Air Force One is the call sign of any United States Air Force aircraft carrying the President of the United States. No matter where in the world the President of the United States travels,

  1       he travels in a United States Air Force aircraft,the plane will be given the particular 2        Air Force One. Air Force One is one of the most recognizable 3        of the American presidency.

  Air Force One can be fuelled in the air,so it has 4        range and can carry the President wherever he needs to travel. Equipped with advanced and secure 5        equipment,Air Force One can function as a 6       command center in the event of an attack on the United States.

  7      ,the President and those who 8        him can enjoy 4 ,000 square feet of floor space on three levels. Air Force One offers the President a set of 9 which include a large office,bathroom,meeting room,etc. The plane has a large medical room that can function as an oper?ating room,and a 10       is always on board. The aircraft's two kitchens can 11       100 peo?ple at a time.     12      ,Air Force One has rooms for the President's travel companions.

  The idea of using Air Force aircraft to 13        the President arose in 1943,when officials of the United States Army Air Forces became 14        relying on commercial airlines to carry the President. At first,a C-87 Liberator Express was 15        because of its safety record. A C-54 Skymaster was then chosen to carry the President.

  The "Air Force One" call sign was 16        right after a        (n) 17 in 1953. A flight car?rying President Dwight D. Eisenhower accidentally 18        the same airspace as a commercial airline flight,and the two flights used the same call sign. Ground staff was unable to 19        which flight was carrying the President. Afterwards,for 20       reasons,the President's plane was given the call sign "Air Force One".

(   ) 1. A. if   B. unless   C. although   D. because

(   ) 2. A. task   B. reward   C. name   D. honor

(   ) 3. A. benefits   B. symbols   C. descriptions   D. reflections

(   ) 4. A. short   B. long   C. specific   D. unlimited

(   ) 5. A. sport   B. repair   C. communication   D. video

(   ) 6. A. safe   B. secret   C. modern   D. mobile

(   ) 7. A. Inside   B. Therefore   C. However   D. Anyway

(   ) 8. A. meet   B. interview   C. telephone   D. accompany

(   ) 9. A. chairs   B. rooms   C. novels   D. dishes

(   ) 10. A. doctor   B. guard   C. waiter   D. pilot

(   ) 11. A. hold   B. treat   C. feed   D. keep

(   ) 12. A. Besides   B. Thus   C. Afterwards   D. Otherwise

(   ) 13. A. protect   B. transport   C. welcome   D. entertain

(   ) 14. A. bored with   B. satisfied with   

        C. curious about   D. concerned about

(   ) 15. A. suggested   B. rejected   C. created   D. examined

(   ) 16. A. noticed   B. recorded   C. introduced   D. mentioned

(   ) 17. A. war   B. event   C. crash   D. revolution

(   ) 18. A. left   B. missed   C. crossed   D. entered

(   ) 19. A. tell   B. see   C. prove   D. calculate

(   ) 20. A. politics   B. economy   C. safety   D. convenience

 When India was seeking independence from Britain,the country's Muslim population real?ized that if India became independent,the country would be governed mainly by Hindus. They did not want to be ruled by people of a different religion.

  In 1946,the Muslim League organized a day of " Direct Action". This resulted in Muslims killing Hindus. Attempts to stop the unrest and bring the two sides together failed. It seemed that there would be war in India. The British tried to help the two sides reach an agreement.

  Although Gandhi was against the division of India,his opinion however was ignored by the major political parties―the Muslim League and Hindu Congress Party. When no agreement could be reached,the decision was made to divide the country into two sections following inde?pendence.

  The task of dividing the country was impossible. In many places there were equal numbers of Hindu and Muslim people. Finally,a British man was given the task of drawing the line which created the Muslim state of Pakistan and divided India forever. He was chosen for his neutral position,as neither the Hindus nor the Muslims trusted each other.

  India gained its independence on 15th August,1947,and a period of great violence fol?lowed. Hindus and Muslims killed each other. Many people lost their lives. The Indian Army,which was supposed to stop the fighting,either did nothing or actively joined in the killing.

  There was death everywhere. Millions of Muslims fled to Pakistan while Hindus headed to?wards India from Pakistan. This movement lasted for months.

  Gandhi was saddened by the killings. He could not prevent the disaster,but he was very upset. The final part of the tragedy was his being murdered. He was killed by a Hindu who did not agree with Gandhi's wish for Hindus and Muslims to live together in peace.

(   ) 5. The conflict between Hindus and Muslims has its origin in         .

   A. religion   B. language   C. land   D. population

(   ) 6. Which of the following is the right order according to the passage? a. India got the independence from Britain.

b. The Muslim League organized a day of "Direct Action".

c. The country was divided into two sections.

d. Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu.

