
W:Excuse me. We are doing a market survey on TV programmes. Would you have time 24      (answer) a few questions?

M: OK,why not?

W: Lovely!First,I'd like 25      (ask) something about you. What job do you do?

M:IT engineering. I work for 26        computer company.

W:IT engineering. Fine. And would you mind me 27        about your salary? M: 28     ,I don't mind. It's 40,000 pounds a year.

W:OK. What would you say is your main reason for 29      (watch) TV?

M: Well,I'd say that TV 30      (probable) just helps me kill time and."

W:Fine. About your correct watching habits — how many hours a day 31        average do you watch TV?

M:Not a lot,really... I should say around two hours.

W:At what time of the day do you usually watch 32      ? M:Well? a little around breakfast time 33        then from ten twenty to midnight.

24.         25.          26.      27.       

28.         29.          30.       31.       

32.         33.       

24. to answer 25. to ask 26. a 27. asking 28. No

29. watching 30. probably 31. on 32. it/TV 33. and


  The 1990s saw great changes in the waypeople communicate. People could send mail without going to the 1        and go shopping without leaving home.

2     like "e-mail" and "download" became part of people's vocabulary. The Cciusc of this great change was the 3     . The idea for the Internet began in the early 1960s in 4     . The Depart?ment of Defense wanted to 5        their computers together in order to 6        private information. In 1969,the ARPANET (an early form of the Internet) first connected the 7        at four American universities. One computer suc?cessfully 8        information to another. In 1972,scientists shared ARPANET 9        the world. They created a 10 to send person-to-person messages using ARPANET. This was the 11        of e-mail.

  Over the next few years,there was a lot of progress made in the world of computing,12        most people were not using the Internet. Then,in the 1980 s,personal computers became more 13    .In the early 1990s,14        important things happened:the birth of the World Wide Weh in 1991,and the creation of the 15     Web browser (浏览器) in 1993. The web made it 16     to find informalion on the Internet,and to move from place to place 17     links. The Web browser made it possible to see information as a website with pictures,sound,and words.

  Today, 18     of people connect to the Internet to send emails,visit web?sites,or store information on servers. 19     are now an important part of our lives and are changing 20        we learn,work,shop,and communicate.

1. A. post office   B. supermarket  

  C. department store   D. the office

2. A. Expressions   B. Phrases   C. Letters   D. Words

3. A. computer H. Internet   C. server   D. browser

4. A. America   B. England   C. China   D. Canada

5. A. put   B. get   C. connect   D. leave

6. A. have   B. take   C. reach   D. share

7. A. computers   B. colleges   C. telephones I) , lines

8. A. worked R found   C. posted   D. sent

9. A. to   B. in   C. with   D. for

10. A. place   B. way   C. path   D. direction

11. A. beginning   B. finding   C. creating   D. using

12. A. but   B. and   C. or   D. because

13. A. practical   B. familiar   C. expensive   D. common

14. A. two   B. three   C. four   D. five

15. A. new   B. first   C. advanced   D. modern

16. A. easier   B. harder   C. slower   D. cheaper

17. A. circling   B. seeking   C. sending   D. using

18. A. tens   B. hundreds   C. thousands   D. millions

19. A. E-mails   B. Messages   C. Computers   D. Websites

20. A. how   B. what   C. when   D. why

  When I was in the final year at college,we visited one of our friends' homes for a lunch. The moment we 6_________ his house,I found his home wasn't painted very well. I couldn't 7        in words but it was not even the kind of house in which a typicaK典型的) middle-class Indian family lives.

  One of the 8        things I did find there was the loving parents. We sat on the ground for the lunch 9        they didn't have a dining table. His mother served us very 10        food,smiling throughout and showed 11        during the whole hmchtime―something I can never 12_________ . His father worked as a normal repairman and I wondered if he made enough money to 13        their two sons.

  While we were taking lunch,his father 14        home to meet us,with black hands and in very 15        clothes. I remember our friend had no hesitation (犹豫) about his father and made our 16    . How loving this family was!.

Now,I am telling you the 17        moment of the story. As soon as his father came in,after just 4  or 5 18_________,our friend asked us if we wanted "Papad" (a typical Indian food) to eat. 19_________ we could say any?thing,our friend's mother said there was no "Papad" in the house.

  20_________,our friend asked his father if he could get some. Very gently and kindly his father 21        it for us. after going through many staircases even though he was looking 22    . From this I understand: the amount of money you make won't 23        others' hearts;the only way is with love and 24_________ . I always tell my friend that one of the most 25_________ days of my life is the day I had lunch with him and his parents.

6. A. compared   B. reached   C. repaired   D. cleaned

7. A. write   B. report   C. learn   D. describe

8. A. greatest   B. funniest   C. easiest   D. strangest

9. A. whether   B. though   C. because   D. unless

10. A. little   B. cheap

   C. delicious D. common

11. A. care   B. pity   C. surprise   D. regret

12. A. imagine   B. mention   C. know   D. forget

13. A. direct   B. support   C. please   D. control

14. A. left   B. stayed   C. returned   D. rushed

15. A. new   B. dirty   C. comfortable   D. thick

16. A. decisions   B. suggestions   C. discussions   D. introductions

17. A. unusual   B. hard   C. exact   D. quiet

18. A. seconds   B. minutes   C. quarters   D. hours

19. A. Until   B. Since   C. Before   D. When

20. A. Quickly   B. Suddenly   C. Certainly   D. Finally

21. A. brought   B. changed   C. cooked   D. prepared

22. A. worried   B. excited   C. satisfied   D. tired

23. A. stop   B. refuse   C. win   D. break

24. A. courage   B. attention   C. experience   D. kindness

25. A. surprising   B. special

   C. boring   D. interesting

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