  the only way tobacco companies have tried to market their products. Candy-flavor^

cigarettes were once common. They contained tone (有毒的) chemicals and were as dangerous and addictive as regular cigarettes. Studies showed that these products were especially popular among teen smokers. And many teens mistakenly believed that these sweet cigarettes were safer than unflavored cigarettes. In 2009,flavored cigarettes were banned in the U.S..

            By now,maybe you,ve noticed a pattern: Each time new laws are passed to protect teens,tobacco companies come up with new methods. Many states have approved high taxes on cigarettes; and prices have been increased to reduce smoking. To deal with this,tobacco companies give discounts to convenience stores so they can charge less for cigarettes.

            The fact is that tobacco companies need you to become addicted to a deadly habit. Without new smokers,they will eventually go out of business. But you can at least make sure of one thing: They won't get you.

5. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that .

   A. smoking is still a problem among teenagers

   B. the number of teen smokers has increased greatly

   C. there are more teen smokers in the U.S. than other countries 

   D. the U.S. government has paid more attention to teen smokers 

6. Which of the following is the correct order according to the text?

a. Flavored cigarettes were banned in the U.S..

b. Some cigarette packs contained collectible baseball cards.

c. New laws banned cigarette advertising on TV and radio.

d. Tobacco advertisements often featured actors and actresses.

   A. a-d-c-b   B. b-a-c-d   C. b-d-c-a   D. a-b-d-c

7. Compared with regular cigarettes,candy-flavored cigarettes were.

   A. cheaper for teens

   B. much more addictive

   C. more popular among actors

   D. as harmful as regular cigarettes

8. The text is most probably taken from .

   A. a geography textbook    B. a newspaper report   

   C. a travel magazine       D. a book review

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


           My name is Petra. I volunteered for a program in South Africa in the summer last year. Coming to Knysna in South Africa was very exciting. The warm welcome,tasty food,free Wifi and laundry service were just some of the pleasant things in the volunteer house. The house was situated on a hill in a quiet area with an amazing view over the Knysna bay,which made our stay very nice.

           I booked Ihe Community Outreach & HIV Awareness program. But I was a little bit upset to find there was only one hour of HIV training on my schedule. I really looked forward to more training on HIV. But the program staff came up with some other projects instead which turned out to be funny and successful.

            We worked together in a constructive way,keeping at the back of our minds the success of the projects. Any good idea was welcomed,acknowledged and carried out. Though the work there was a bit tiring,we enjoyed ourselves.

            Not to forget about all the lovely,interesting and thankful people we met on our working tours. They really appreciated the work we did to help them live a better life. So as a volunteer you can gain so much appreciation and sincerity,which you will hardly find in our European society. There wealth is only defined by the value of the newest technical device(设备) the size of the car you drive and all the other things one owns.

            Please don't get me wrong; I don't want to romanticize their hard everyday lives. But the people V ve met there gave me the impression that they laiow what really matters: Caring about each other,being honest and confident,living in the present,and so on.

             So if you are open-minded and want to experience something great,don't hesitate to join such a program.

1. What disappointed the author in Knysna?

   A. Things in the volunteer house.

   B. The attitude of the program st^ff.

   C. The arrangements for HIV training.

   D. The location of the volunteer house.

2. The author's program in Knysna is most probably meant to.

   A. attract tourists to visit there

   B. help the locals live a better life

   C. help volunteers enjoy a great time

   D. bring work opportunities to the locals

3. After dealing with the locals in Knysna,the author.

   A. realized wealth was important

   B. wanted to receive more training

   C. thought they lived a romantic life

   D. formed a good impression of them

4. How does the author feel about her time in Knysna?

   A. Regretful.    B. Relaxing.

   C. Inconvenient. D. Awesome.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

               It was a hot June day in the suburb of Austin,Texas. Sammy Armstrong couldnt 21 to get in the water. The ten-year-old was on a camping trip at McKinney Falls State Park with his dad,Stacey,and his brother Willy.

               Around 11 a.m., Sammy and Willy 22 their dad to McKinney Falls. Below is a swimming hole, 20  feet deep in some places. With his father 23 from the rocks above,Sammy jumped in. He was a good 24 . he'd  been on the swim team in his hometown. Stacey watched them very carefully. Sammy played in the water for a while,and 25 pulled himself out of the swimming hole and onto a stone. He watched a group of 26 walking through the river bed above. As those children 27 Stacey and Willy,a tiny girl reached down to catch a water bottle and lost her 28 . In an instant,she fell into the falls.