   A. a-b-c-d   B. d-c-b-a   C. b-a-c-d   D. c-a-d-b

(   ) 7. Why was a British man asked to draw the line between Hindus and Muslims?

   A. Both sides were violent.

   B. British conquered the India.

   C. Both sides hoped for a fair division.

   D. The army of the country was not powerful.

(   ) 8. Which of the following is true about Gandhi?

   A. He was on the side of the Muslims.

   B. He was in favor of the division of India and Pakistan.

   C. He contributed to drawing a line between the two sections.

   D. He promoted peace instead of violence to solve the problem.

 What is the tallest gift received by the United States? Located in New York Harbor,the 152-foot Statue of Liberty was a gift of international friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States. An inspiration to millions of immigrants,this statue is a universal symbol of freedom,democracy,and diplomacy.

  The relationship between the United States and France began during America's quest for in?dependence from Great Britain in 1776. Benjamin Franklin was among those who served on the diplomatic front during the Revolutionary War. By living in Paris as the American ambassador,Benjamin cultivated a relationship with the French government and the French people. As a re?sult,French soldiers fought alongside the American colonists. Paris was the site for peace nego?tiations between the United States and Great Britain at the end of the war.

  In 1865,Edourd de Laboulaye of France developed the idea of creating a giant statue to honor the friendship and the commitment to liberty between France and the United States. He formed the French-American Union to raise money for this project. Joseph Pulitzer used the edi?torial pages of his newspaper to raise support in the United States for the fund. French sculptor Auguste Bartholdi and structural engineer Gustave Eiffel finished the project in Paris,and the French people presented it to the people of America on July 4,1884. The statue was then shipped across the Atlantic in 214 boxes broken into 350 individual separate pieces. The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28,1886,and President Grover Cleveland accepted the statue on behalf of the American people.

  Ellis Island,which was the arrival point for European immigrants,is part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument. Between 1892 and 1924,more than 22 million passengers saw the Statue of Liberty as they passed through Ellis Island and the Port of New York. This landmark of freedom became a National Monument in 1924 and a major tourist attraction in the 20th cen?tury.

(   ) 1. From the passage,we can know the relationship between France and the USA from 1776 to 1865 is         .

   A. very cold   B. just soso   C. quite close   D. quite tense

(   ) 2. Why did Edourd de Laboulaye put forward the project of building the Statue of Liberty?

   A. To show respect for the USA.

   B. To show the strong image of France.

   C. To raise a lot of money.

   D. To show the friendship and the commitment to liberty between the two countries.

(   ) 3. The underlined word "landmark" in the last paragraph means         .

   A. road   B. success   C. sign   D. wonder

(   ) 4. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

   A. The Statue of Liberty   B. A Great Project

   C. Great Relationship   D. Peace Negotiations

  When I was 16 years old,I made my first visit to the United States. It wasn't the first time I had been abroad. Like most of English children,I learned French at school. And I had often been to France,so I was used to speaking a foreign language to people who didn't understand English. But when I went to America I was really looking forward to having a nice easy holiday without any language problems.

  How wrong I was!The misunderstanding began at the airport. I was looking for a public telephone to give my friend Danny a call and tell her that I had arrived. A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked if he could help me.

  "Yes," I said, "I want to give my friend a ring."

  "Well,that's nice," he said, "Are you getting married? But aren't you a bit young?"

  "I am not talking about marriage!" I replied, "I only want to give my friend a ring to tell her I've arrived. Can you tell me where there's a phone box?"

  "Oh!" he said, "There's a phone downstairs."

  When at last we met,Danny explained the misunderstandings to me.

  "Don't worry," she said to me, "I had so many difficulties at first. There are lots of words which the Americans use differently in meaning from the British. You will soon get used to all the funny things they say. Most of the time British and American people understand each other."

(   ) 5. Where was the writer from?

   A. America. B. France. C. England. D. China.

(   ) 6. The writer wanted         .

   A. to buy a ring for his friend

   B. to make a call to his friend

   C. to go to the telephone company

   D. his friend to see him off

(   ) 7. From the passage we can see that "give somebody a ring"         .

   A. has the same meaning in America as in England

   B. means "call somebody" for the old man

   C. has two different meanings

   D. means "be going to get married" in England

(   ) 8. In the last paragraph,the underlined word "they" refers to         .

   A. the old man and the boy   B. the Americans

   C. the British   D. the French

 A teenager from Thousand Oaks received a warm welcome as he sailed into Marina Del Rey on July 16,2009,becoming the youngest person to circle the globe by sea alone.

Zac Sunderland arrived in Marina Del Rey with his 36-foot boat Intrepid at about 10 a. m. local time. During his 28,000-nauticaI-mile journey,he braved storms,equipment failures and a conflict with suspected pirates.

