A friend and I decided to go for a vegetarian (素食的) dinner today. We went to a nearby restaurant run by a beautiful lady,who is really warm and kind. We ordered our food,which turned out to be delicious and light as usual,and we enjoyed our meal so much. We were being kind to ourselves by eating simple,nu?tritious food cooked with care and love.

  However,there happened to be smile cards on my person and another greet?ing card,so we decided that this was a great opportunity to be kind to someone else too. We had a secret chat with one of the lovely people who were serving us,and pointed,winked? gestured at the couple sitting at the next table,and told him that we wanted to pay their bill. He agreed,and my friend wrote out a beau?tiful card for them,and we attached a smile card as well. We finished our meal,and both our bill and their bill were given to us,and we paid the money and left. They were to receive the card in place of the bill.

  We walked out of the restaurant,and my friend wanted to see their reaction without getting noted. So,we hid from view,and watched as they were smiling with so much joy,and that just made our day. We hugged each other in gratitude,for having each other.

  We later found out that the couple were both software engineers and had experienced a busy day!This bit of information made it even more special. We couldn't stop smiling.

That was a beautiful end to a long day.

1. Where did the story happen?

   A. In a ward of the hospital.

   B. In a big supermarket.

   C. In a nearby restaurant.

   D. In a dinning room.

2. What does the underlined word "light" in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. Not heavy.

   B. Easily awakened.

   C. Gentle.

   D. Easily digested.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that      .

   A. the writer was willing to help others

   B. the writer got beautiful smile cards

   C. the couple at the next table paid their own bill

   D. the couple at the next table knew the writer

4. What were the couple sitting at the next table?

   A. They were waiters in the restaurant.

   B. They were both software engineers.

   C. They both worked in the hospital.

   D. One was a doctor and the other was a teacher.

5. What's the main idea of the passage?

   A. Be kind to ourselves and others.

   B. Send smile cards to others.

   C. Look at others smiling.

   D. Helping others makes them happy.

  Mr Daves fished the same lake as my husband John for over 15 years. A friendship developed but when Mrs Daves died,it left Mr Daves alone. They had no children. So John took Mr Daves fishing with him every time he went.

  A few years later Mr Daves had a stroke that paralysed (使擁疾) his right side. He lost his speech and was put into a nursing home. Confined to his bed and unable to communicate,Mr Daves began to suffer from depression. This almost broke John's heart.

  He finally got permission from the nursing home to take Mr Daves out for a ride. They were both excited to be together again but it was very painful for Mr Daves to be lifted into John's truck. Because he was paralysed on one side the weight of that side pulled heavily on his good side. John worried about this but still took him out about every ten days.

  John had got his truck a year earlier and it was the truck of his dreams,a real cowboy Caddy. He came home one day and announced he was selling it so we could buy a van that was equipped for a wheelchair. He did sell his truck. He uses this van for his transportation. It isn't sporty or fast but it sure eases Mr Daves' pain on their outings and they both enjoy them so much more.

  John has made a special fishing rod (钓竿) that Mr Daves can use,so they still go fishing together. Even though Mr Daves can't talk,he has led the nursing home staff to believe John is his son.

  Mr Daves is getting old now at 86 but is still enjoying life thanks to John. I don't know anyone who would give up their favourite possession to help a friend. I hope he can be an example for others to take similar steps to help those who are in need.

1. Why did John always take Mr Daves fishing together with him?

   A. Mr Daves was alone.

   B. Mr Daves had no children.

   C. Mr Daves liked fishing too.

   D. Mr Daves wanted to have fish.

2. From the passage,we can infer that John was        .

   A. determined   B. kind

   C. outgoing   D. smart

3. What car is John's favourite one?

   A. A van equipped with a wheelchair.

   B. A real cowboy Caddy.

   C. A sporty truck.

   D. A slow and big truck.

4. Mr Daves can enjoy life now because of        .

   A. good care in the nursing home   B. John's help

   C. his son's careful care   D. his good health

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