                Sammy caught a glimpse of the top of the girl's 29 and her arms as she 30 in the deep water. Stacey walked toward the edge of the waterfall to try to locate the girl, 31 Samnly was the one in striking distance. “You have to get her out of there!” Stacey yelled at him. Sammy was 32 ,but “my dad just looked at me,and I understood what I had to do."

                Years in the Scow以(男重子军) had 33 Sammy never to enter a(n) 34 situation without an exit strategy. The ten-year-old considered the situation briefly,and then he 35 . In a few seconds,he was 36 the struggling girl. He tried to stay 37 ,but his heart was beating wildly. He asked the girl if she could swim. When she said no,Sammy 38 pulled her onto his back and moved toward the 39 . Soon,someone threw a swimming float from the bank and 40 both kids from the water.

21. A. wait   B. stop   C. expect   D. pretend

22. A. drove   B. accompanied   C. left   D. sent

23. A. missing   B. searching   C. shaking   D. watching

24. A. racer   B. hunter   C. swimmer   D. runner

25. A. nearly   B. naturally   C. secretly   D. eventually

26. A. sailors   B. children   C. guards   D. fishermen

27. A. passed   B. helped   C. observed   D. trained

28. A. interest   B. balance   C. direction   D. sight

29. A. legs   B. feet   C. belly   D. head

30. A. walked   B. played   C. struggled   D. turned

31. A. if   B. unless   C. though   D. but

32. A. sick   B. nervous   C. upset   D. angry

33. A. taught   B. changed   C. forced   D. controlled

34. A. political   B. relaxed   C. dangerous   D. embarrassing

35. A. grew up   B. gave up   C. stood back   D. dived in

36. A. next to   B. beyond   C. over   D. under

37. A. warm   B. calm   C. frightened   D. active

38. A. carefully   B. hardly   C. proudly   D. frequently

39. A. rope   B. bottom   C. shore   D. boat

40. A. found   B. checked   C. pulled   D. separated



         Most people consider mushrooms to be the small,ugly cousins of the plant kingdom,but some of them are surprisingly beautiful and wonderful waiting to be explored.

Sky Blue Mushroom 

         Sky Blue Mushroom is a species of mushroom found in New Zealand and India. The small mushroom has a distinctive all-blue color,while the (菌褶) have a slight reddish color. Sky Blue Mushroom is not eatable because it is poisonous. This species was one of the six native fungi (真菌)featured in a set of fungal stamps issued in New Zealand in 2002. It is also seen on the $50 bank note issued by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand in 1990.

Veiled Lady Mushroom 

          This delicate and strange mushroom can be found in gardens and woodlands in southern Asia,Africa,Australia and the Americas. This eatable and rather healthful mushroom is used in Chinese cuisine. While the lacy (似蕾丝的) skirt is what draws our eyes,the mushroom actually uses the cap to draw attention,too.

Bioluminescent Fungi 

          This green mushroom emerges during the rainy season in Japanese and Brazilian forests. The bases of tree trunks,fallen branches,leaf litter and slightly wet soil provide perfect growing grounds for the mushroom. The appearance of these bright-looking fungi is due to bioluminescence (生物发光) , one of the strange but wonderful reactions that happen naturally in many plants and animals.

Red Cage Fungus 

          The mushroom is known as the red cage,referring to the striking fruit body that is round and empty inside with latticed(花格状的) branches. Feeding off woody plant materials,this mushroom can be found growing in leaf litter,grassy places or on garden soil. Though it isn’t  clear if it is eatable,apparently its smell is enough to prevent anyone interested from eating it.

13. What do we know about Sky Blue Mushroom?

   A. It's eatable and healthful.

   B. It's blue with a slight reddish color.

   C. It's seen on some Indian bank notes.

   D. It's the only flmgus appearing in stamps.

14. Which of the following would be Veiled Lady Mushroom?


15. Where can we probably find Bioluminescent Fungi?

   A. In Japan.         B. In Australia.

   C. In New Zealand.   D. In southern Asia.

16. From the text,we can know that .

   A. Sky Blue Mushroom attracts people by its special cap

   B. Veiled Lady Musbroom also emerges in Brazil and Africa

   C. Red Cage Fungus can be found in gardens with a bad smell

   D. Bioluminescent Fungi are sometimes used in Chinese cuisine


            Several years ago,my wife and I spent a few days in Berlin,staying at the Park Inn in Alexanderplatz,where we got an unusual surprise.

