
  As much of Arizona enters an 11th year of drought conditions,the state could experience its driest winter season in centuries. And that has officials worrying about agriculture,water supplies and the threat of wildfires.

  Arizona's mountains are almost bare,with snowpack conditions worse than they were at the same time in 2002―a year that set records as one of the driest in five centuries.

  Rural areas are facing water shortages by early summer if rains don't come.

January and February typically bring much of the snow needed to refill reservoirs (水库) and keep rivers and forests healthy. But a stubborn weather pattern has been leading every storm north of Arizona so far this winter.

  The Salt and Verde rivers' watersheds received just 0. 14 of an inch of rain in November and December,and none has fallen in Phoenix since Oct. 18.

  "I've never seen anything like this," said Larry Martinez,water supply specialist for the Federal Natural Resources Conservation Service. "It's quite shocking to a lot of folks who depend on the snow. There could still be a miracle turnaround;don't underestimate (过低估计) Mother Nature. But the trend doesn't look good for us right now."

  Farmers who draw on smaller rivers and reservoirs could run short this year. The lack of rain will increase the demand for water early in growing seasons,which will further weaken supplies.

  Meanwhile,some experts are already predicting one of the worst wildfire seasons in years around Arizona with a fatal combination of drying trees and driedout grass.

  The State Department of Water Resources had begun meeting with local leaders under a drought plan produced two years ago by a governor's task force.

  The main effect of the dry winter in the Phoenix metropolitan (大都市的) area is an increase in water consumption,say city water departments. Mesa increased its use of Central Arizona Project water by 17% in November and 26% in December.

  Whether cities will be forced to dip into other store depends on the weather for the next two or three months. Forecasters are predicting warm,dry conditions.

(   ) 5. Where can you probably find this kind of article?

   A. In a text book.

   B. In a traveling guide.

   C. In a newspaper.

   D. In a magazine for entertainment.

(   ) 6. The driest winter season in the rural area may result in         .

   A. the precious animal's dying out

   B. the pollution of the farmland

   C. the water shortage in the coming seasons

   D. the laziness of the farmer

(   ) 7. According to the passage,which of the following statements can be learned?

   A. 2002 was the driest year with snowpack condition,which made a record in the history.

   B. The first two months of a year usually bring much of the water needed to keep rivers and forests healthy.

   C. Farmers,although depending on the snow,are not worry about the water shortage at all.

   D. The lack of rain will just have some effect on the winter season,when farmers are growing.

(   ) 8. It can be learnt from the passage that         .

   A. the local governor will make a plan to deal with the drought soon

   B. the driest winter season just has an effect on the rural area

   C. Arizona State could have its driest winter season in centuries

   D. warm,dry conditions would be the best in this area

5. C全文介绍Arizona的干旱形势,显然是报刊的报道。

6. C文章第7段提到了干旱形势严峻,将引起即将来临的季节需水量的短缺。

7. B由第4段开头提到的January and February typically bring much of the snow可知。

8. C从全文看该州可能遇到了几世纪来罕见的干旱。


 Someday,when you're as big as me,you may not remember your preschool teachers. But still,I want to help you understand how very much you 1        to me.

  You have 2        me what it's like to be a kid again:I know all of the new 3        songs and have,become fond of your new 4       ,"Hi Ho Silverware!" I've learned to sing and dance again,and Fm 5        on the "hokeypokey" and the "little tea pot". I know how many blocks you can stack (pile) 6       I have to yell "Look out!" as they all come crashing down. I know that "even if dough (生面团) smells good,you still can't 7        it," and "even if your hair is sticking out,scissors are for cutting paper."I've learned what 8        in the corner means. I've become best friends with Barney,Raffi and Eric Carle,and 9       I even look to them for guidance and support. I know all the names of all the dinosaurs,and that creatures do have ears,10 they're on the inside of their bodies. I've learned that bubblegum toothpaste 11        better than mint (薄荷) ,and that markers are better than crayons (蜡笔) .

  I've learned how much 12        it is to hug,kiss and rock in the rocking chair after naptime. I've learned that 13        is usually better than a bandaid and works most of the time. I've also learned 14        it feels like to be loved like only a child can love,and I've learned how 15        you grow and how quickly you change,just like the little caterpillar (毛毛虫) we 16 in the jar who quickly became a chrysalis (蝶蛹) and then,17       ,a beautiful butterfly.

