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1.. Hinny is filled with hope and inspiration to celebrate and protect the world's environments. Looking through the book, he knows that every beautiful sight that meets his eyes is a precious dreamland worth preserving a special place that feels like “Heaven on Earth”.


2. Jumpy is pleased that his newly-bought book is a fascinating colorful guide to all the birds on the planet, their identification, structures and plumages, habitats, behaviors, and ranges.


3. Pope is using a film camera for his part-time photographs by means of his guide photography. Now he is armed with the practical know how-to get great images.


4.Jackson will get a wealth of ideas for making adventure a part of his life with the magazine! He likes every issue of this magazine packed with breathtaking photography and compelling features on topics such as diving, snorkeling, skydiving, hang gliding, kayaking, rafting, sailing, climbing, hiking, and more.


5.Dingy is invited to join an excursion into the rich rhythms and textures of music from the far reaches of the world. He enjoys the diverse mix of memorable music from these special corners of the Earth as he browses through some of the fascinating cultural facts and maps of each region and then sets off for his destination!


The next morning Alex was waiting in the FMA president’s suite when Jerome Patterton arrived. Alex filled him in quickly on the Jax report. Then he said, “I want you to give an order to the trust department to sell every share of Supranational we’re holding.”

“I won’t!” Patterton’s voice rose. “Who do you think you are, giving orders-----“ “I’ll tell you who I am, Jerome. I’m the guy who warned the board against in-depth involvement with SuNatCo. I fought against heavy trust department buying of the stock, but no one-----including you -----would listen. Now Supranational is caving in.” Alex leaned across the desk and slammed a fist down hard. “Don’t you understand? Supranational can bring this bank down with it.”

 Patterton was shaken. “But is SuNatCo in real trouble? Are you sure?”

 “If I weren’t, do you think I’d be here? I’m giving you a chance to salvage something at least.” He pointed to his wristwatch. “It’s an hour since the New York  stock market opened. Jerome, get on the phone and give that order!”

 Muscles around the bank president’s mouth twitched nervously. Never decisive, strong influence often swayed him. He hesitated, then picked up the telephone.

 “Get me Mitchell in the trust department… Mitch? This is Jerome. Listen carefully. I want you to give a sell order immediately on all the Supranational stock we hold… Yes, sell every share.” Patterton listened, then said impatiently, “Yes, I know what it’ll do to the market. And I know it’s irregular.” His eyes sought Alex’s for reassurance. The hand holding the telephone trembled as he said, “There’s no time to hold meetings. So do it! Yes, I accept responsibility.”

 He hung up and reached for a glass of water. “The stock is already down. Our selling will depress it more. We’ll be taking a big beating.”

 “It’s our clients-----people who trusted us-----who will take the beating. And they’d have taken a bigger one still, if we’d waited. Even now we’re not out of the woods. A week from now the SEC may disallow those sales. They may rule we had inside knowledge that Supranational was about to be bankrupt, which we should have reported and which would have halted trading in the stock.

1.  Alex filled him in quickly on the Jax report. The sentence means:

A. He filled his name on the Jax report quickly.                         

B. Alex signed his name to the Jax report quickly.

C. He offered the FMA president the Jax report smartly.      

D. He prepared the Jax report for Patterton to sign smartly.

2.  From the context we can infer that ________.

A. SuNatCo would bring the stock market down if it sold all the Supranational stock they              held.

B. The president was stubborn and would never listen to others.

C. Alex will take the place of Patterton in the future.

D. the clients would take a bigger beating than the bank

3.  The New York stock market is the place where_____.

A. the old stock can be bought and sold                                   

B. shares can be bought and sold

C. paper stock can be bought and sold                                     

D.some of the stock can be taken without being paid for

4.  In the sentence “Even now we’re not out the woods.” The phrase “out of the woods”       means     _____.

A. free from danger                                                                      B. short of wood                               

C. running out of wood                                                       D. set free

5. In the writer’s opinion, the president is _____.

A. good leader of the U.S.A                                                B. a good manager of a company

C. headmaster                                                                         D. banker, an indecisive sort of person


After the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill aimed at retaliatory(报复的) action against China for its “significantly undervalued” currency, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged the IMF to pressure China to adopt “more flexible, more market-directed exchange-rate management”. This is a coded message to China: You’re keeping on purpose your currency cheap, and the U.S. economy is paying the price. So cut it out --- or else. The normally dull IMF meeting became the latest battleground for the U.S. to be against a fast developing China.

