

  Winter depression(or winter blues)is a common suffering for those who live in our northern climate.Its clinical name is seasonal affective disorder(SAD)and up to 5% of the population(especially in northern states)may suffer from it.SAD is characterized by(其特点是)feelings of sadness and depression that occur in the winter months when the temperature drops and the days grow short.The depression is often associated with excessive eating or sleeping and weight gain.Women are twice to three times more likely to suffer from the winter depression than men.

  There are many effective treatments for winter depression, some of which you can do to help yourself.Increasing your daily exposure to as much natural light as possible can be helpful to many.Any time that you have the opportunity to gain access to more sunlight in the winter months, you should try to do so.Taking walks throughout the day(even if you don't normally do so), sitting next to a south-facing window at your office, in a classroom, or at home will increase your sunlight exposure.Exercising next to a window or outdoors when possible is another activity that can help.

  Although it may be difficult to do, maintaining your schedule and lifestyle will help to keep the depression at bay.A regular pattern of sleep is the most important thing to maintain.It may be helpful, for example, to have your bedroom lights on a timer to turn on a half-hour before you wake.This may help in waking at a regular time every morning, when it is still dark outside in the winter months.

  Light treatment has shown to be effective for seasonal affective disorder.While you can buy expensive and specialized light treatment lighting fixtures for your home or office, some inexpensive alternatives are also available.Another lighting technique to try is to replace commonly used light bulbs in your home with brighter full spectrum(also known as broad spectrum)light bulbs.While more expensive than regular light bulbs, these bulbs provide light that is similar to natural sunlight.

  If none of these techniques seem to help your depressive symptoms, you should consider consulting a doctor or a mental health professional.The winter blues are a form of depression and can be readily treated with medicine or psychotherapy(心理疗法)when other self-help methods aren't effective.Don't be afraid to talk about this condition with a professional; it's nothing to be ashamed or afraid of.With a little effort, the winter blues can be beaten.


What do we know about winter depression according to the passage?

[  ]


It is very common where the weather is cool.


It may lead to weight gain.


It always occurs in southern states.


It seldom affects men.


What is the most important factor in the treatment introduced in the second paragraph?

[  ]


Exposure to natural light.


Sports in winter months.


Outdoor activities.


Exercising indoors.


For winter depression, light treatment ________.

[  ]


is much more difficult than other kinds of therapy


is so expensive that some may not be able to afford it


encourages people to do indoor exercises


needs specialized bulbs to replace ordinary ones


We can infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


self-help methods do not work completely


psychotherapy is much more effective than medicine


mental health professionals don't recommend self-help methods


most people prefer self-help methods to medications



  May:Happenings from the Past

  May 5, 1884

  Isaac Murphy, son of a slave and perhaps the greatest horse rider in American history, rides Buchanan to win his first Kentucky Derby.He becomes the first rider ever to win the race three times.

  May 9, 1754

  Benjamin Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette produces perhaps the first American political cartoon(漫画), showing a snake cut in pieces with the words “Join or Die” printed under the picture.

  May 11, 1934

  The first great dust storm of the Great Plains Dust Bowl, the result of years of drought(干旱), blows topsoil all the way to New York City and Washington, D.C.

  May 19, 1994

  Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, former first lady and one of the most famous people of the 1960s died of cancer in New York City at the age of 64.

  May 24, 1844

  Samuel F.B Morse taps out the first message, “What hath God wrought, ” over the experimental long-distance telegraph line which runs from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, Md.


We know from the text that Buchanan is ________.

[  ]


Isaac’s father


a winning horse


a slave taking care of horses


the first racing horse in Kentucky


What is the title of the first American political cartoon?

[  ]


Join or Die


Pennsylvania Gazette


What Hath God Wrought


Kentucky Derby


In which year did the former first lady Jacqueline die?

[  ]










Which of the following places has to do with the first telegram in history?

[  ]


Washington, D.C.


New York City.






  Rae Armantrout, who has been a poetry professor at the University of California San Diego(UCSD)for two decades, has won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize in the poetry category for her most recent book, “Versed”.

  “I'm delighted and amazed at how much media recognition that the Pulitzer brings, as compared to even the National Book Critics Award, which I was also surprised and delighted to win,” said Armantrout.

  “For a long time, my writing has been just below the media radar, and to have this kind of attention, suddenly, with my 10th book, is really surprising.”

  Armantrout, a native Californian, received her bachelor's degree at UC Berkeley, where she studied with noted poet Denise Levertov, and her master's in creative writing from San Francisco State University.She is a founding member of Language Poets, a group in American poetry that analyzes the way language is used and raises questions to make the reader think.