  But most 18      ,I've learned how wonderful children are and how 19        each one of you is to me. And although you will very vaguely 20        who I was,please know that I will always remember you.

(   ) 1. A. mean   B. speak   C. happen   D. adapt

(   ) 2. A. told   B. taught   C. helped   D. made

(   ) 3. A. parents'   B. teachers'   C. children's   D. singers'

(   ) 4. A. dress   B. favourite   C. book   D. game

(   ) 5. A. an expert   B. a writer   C. a player   D. an inventor

(   ) 6. A. when   B. after   C. as   D. before

(   ) 7. A. drink   B. taste   C. eat   D. cook

(   ) 8. A. playing   B. hiding   C. sitting   D. standing

(   ) 9. A. at times   B. at a time   C. at one time   D. at no time

(   ) 10. A. and   B. because   C. then   D. but

(   ) 11. A. feels   B. tastes   C. smells   D. sounds

(   ) 12. A. fun   B. excitement   C. importance   D. option

(   ) 13. A. a fist   B. a talk   C. a kiss   D. a touch

(   ) 14. A. how   B. what   C. which   D. that

(   ) 15. A. slowly   B. fast   C. nice   D. difficult

(   ) 16. A. put   B. hid   C. kept   D. locked

(   ) 17. A. magically   B. quickly   C. terribly   D. hopelessly

(   ) 18. A. discouragingly   B. intentionally   

       C. unforgetably   D. importantly

(   ) 19. A. nice   B. special   C. similar   D. impressive

(   ) 20. A. remember   B. forget   C. discover   D. recall

 What sort of life will you be living 39 years from now? Scientists have looked into the future and they can tell you. It looks as if everything will be so easy that people will probably die from boredom. You will be going around in some vehicles at 200 miles an hour and you will think nothing of taking a fortnight's holiday in outer space.

  Your house will probably have air walls,and a floating roof,adjustable to the angle of the sun. Doors will open automatically,and clothing will be put away by remote control. The heating and cooling systems will be built into the furniture. You'll have a home control room― an electronics centre,where messages will be recorded when you're away from home. This will play back when you return,and also give you up-to-the-minute world news,and write down your latest mail. You'll have wail-to-wall global TV,an indoor swimming pool,TV-telephones and room-to-room TV.

  The status symbol of the year 2000 will be the home computer help,which will help mother tend the children,cook the meals and issue reminders of appointments.

Cooking will be in solar ovens with microwave controls. Food won't be very different from 1961,but there will be a few new dishes―instant bread,foodless foods ( minus nutritional properties) ,juice powders and so on.

  At work,dad will operate on a 24-hour week. The office will be airconditioned with pleasant smell and extra oxygen to give a physical and psychological lift. Mail and newspapers will be reproduced instantly anywhere in the world by facsimile (传真) .There will be machines doing the work of clerks,shorthand writers and translators. Machines will "talk" to each other.

  It will be the age of pressbutton transportation. Rocket belts will increase a man's step to 30 feet,and bustype helicopters will travel along crowded air ways. There will be moving plasticcovered pavements,200 mph. monorail trains operating in all large cities. The family car will be soundless and the engine will be smaller than a typewriter. Cars will travel overland on an 18 inch air cushion. Railways will have one central operator,who will control a whole nation's traffic. Jet trains will be guided by electronic brains.

  By the year 2020,five percent of the world's population will have emigrated into space. Many will have visited the moon and beyond.

Our children will learn from TV,recorders and teaching machines. They will get pills to make them learn faster.

  We shall be healthier,too. There will be no common colds,cancer,tooth decay or mental illness. Rejuvenation (年轻化) will be in the middle stages of research,and people will live healthily,to 85 or 100.

  It's the way they think the world will live in the next century―if there's any world left!

(   ) 1. The passage above is probably written         .

   A. in 2000   B. in the 21st century

   C. in the 1960s   D. a few hundred years ago

(   ) 2. Which of the following does the passage NOT mention?

   A. The computer will be quite widely used.

   B. It is unnecessary for human being to have any food.

   C. People will have a longer life span.

   D. The transportation will make people's life faster.

(   ) 3. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 1 imply?