            We arrived in the afternoon,tired from our early flight,and were checked in by a rather formal young man. We decided to have a lie down for ten minutes before exploring the city. As I lay down with my eyes half shut,I saw a shadow pass the window.,aProbably a seagull

            I thought. Then the same thing happened again,but this time there was a cry coming through the balcony doors.

I got up,opened the sliding doors and went out onto the balcony to investigate — just in time to see a human body screaming past me towards the square below before safely (变慢) just a few meters from the ground. I found out it's a sport called base jumping (高处跳伞).

            Once we knew what was happening,we got used to. it. It went on for a short time each day,and it was only the people that laughed loudly as they went down that disturbed me. (I tried to persuade my wife to have a go,but she said no!)

           On our last day,we checked out and the same rnsenW (寡言少语的) young man served us. “I hope that you enjoyed your stay,” he said.

           “Actually,” I replied, “it would have been nice to have been warned when we checked in about the base jumpers falling past our balcony."

            He paused and considered for a moment,ay/zckr (闪 现) of a smile appearing on one side of his mouth. “Yeah,” he said. “Perhaps we should warn people in the fliture." I knew that he wouldn,t. It was their little joke. Berliners,believe it or not,have a famous sense of humor.

9. What did the author plan to do first with his wife after they were checked in?

   A. Visit the city.    B. Take a hot bath.

   C. Have a short rest. D. Take some photos.

10. What did the author see when he stepped onto the balcony?

   A. His wife.      B. A seagull.

   C. A base jumper. D. The formal young man.

11. What the author said in Paragraph 6 shows that .

   A. he was quite satisfied with the service

   B. he wanted to be a base jumper as well

   C. he thought the base jumpers were brave enough

   D. he should have been told about base jumping before

12. What did the author mean by the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

   A. Berliners were friendly.

   B. Berliners were reserved.

   C. He didn't trust the young man.

   D. He enjoyed the young man's humor.



          When 6-year-old Semra Aniston Young was asked to write about something she liked about herself,she responded with a simple but powerful message about her body image. 

          Semra's mom Kali Young said that she and her husband first saw the completed assignment at a parent-teacher conference. aHer teacher loved it and was excited to share it with us,” she said. After admiring the details in the drawing,Kali said she and her husband considered the (潜在的) meaning. “We discussed how happy we were that she saw herself as beautiful and that she loved her body,” the mom said. “We were so thankful that our daughter saw herself in a positive way.” 

          Kali,who works as an assistant headmaster at an elementary school,said she encourages her daughter to notice the positive aspects of people she sees and meets. “In a time when negatives seem to be flooding our society,I want my daughter to feel the positive and see the positive in herself and others/' she said,adding that she and her husband emphasize the importance of inner beauty qualities such as kindness and compassion

          “When it comes to outer beauty,we point out what a beautiful shirt someone is wearing,or praise a beautiful hair color or fine skin,” the mom continued, “My hope is that she can see that inner beauty is the most important and that outward beauty is represented in many different ways. I want my daughter to see herself as a beautiful,confident,young lady — inside and outside. And seeing her positive self-image through her drawing makes me so proud."

           As an educator,Kali is highly aware of the pressure and mixed messages about body images that girls experience as they grow up. And she's determined to help Semra develop confidence and have compassion from a young age.

5. How did Semra respond to the assignment?

   A. She praised her teacher.

   B. She sang a beautiful song.

   C. She showed little interest in it.

   D. She drew a joyful picture of herself.

6. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. The parents ’ reaction.

   B. The teacher's assignment.

   C. The parent-teacher conference.

   D. Semra's completed assignment.

7. How did Kali feel after seeing Semra’s  work?

   A. Confused. B. Happy.

   C. Shocked. D. Worried.

8. In Kali Young ’s  opinion,.

   A. Semra lacks compassion for others

   B. it is necessay to praise Semra often

   C. inner beauty is more important than outward

   D. Semra pays too much attention to her appearance

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