  In March, she won the National Book Critics Circle Award for “Versed.”

  “This book has gotten more attention,” Armantrout said, “but I don't feel as if it's better.”

  The first half of “Versed” focuses on the dark forces taking hold of the United States as it fought the war against Iraq.The second half looks at the dark forces casting a shadow over her own life after Armantrout was diagnosed with cancer in 2006.

  Armantrout was shocked to learn she had won the Pulitzer but many of her colleagues were not.“Rae Armantrout is a unique voice in American poetry,” said Seth Lerer, head of Arts and Humanities at UCSD.

  “Versed”, published by the Wesleyan University Press, did appear in a larger printing than her earlier works, which is about 2,700 copies.The new edition is scheduled to appear in May.


According to Rae Armantrout, ________.

[  ]


her 10th book is much better


her winning the Pulitzer is unexpected


the media is surprised at her works


she likes being recognized by her readers


Which of the following is true of Rae Armantrout?

[  ]


She published a poetry textbook.


She used to teach Denise Levertov.


She started a poets' group with others.


She taught creative writing at UC Berkeley.


What can we learn about “Versed”?

[  ]


It consists of three parts.


It is mainly about the American army.


It is a book published two decades ago.


It partly concerns the poet's own life.


Rae Armantrout's colleagues think that she ________.

[  ]


should write more


has a sweet voice


deserves the prize


is a strange professor


What can we learn from the text?

[  ]


About 2,700 copies of “Versed” will be printed.


Cancer made Armantrout stop writing.


Armantrout got her degrees at UCSD.


“Versed” has been awarded twice.


  Don't go to Kauai.Go to any of the other Hawaiian Islands-Maui, Lanai, the Big Island-but leave Kauai for us.The weather on Kauai is so unpredictable that sometimes it rains all day-in fact, it's the second-wettest spot on the earth.Yes, there are giant double rainbows all the time, and the sunlight through the clouds is magical.But if you are not interested in these, go somewhere else.You just can't control the nature on Kauai, and who wants to surrender to the nature when you could be at a fine hotel, lying in a comfortable chair next to a swimming pool, with food served upon request?

  So what if Kauai produces surf champions the way Texas produces cowboys?Most of its 300 white-sand beaches are unmarked.Unless you connect with the local people, the hidden spots are hard to find.While Hanalei is the most beautiful town you've ever dreamed of, you can forget about discos and clubs.Worse, it doesn't have one single four-star restaurant.What it does have is the original drive-through places where you pass by a rambutan tree(红毛丹树), and pick a piece of fruit.

  Shopping in Kauai?Forget it-unless you are interested in shell necklaces and beautifully carved wood bowls.Kauai is not about pampering.It's about going natural and finding the nature within you.It's a do-it-yourself place that offers walking along the coast, driving and swimming in the Pacific Ocean, and lying on the beach.

  Don't go to Kauai unless you have a lot of time, because there's only one road, which can be slightly dull.It winds through the beautiful scenery of waterfalls, rivers flowing into the ocean, and taro(芋头)fields.You have no choice but to look at everything, because the speed limit is 35 m.p.h.

  If you're not interested in color, don't bother with Kauai, because that's what you get-red roads, blue oceans, and a hundred different shades of green.It's like diving on land.Many people on Kauai believe that this is Lemuria-a lost island in the Atlantic.Can you imagine?Those Hawaiians, surfers, New Agers, and people who love nature and beauty and want a different quality of life-what do they know, anyway?Forget about it-you're not going to like it.Go somewhere else.Leave Kauai for us.


After reading the text, we come to know that it is ________.

[  ]


a piece of shocking news


an exciting story


an angry complaint about a tourist attraction


a moving advertisement


It can be learned from the text that ________.

[  ]


Kauai is an island near the Hawaiian Islands


Kauai is another name of the Hawaiian Islands


Kauai is one of the Hawaiian Islands


Kauai doesn't belong to the Hawaiian Islands


In the writer's opinion, Kauai ________.

[  ]


is not worth visiting at all


is well worth visiting


is not a beautiful island


is a dangerous island


Who would like to visit Kauai?________

[  ]


Those who love nature.


Those who love city life.


Those who love the comfort in a fine hotel.


Those who love going shopping.


Which of the following statements is false?

[  ]


Many more people will probably come to Kauai after reading the passage.


You can practice in Kauai if you want to win a championship in surfing.


The weather in Kauai is changeable.


In Kauai there are top class hotels where food is served upon request.