  "It's great to be back," Sunderland,of Thousand Oaks,California,said after he was wel?comed home by a group of friends.

  Fewer than 250 people have sailed around the globe alone,according to the American Sail?ing Association,which certified Sunderland's feat.

  He left Marina Del Rey,just south of Los Angeles,on June 14,2008,and celebrated his 17th birthday at sea while off Africa's Cape of Good Hope.

  His return was delayed near the end of his voyage when his boat had a broken bulkhead in rough seas off Mexico,forcing him to stop at Puerto Vallarta long enough to wait for his father to fly there to make repairs.

  Another tense moment occurred in the Indian Ocean off Indonesia where the Intrepid was approached by a suspected pirated boat.

  "The intruders fled after a plane flew overhead and Sunderland climbed onto its deck with a gun to keep them off," said Cilarlie Nobles,executive director of the association.

  Sunderland,who remained in contact with his father by satellite telephone during the voy?age,threw the gun away before entering Mexican waters,where it is illegal to carry private fire?arms.

  He becomes the first person under 18 to travel around the globe by sea alone,and the youngest to date. The previous recordholder was David Dicks of Australia,who completed his voyage in November 1996 at the age of 18.

(   ) 1. Which statement about Sunderland's voyage is true?

   A. He completed his voyage in about 13 months.

   B. He is the first one to travel around the globe by sea.

   C. His father flew a plane to drive the pirates off.

   D. On June 14 ,2008,he reached the Cape of Good Hope.

(   ) 2. Why did Sunderland stop at Puerto Vallarta?

   A. To avoid the terrible weather.

   B. To delay the time of his return.

   C. To wait for help from his father.

   D. To avoid the intruders.

(   ) 3. The youngest person who sailed around the globe alone was         .

   A. Charlie Nobles   B. David Dicks

   C. Marina Del Rey   D. Zac Sunderland

(   ) 4. What is the best title for the text?

   A. A Brave Young Man

   B. The Hardship Sunderland Experienced

   C. Who Has Sailed Around the Globe Alone?

   D. The Youngest Person to Circle the Globe Alone

 One day John decided to take a trip to a distant destination. He wanted to make sure the 1        would be exciting and he would like to have all the beautiful sights,2       people and delicious foods. He also wanted to avoid all kinds of dangers and didn't want to get 3       .

  After a few tentative steps he realized this trip 4        careful consideration,and decided to seek 5       .

  At first he asked his friend Mark what was the 6        way to get there. Mark said that land access to the place wasn't 7      ,so the only way to the destination was to go by boat.

  Then he 8        the trip with his aunt who enjoys very broad horizons. His aunt claimed that sailing was 9        dangerous,and that several of her friends went there by boat but 10        re?turned. Her advice was to forget the trip,11       more money and enjoy his life.

  John was 12        so he wrote a letter to his former geography teacher. The teacher 13        him a map and a guide for his journey. He was 14        with complex information with which all the answers would be 15       .

  He continued the process of gathering 16        and he was sure that by 17        all the infor?mation and evidence,he would soon find out the best way to his destination.

  But the result was disappointing. 18       each claimed they knew the truth and the only way,it was clear to the young man that none of them had all the 19       . It was also clear to him the only way to the truth was to 20        his trip and discover for himself.

(   ) 1. A. arrangement   B. journey   C. work   D. competition

(   ) 2. A. careful   B. curious   C. friendly   D. stressful

(   ) 3. A. lost   B. relaxed   C. mastered   D. developed

(   ) 4. A. rejected   B. demanded   C. took   D. requested

(   ) 5. A. adventure   B. record   C. experience   D. advice

(   ) 6. A. fastest   B. shortest   C. best   D. common

(   ) 7. A. available   B. difficult   C. broad   D. dangerous

(   ) 8. A. talked about   B. set about   C. got through   D. broke through

(   ) 9. A. originally   B. physically   C. extremely   D. fortunately

(   ) 10. A. somebody   B. anybody   C. nobody   D. everybody

(   ) 11. A. borrow   B. save   C. lend   D. donate

(   ) 12. A. confused   B. tired   C. excited   D. touched

(   ) 13. A. engaged   B. provided   C. reminded   D. mailed

(   ) 14. A. tested   B. troubled   C. asked   D. presented

(   ) 15. A. invented   B. handled   C. discovered   D. created

(   ) 16. A. information   B. money   C. energy   D. food

(   ) 17. A. selling   B. analyzing   C. realizing   D. publishing

(   ) 18. A. Therefore   B. Whether   C. Though   D. When

(   ) 19. A. answers   B. roads   C. beliefs   D. behaviors

(   ) 20. A. wait   B. start   C. stop   D. continue

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