A lecture was delivered two years ago by Jeff Bezos,founder and CEO of Amazon,com. Bezos is nothing if not a master of 1       —he has built his company,and his fortune,on the rise of the Internet and his own 2       . But he spoke that day not about computing power or brainpower,but about his grandmother—and what he learned 3        he made her cry.

Even as a 10-year-old boy,it turns out,Bezos had a steeltrap mind and a 4       for crunching numbers. During a summer road trip with his grandparents,young Jeff 5        his grandmother's smoking in the car—and 6       to do something about it. From the backseat,he 7       how many cigarettes per day his grandmother smoked,how many puffs she took per cigarette,the health risk of each puff,and 8       to her with great fanfare, "You've taken nine years 9        your life!"

Bezos' calculations may have been 10       ―but the reaction was not what he ex?pected. His grandmother burst into tears. His grandfather 11        the car off to the side of the road and asked young Jeff to 12       . And then his grandfather taught him a lesson: "My grandfather looked at me and after a bit of 13, he gently and calmly said, 'Jeff,one day you'll understand that it's harder to be 14        than clever. '”

That's a lesson I wish more business people understood.  So by all means,15       your people to embrace technology,get great at business analytics,and otherwise 16.        the efficiency of everything they do.  But just make sure all their 17        doesn't come at the expense of their  humanity.  Small gestures can send big 18        about who we are,what we care about? and why people should want to 19        with us. It's harder and more 20        to be kind than clever.

1. A. history   B. literature   C. culture   D. technology

2. A. wisdom   B. experience   C. adventure   D. experiment

3. A. why   B. when   C. whether   D. how

4. A. passion   B. plan   C. sense   D. hope

5. A. got the hang of   B. got along with   C. got away with   D. got fed up with

6. A. promised   B. pretended   C. remembered   D. decided

7. A. thought   B. calculated   C. imagined   D. guessed

8. A. announced   B. suggested   C. referred   D. devoted

9. A. up   B. for   C. off   D. in

10. A. careless   B. necessary   C. wrong   D. accurate

11. A. directed   B. pulled   C. ordered   D. guided

12. A. set out   B. leave out   C. step out   D. look out

13. A. silence   B. hesitation   C. struggle   D. attempt

14. A. loyal   B. honest   C. generous   D. kind

15. A. force   B. forbid

   C. encourage   D. persuade

16. A. adjust   B. decrease   C. harm   D. improve

17. A. knowledge   B. wealth

   C. skill   D. efficiency

18. A. signs   B. marks   C. signals   D. symbols

19. A. compete   B. fight   C. play   D. work

20. A. important   B. difficult   C. ridiculous   D. fortunate

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