   A. People will have no interest in traveling in the future.

   B. People may prefer to stay in outer space for a long time in the future.

   C. People will have no idea of something about space.

   D. People can spend their holiday in outer space easily.

(   ) 4. What will the transportation be like?

   A. The air way will be very busy in the future.

   B. The pavements will be decorated by many plastic flowers.

   C. Young soldiers will guide jet trains and helicopters.

   D. There will be no railway in the future at all.

(   ) 5. What can we infer from the passage above?

   A. Not only the people today but also those in the past usually prefer to imagine the people's life in the future.

   B. Only by imagining something in the future,can we make them into reality.

   C. The life in the future will be full of trouble.

   D. It is only the computer that can be a symbol of the future.

  Hoffman,40, a former senior vice president of a financial company,had what she describes as "one of those extreme jobs". "I loved working," she says. But her career path reached a crossroad when her second child was born,and she left her job in February2007. Hoffman is one of many people who have left the work force to take a break,but she has a position as a consultant. She has described this type of career detour (绕路) 一which is more common for women than for men―as"offramping".   Typically it occurs when the balancing act of parenting and work becomes too tough.

A study by the center found that more than90 percent of women who offramp want to onramp back into the work force eventually. But making the transition back to work is rarely easy,and it is even harder in this economic climate of layoffs and hiring freezes.

  Considering some of the obstacles faced by onrampers,a threeday program called "Greater Returns:Restarting Your Career”was held at Columbia University. The goal of the three days was to have them walk away with a big shot of confidence.

According to one school of thought,women looking to make a comeback might even have an advantage in the current economy,especially if they are looking for parttime or consultant positions that do not offer benefits. And a majority of onrampers are women with extensive working experiences that could give them a slight advantage over lessexperienced competition.

  "You absolutely cannot be defensive about why you offramped," Ms. Hoffman says, "defensive" would have put her into a hard situation if the Greater Returns program had not taught her how to describe the years she spent at home. "I now feel confident talking to an employer and saying , ' Yes,I have been out of the work force,but here is where I can make significant contributions.'”

(   ) 5. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. Off-Ramp:It Is Common.

   B. On-Ramp:It Is Easy.

   C. Off-Ramp to On-Ramp:It Can Be a Hard journey.

   D. Off-Ramp or On-Ramp:It Depends on Confidence.

(   ) 6. According to the passage,Greater Returns         .

   A. is intended to relieve the pressure of the jobless women

   B. has all the jobless women restart their career

   C. is to last all the year around for the jobless women

   D. will build up the confidence of those in search of jobs

(   ) 7. The main reason for the women's offramping is that         .

   A. they have to suffer the sexual discrimination

   B. they reach a crossroad of career

   C. they have to parent their children

   D. they have great work pressure

(   ) 8. Which job is easier to get for a woman offramper?

   A. Regular workers. B. Casual workers.

   C. Company managers. D. Bank clerks.

(   ) 9. From what Ms. Hoffman says in the last paragraph,we can conclude         .

   A. she didn't get advice from the Greater Returns program

   B. she was defensive about her offramping

   C. she didn't get the job because she lied about her experience

   D. she is onramp partly due to her straightforward manner

 Doctors commonly view too much daytime sleepiness as a most important sign of disturbed or inadequate sleep. But a new study suggests it could also signal depression or even diabetes (糖尿病) ,regardless of whether an individual doesn't sleep well.

  Among a random sample of 16,500 men and women ranging in age from 20 to 100 years old from central Pennsylvania,8. 7 percent had too much daytime sleepiness.

Researchers,who considered a wide range of possible reasons for why these individuals were over sleepy during the daytime,found that too much daytime sleepiness was more strongly associated with depression and obesity (过度肥胖) or metabolic (新陈代谢的) factors than with sleepdisordered breathing or sleep disruption.

  Depression was by far the most significant risk factor for too much daytime sleepiness,they report in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. The possibility of being over sleepy during the daytime was more than three times higher in those who reported they were being treated for depression.

  T he investigators also observed strong ties between too much daytime sleepiness and diabetes. Individuals reporting treatment for diabetes were close to two times more likely to report too much daytime sleepiness than those who were not being treated for diabetes.

  Being overweight also increased the possibility of too much daytime sleepiness.

Too much daytime sleepiness was more common in people younger than age 30 ,a finding that hints at the presence of unmet sleep needs and depression,and in the over-75 crowd,suggesting increasing medical illness and health problems,they explain.

