
Few people would question the value of taking part in sports for young people.With proper training,supervision,protective equipment and techniques,and an proper emphasis on winning,sports can develop a healthy body and spirit and a life-long interest in being active and fit .Without such measures,childhood sports can lead to injuries and even paralysis or death.
Even in the best conditions,no activity can be risk—free.But most serious hazards are preventable.Cyclists and football players can reduce their risks by wearing helmets;hockey players by wearing masks;basketball and tennis players by wearing eye guards;baseball players by wearing batting helmets.
Besides,risks to individual players can often be found,and thus prevented,through a properly performed medical exam before a child plays.For accidents that may not be preventable,having an emergency plan and first-aid equipment,and someone trained to use the equipment,can be lifesaving.
Still,each year,according to the American College of Sports Medicine,more than 775,000 children under 14 are treated in emergency rooms for sports injuries,nearly half of them preventable.An estimated 300,000 athletes experience exercise—related head illnesses each year,and almost all of them should have been avoided.
Further,from half to three—fourths of sports-related concussions(脑震荡) are never even diagnosed;the injured are often sent back in to play too soon and put at risk of another more serious brain—damaging concussion.To help reduce these risks, the National Center for Sports Safety, with the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, offers a three-hour online safety course for coaches for $28 at www.SportsSafety.org.
68.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.All the accidents can be prevented.B.All the accidents cannot be prevented.
C.Lives can be saved so long as there is proper equipment.
D.Lives cannot be saved even if there is proper equipment.
69.What does the underlined word “hazards”(in paragraph 2)mean?
A.mistakes          B.diseases           C.dangers            D.situations
70.It is implied in the passage that        .
A.prevention of injuries is not paid enough attention to
B.children under 14 are more easily hurt in sports
C.most head illnesses are related with exercise
D.none of the head illnesses should have happened
71.What can coaches mainly learn from the online safety course?
A.How to cure brain-damaging concussion.
B.How to diagnose brain-damaging concussion.
C.How to predict the possibility of brain damage.
D.How to deal with the injured properly.

68---71   B C A D



  Take any long piece of paper. Now glue the ends of the paper together. You have made a ring.

  Take a second long piece of paper. Twist(turn round)the paper once and glue the ends together. Now you have made a Mobius band. For people who study math,this band is special.

  This strange band was first made in the 1800s by a German man named August Mobius. Mr Mobius studied math. He wanted to find a way to prove how this band works with math. Believe it or not,this band has only one surface. You can find t his out for yourself.

  If you draw a line on the surface of the paper before you twist and glue it,the line is only on one side of the paper. The paper has two surfaces. However,if you draw a line after you make the Mobius band,you can follow the line around all sides of the paper. In other words,the Mobius band must have only one surface.

  It is also kind of fun to see what happens when you cut the band. If you cut the Mobius band in half once down the line you dfew,you do not get two Mobius bands. Instead,after you cut the band,it turns into one large twisted ring. Then,if you cut this ring in half along the middle of the band again,you get two connected Mobius bands.

  Try it

  1What is a Mobius band?

  AA musical group.

  BAn interesting twisted ring.

  CA long piece of paper.


  2August Mobius________.

  Astudied math

  Bwas a German

  Cmade the first Mobius band

  Dall of the above

  3How can you see that the Mobius band has only one side?

  ACut it.

  BGlue it.

  CDraw a line on it.

  DTwist it.

  4What do you get if you cut the Mobius band in half once?

  AOne large twisted ring.

  BTwo Mobius bands.

  CA long piece of paper.

  DA short piece of paper.

  5What do you get if you cut the Mobius band in half twice?

  AOne large twisted ring.

  BTwo Mobius bands.

  CA long piece of paper.

  DA shart piece of paper.




Driving to a store after a busy day at work, I saw a man standing near the store holding a sign that said, “will work for food.” I knew at that moment that I was going into the store and   36  him something to eat.