  Rae Armantrout, who has been a poetry professor at the University of California San Diego(UCSD)for two decades, has won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize in the poetry category for her most recent book, “Versed”.

  “I’m delighted and amazed at how much media recognition that the Pulitzer brings, as compared to even the National Book Critics Award, which I was also surprised and delighted to win,” said Armantrout.

  “For a long time, my writing has been just below the media radar, and to have this kind of attention, suddenly, with my 10th book, is really surprising.”

  Armantrout, a native Californian, received her bachelor’s degree at UC Berkeley, where she studied with noted poet Denise Levertov, and her master’s in creative writing from San Francisco State University.She is a founding member of Language Poets, a group in American poetry that analyzes the way language is used and raises questions to make the reader think.

  In March, she won the National Book Critics Circle Award for “Versed.”

  “This book has gotten more attention,” Armantrout said, “but I don’t feel as if it’s better.”

  The first half of “Versed” focuses on the dark forces taking hold of the United States as it fought the war against Iraq.The second half looks at the dark forces casting a shadow over her own life after Armantrout was diagnosed with cancer in 2006.

  Armantrout was shocked to learn she had won the Pulitzer but many of her colleagues were not.“Rae Armantrout is a unique voice in American poetry, ” said Seth Lerer, head of Arts and Humanities at UCSD.

  “Versed”, published by the Wesleyan University Press, did appear in a larger printing than her earlier works, which is about 2, 700 copies.The new edition is scheduled to appear in May.


According to Rae Armantrout, _________.

[  ]


her 10th book is much better


her winning the Pulitzer is unexpected


the media is surprised at her works


she likes being recognized by her readers


Which of the following is true of Rae Armantrout?

[  ]


She published a poetry textbook.


She used to teach Denise Levertov.


She started a poets’ group with others.


She taught creative writing at UC Berkeley.


What can we learn about “Versed”?

[  ]


It consists of three parts.


It is mainly about the American army.


It is a book published two decades ago.


It partly concerns the poet’s own life.


Rae Armantrout’s colleagues think that she _________.

[  ]


should write more


has a sweet voice


deserves the prize


is a strange professor


What can we learn from the text?

[  ]


About 2, 700 copies of “Versed” will be printed.


Cancer made Armantrout stop writing.


Armantrout got her degrees at UCSD.


“Versed” has been awarded twice.


  Holiday is finally here!It’s time to get into the spirit of the happy season.Here are two activities you can try with your friends and classmates.


  About the game

  Some students from Lancaster University in the UK are going to have their annual Jailbreak Competition.It is organized by the university’s division of Students in Free Enterprise, a non-profit organization, run by students, which helps to fund sustainable projects in developing countries.

  How to play

  Traveling in pairs, participants have 36 hours to journey as far as possible, without spending any money.Before setting off, they are given posters and T-shirts to raise as much money as possible.When they reach their destination, students are required to take a photo and buy a newspaper to prove that they were there.Prizes are awarded for most money raised and furthest distance traveled.

  Humans vs Zombies(僵尸大战)

  About the game

  You don’t have to wait until Halloween to play a zombie game.Created in the fall of 2005 at Goucher College, US by students Brad Sappington and Chris Weed, the game Humans vs Zombies has taken the US by storm and is now played on more than 200 college campuses across the country.Many find that the game is a good way to make friends.

  How to play

  Everyone playing the game starts as “human” with the exception of one:the original zombie.

  If a player is touched by the zombie, he or she then becomes a zombie and is required to “tag”(感染)at least one human every 48 hours to stay in the game.

  If a human player manages to “stun”(打晕)a zombie with a toy gun or a pair of rolled up socks, they are safe for the time being.The “stunned” zombie is not allowed to tag a human for a predetermined length of time.The game can last days, weeks or even all semester.If less than a certain number of humans survive the attack, the zombies win.


About Jailbreak, which is true?

[  ]


A photo and a newspaper are evidence of their reaching the destination.


The Jailbreak Competition is held every other year.


As the organizer, Lancaster University provides money as award.


Participants can set up groups without considering the group number.


According to the passage, a zombie _________

[  ]


can become a human when tagged


must tag 48 humans or he will die


have to be a human at the beginning


can’t tag a human for a time if stunned


What is students’ reaction to the two games?

[  ]


Students in more than 200 colleges like Jailbreak.


Students join in Jailbreak to raise money for developing countries


Students consider Humans vs Zombies a good way to make friends


Students should wait until Halloween to play a zombie game.


What text type is this passage?

[  ]


A notice.


A description.


An argument.


A story telling.

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