Smoking also appeared as a risk factor for too much daytime sleepiness,a link that hasn't been shown before. It could be that smokers use nicotine which can make people more active for a time to selftreat their daytime sleepiness,the authors suggest.

  Sleep apnea (呼吸暂停) was not a significant player in too much daytime sleepiness. This is in agreement with former studies that have reported only weak associations between sleep apnea and too much daytime sleepiness.

  The authors conclude that adults bothered by too mtich daytime sleepiness should be thoroughly evaluated for depression and diabetes,regardless of whether or not sleepdisordered breathing is present.

(   ) 1. Which of the following is more likely to cause too much daytime sleepiness?

   A. Smoking. B. Obesity.

   C. Depression. D. Disturbed sleep.

(   ) 2. Which of the following statements is right?

   A. Smoking can help people selftreat their daytime sleepiness.

   B. Too much daytime sleepiness doesn't necessarily result from inadequate sleep.

   C. People who suffer from depression are twice more likely to be over sleepy.

   D. People under 30 who are over sleepy during the daytime are most likely over?weighted.

(   ) 3. We can learn from paragraph eight that         .

   A. smoking may cause people to become more sleepy

   B. many people can selftreat their daytime sleepiness

   C. doctors didn't know the side effects of smoking before

   D. nicotine can make people more active during the daytime

(   ) 4. As a conclusion the writer tells us that if we have too much daytime sleepiness we should         .

   A. cut down the amount of smoking cigarettes

   B. go to some specialist without delay

   C. ignore it as it is a very common phenomenon

   D. do more exercise to reduce sleepiness

 Several weeks ago,I had a letter from Mr. Li Pengyi,President of the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,Beijing. He asked me to prepare some formal documents and send them to him soon. At the beginning,I imagined I could complete the task in a couple of days. Quite quickly,I found that this was impossible.

It has been hot in London lately. The wind blows dust and leaves around. People go to work feeling tired,thinking it would be nice to have a bit of rain. Dull work in offices is even duller than usual in weather like this.

  On 17 June,I reached the last part of my paperchase at the Chinese Consulate (领事馆) . After I pushed my pile of documents through the hole in the glass screen. He glanced through the documents,checking them. Without much interest,he asked me a few routine questions. Then he went on scanning the documents and making notes. I saw him write the name, "Alexander",in Chinese. He looked up,suddenly a very bright individual,no longer just a bored senior official.

  "Are you the author?" he asked.

  "No”, I replied. "The author was my husband,L. G. Alexander. He died. On 17th June. He died a year ago today."

He turned to his colleagues,firing off a statement in Chinese. They all paused in their work and turned to me,smiling kindly. Then the official spoke quietly but very clearly.

  "We are very sorry to hear it,very sorry indeed. But you must cheer up. Mr. Alexander is very popular in China. I learned English from New Concept English. My colleagues learned English from New Concept English. Now my daughter is learning from New Concept English as well. So for us he has not died."

Coming out into the glare of Portland Place,I felt Louis take my hand. Sharing this moment with him,I remembered a line from a Roman poet:Et haec meminisse iuvabit:Even these things we will remember with pleasure.

(   ) 1. The purpose that the writer described the weather in Paragraph 2 is         .

    A. to show she doesn't like the weather in London

   B. to suggest that she was tired and felt heavy in her heart during that process

   C. to introduce the view of the Thames

   D. to indicate that her health became poorer and poorer

(   ) 2. What does the underlined sentence "Et haec meminisse iuvabit" mean?

   A. Life is very beautiful,so we should enjoy it.

   B. During the life time,we should remember the pleasant things and forget the sad things.

   C. Even the things are full of sorrow,we still should remember them with pleasure.

   D. Forgetting the sad things is a kind of pleasure.

(   ) 3. The official suddenly changed his attitude because         .

   A. he recognized the old lady

   B. he met L. G. Alexander at last

   C. he was very thankful to the writer of New Concept English

   D. he was very sorry to hear the sad news

(   ) 4. From the passage we can infer that         .

   A. Many Chinese officials at the Chinese Consulate learned New Concept English

   B. The weather in London is so changeable that Ms Alexander dislikes the city

   C. People will always remember those who do good to them

   D. The old lady was tired of doing such kind of task

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