    Our new conventional wisdom is that China’s policy leads to make trade deficits (逆差) greater and the loss of American jobs. Dozens of candidates have run ads attacking a competitor for allowing China to take advantage of us. In the election-year view, China grew 10% annually for the past decade while maintaining low inflation(通涨) only by taking advantage of its artificially low currency. The idea that the U.S. is not responsible for its own economy is a black-is-white view. It argues that China and its currency are causing the lion’s share of harm.

This is an argument born of fear. It covers a fact that the economies of China and the U.S. have become beneficial to each other. Those trillions in reserves that China accumulates: Where do they go? Back to the U.S. in the form of lending money to the federal government. Those made-in-China goods that account for the trade deficit: Whom do they benefit? China, yes, but also American consumers and companies. Without China, American companies could not have maintained their profitability in recent years. Take two brand names, Caterpillar and Nike. Both have their products made in China, but both also view China as a fast-growing market for their products.

George Soros warned recently that a currency war could put the world into disorder more damaging than anything caused by the financial crisis of the 1930s. He’s right. Whether we like it or not, we live in a global system. The zero-sum attitude toward China and its currency is a relic, the remaining of an earlier time when nations defined economic life.

China is far from perfect and seeks its own advantage, but holding it accountable for our domestic problems is beyond outdated. It reflects a dangerous refusal to deal with the world as it is. Retaliating against China over currency will not regain high-end jobs in the U.S., which needs more our own demand. It will not renew construction or retool the American labor force. It will not rebuild rotting bridges or create a next-generation energy network.


1.Which of the following argument can be supported by the writer?

A. China is the winner in the Sino-US trade.

B. China’s rapid development over the past ten years is based on its low inflation.

C. The world’s economy will benefit from China’s policy changes on its currency.

D. The US will get hurt if it tries hard on damaging China’s economy.

2.This passage is in a tone that is ____________.

A. in favor of China

B. in the shoes of US

C. blaming China’s low currency policy

D. helping IMF solve the world’s economic problem

3.The writer makes his point of view clear through the passage by using _____________.

A. reasonable analysis

B. leaders’ quotations

C. figure examples

D. moving stories

4.China’s currency policy ________.

A. will help increase the demand in the US

B. is unable to equip the American labor force with new working skills

C. could guide the world economy for the next decade

D. is to be controlled by the international currency groups





I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area.My parents  1the necessities of life   2they couldn’t give much more.If I asked my father   3a pair of jeans,he would say,“If you want them,make the money and buy them   4.”He wasn’t being mean;he just couldn’t   5them.From age 12 on,I did part-time jobs after school.

When I   6from high school,I joined the navy.Soon I was in a boot camp(新兵训练营) at Parris Island,S.C.,where I learned that life in the navy centered around completing daily   7.These could be anything from cleaning the camp to conducting mock(模拟的) battles.Completing these tasks successfully   8discipline,team-work and responsibility.It didn’t  9whether you were black,white or Asian;everyone worked together for the  10of the company.

I went   11to graduate from the U.S.Naval Academy and later became an officer in the navy.The part of my job I   12most was the consueling(咨询) meetings I   13with the family members of the men and women in my   14,trying to help them deal with the long periods of   15.These proved popular and word of them spread.   16I was being asked to give encouraging   17to business groups,educators and kids across the country.

But I consider the boot camp my first real  18,and my life is still guided by the  19lessons I learned there.It taught me discipline,friendship and the pride related to setting a task every day and working hard to   20it.

1.A.provided        B.got               C.made              D.bought

2.A.while           B.but               C.so                    D.or

3.A.about           B.with              C.for               D.of

4.A.themselves      B.ourselves         C.yourself          D.myself

5.A.pay             B.find              C.produce           D.afford

6.A.came            B.returned          C.escaped           D.graduated

7.A.drills          B.tasks             C.exercises         D.reports

8.A.included            B.asked             C.required          D.met

9.A.matter          B.mean              C.exist             D.work

10.A.good           B.boss              C.rest              D.right

11.A.out                B.on                    C.away              D.off

12.A.took           B.hated             C.enjoyed           D.did

13.A.ended          B.began             C.continued         D.held

14.A.charge         B.situation         C.position          D.choice

15.A.lessons            B.meetings          C.training          D.separation

16.A.Long before                            B.Before long

C.As usual                              D.Once again

17.A.performances                           B.descriptions

C.speeches                              D.gifts

18.A.vacation           B.place             C.job               D.travel

19.A.important      B.bitter                C.normal                D.difficult

20.A.gain               B.achieve               C.show              D.match


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