As I   37  the car park, I saw in my car mirror a lady come out from a hairdresser’s and  38   the man. I thought she must be going to give him some  39  or something to help him out. In the store I was   40  to get the things I needed and also the chicken dinner and a soda that I wanted to give the man outside. I hurried out to my car and   41  that I was going to be able to hopefully help this man.

When I drove out of the car park, I couldn’t see the  42  . As I turned the corner I saw the man sitting in a  43  area away from the hairdresser’s and still  44  up the sign. I immediately  45  over and gave the man the dinner and soda and said“  46  this will get you through today.” He looked at me and said “Thank you so much!”As I got back into my car, I looked in the  47  and saw the man swallowing the dinner as if he hadn’t eaten for days.

I was so  48  that I was able to help him and at the same time I was so sad that the woman from the hairdresser’s,   49  ,had asked the man to   50  from her shop. It’s sad to say that  51   I live in a small city where homeless is not as  52  as in larger cities, people are uncomfortable with these people in  53  . All they need to do is lend a helping hand  54   and it could make a huge  55   in their lives.

A. cook            B. buy              C. pay              D. serve

A. turned into        B. got over         C. called at            D. pointed out

A. interview       B. comfort          C. blame                D. approach

A. example        B. space                C. money                D. comfort

A. preparing      B. hurrying         C. hesitating           D. planning

A. explained       B. wondered         C. agreed               D. felt

A. man            B. food             C. lady                 D. sign

A. different      B. strange          C. famous           D. comfortable.

A. making          B. holding          C. taking               D. building

A. turned          B. thought          C. pulled               D. looked

A. Hopefully      B. Finally          C. Luckily          D. Naturally

A. store          B. mirror               C. square               D. crowd

A. popular            B. anxious          C. pleased          D. patient

A. immediately    B. obviously            C. carefully            D. nervously

A. stop           B. suffer               C. move             D. change

A. whether         B. because          C. though               D. unless

A. poor           B. visible              C. selfish             D. happy

A. danger          B. action               C. need             D. moment

A. at times            B. at the time          C. at one time          D. at a time

A. difference     B. mistake          C. decision         D. living

Few people would question the value of taking part in sports for young people. With proper training, supervision, protective equipment and techniques, and a proper emphasis on winning, sports can develop a healthy body and spirit and a life-long interest in being active and fit. Without such measures, childhood sports can lead to injuries and even paralysis or death.
Even in the best conditions, no activity can be risk-free. But most serious hazards are preventable. Cyclists and football players can reduce their risks by wearing helmets, hockey players by wearing masks; basketball and tennis players by wearing eye guards; baseball players by wearing batting helmets.
Besides, risks to individual players can often be found, and thus prevented, through a properly performed medical exam before a child plays. For accidents that may not be preventable, having an emergency plan and first-aid equipment, and someone trained to use the equipment, can be lifesaving.
Still, each year, according to the American College of Sports Medicine, more than 775, 000 children under 14 are treated in emergency rooms for sports injuries, nearly half of them preventable. An estimated 300,000 athletes experience exercise-related head illnesses each year, and almost all of them should have been avoided.
Further, from half to three-fourths of sports-related concussions(脑震荡) are never even diagnosed; the injured are often sent back to play too soon and put at risk of another more serious brain-damaging concussion. To help reduce these risks, the National Center for Sports Safety, with the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, offers a three-hour online safety course for coaches for $28 at www. SportsSafety. Org.
52. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. All the accidents can be prevented.
B. All the accidents cannot be prevented.
C. Lives can be saved so long as there is proper equipment.
D. Lives cannot be saved even if there is proper equipment.
53. What does the underlined word “hazards” (in Paragraph 2)
A. Mistakes.                        B. Diseases.    C. Dangers.          D. Situations.
54. It is implied in the passage that _____________.
A. prevention of injuries is not paid enough attention to    
B. children under 14 are more easily hurt in sports
C. most head illnesses are related with exercise                 
D. none of the head illnesses should have happened
55. What can coaches mainly learn from the online safety course?
A. How to cure brain-damaging concussion.                     
B. How to diagnose brain-damaging concussion.
C. How to predict the possibility of brain damage.            
D. How to deal with the injured properly.

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