
  There was once a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to 1        things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest,2       ,to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance 3       . The first son went in the winter,the second in the 4       ,the third in summer,5       the youngest son in the fall.

  6       they had all gone and come back,the father called them together to 7        what they had seen. The first son said that the tree was 8       ,bent,and twisted. The second son said that it wasn't 9        and it was covered with green buds and full of 10.        The third son disagreed;he said it was laden with blossoms that 11        so sweet and looked so beautiful,it was the most 12        thing he had ever seen. The last son 13        with all of them; he said it was 14        and drooping with fruit,15       of life and fulfillment.

  The man then 16        to his sons that they were all right,because they had each seen 17        only one season in the tree's life. He told them that you cannot judge a tree or a 18       by only one season,and that the essence of who they are and the pleasure,joy,anger and 19        that come from that life can only be 20        at the end,when all the seasons are up.

(   ) 1. A. attain   B. judge   C. desert   D. share

(   ) 2. A. in turn   B. in return   C. in place   D. in order

(   ) 3. A. far   B. from   C. behind   D. away

(   ) 4. A. autumn   B. summer   C. spring   D. winter

(   ) 5. A. and   B. but   C. however   D. therefore

(   ) 6. A. After   B. Before   C. Once   D. While

(   ) 7. A. speak   B. paint   C. draw   D. describe

(   ) 8. A. odd   B. ugly   C. enjoyable   D. strange

(   ) 9. A. true   B. accurate   C. actual   D. specific

(   ) 10. A. magic   B. energy   C. promise   D. mystery

(   ) 11. A. tasted   B. smelled   C. sounded   D. felt

(   ) 12. A. graceful   B. colorful   C. moving   D. terrible

(   ) 13. A. agreed   B. added   C. nodded   D. disagreed

(   ) 14. A. pleased   B. golden   C. ripe   D. deserted

(   ) 15. A. filled   B. full   C. lack   D. short

(   ) 16. A. explained   B. praised   C. responded   D. educated

(   ) 17. A. and   B. that   C. but   D. just

(   ) 18. A. thing   B. matter   C. life   D. person

(   ) 19. A. sorrow   B. chance   C. pleasure   D. achievement

(   ) 20. A. guessed   B. measured   C. balanced   D. revealed

1-5 BADCA    6-10 ADBAC 

11-15 BADCB   16 -20 ACDAB


1. B由文章最后一段可知,父亲要儿子们知道不能片面评判事物。

2. A从后文四个儿子在不同的季节看到不同的风景可知,他们是轮流去的。

in turn"轮流";in return"作为回报";in place"在适当的位置";in order"按顺序,整齐"。

3. D a great distance away"很遥远的地方"。

4. C从后文四个儿子的描述可知他们是在不同季节去的,空格处缺春天。

5. A承接上文,表示并列。

6. A他们全部出门归来后,故用after。

7. D从后文四个儿子所说的内容可判断为父亲要他们描述所见。

8. B从"bent,and twisted"可知第一个儿子认为这树很丑陋。odd"古怪的";enjoyable"令人愉快的";strange"奇怪的"。

9. A从"The third son disagreed"及他们对树的描述可知他们不赞同相互的看法。

accurate "确切的";actual"实际的";specific"具体的"。

10. C第二个儿子去的时候是春天,树上长满了芽,充满了希望。

11. B smell sweet"闻起来香"。

12. A从前一句可知他认为这是最优美的东西了。


13. D由前文"The third son disagreed"及后文第四个儿子的不同描述可知。

14. C秋天应是成熟的季节,故用ripe。

15. B drooping with fruit"树上硕果累累",充满了生机和丰收的喜悦。,

16. A从父亲所说的话及上文可知这里是向儿子们解释,而不是回答问题。


17. C句意为:因为他们每个人只看到了那棵树一生中的一个季节。在此应用转折连词butc

18. D父亲让儿子们这么做的目的不是只看表象,而是要从中悟出人生道理:不能单凭一面去评判一棵树或一个人。

19. A句意为:树和人的本质以及生活中的喜怒哀乐只有等到经过了四季之后才能衡量。此处已经有了 "喜、怒、乐",缺"哀"。

20. B只有等到经过了四季之后才能衡量。

measure "衡量";balance "使均衡";reveal"揭示"。


  Failing to drink enough water can make our brain shrink (萎缩) ,experts have warned. Re?search showed that dehydration not only affects the size of the brain but also how it works. Just 90 minutes of steady sweating (出汗) can shrink the brain as much as a year of aging,research?ers believe.

  Being short of water,the brain is also forced to work harder to process the same informa?tion. Over days and weeks,lack of liquids could have an impact on performance at work and school,causing exam results to fall. But there is no need to panic,because after a glass of water or two,the brain quickly returns to normal.

  A team of scientists from around the UK scanned the brains of teenagers after an hour and a half of cycling. Some exercised in three layers of clothing. Others were much more lightly dressed in shorts and T-shirts. The brain tissue (组织) of those who were wrapped up had shrunk away from their skulls (头骨) .

  Researchers Dr. Matthew Kempton and Ulrich Ettinger,of the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London,said; "It's clear that we saw a general shrinking of the brain tissue. Liquidfilled space in the middle of the brain expanded and there was a comparative shrinking of the brain tissue. The people who lost the most weight had the most shrinkage of the brain. " On average,the amount of shrinkage equated to 14 months of agerelated wear and tear,or the brain shrinking matched two and a half months of Alzheimer's disease (老年痴呆症) .

  The sweaty students did just as well when they were asked to play a computer game that tests the ability to plan and solve problems. But the scans showed they used more of their brain to do it,the journal Human Brain Mapping reports.

  Professor Ben McGannan of the study's funder,water cooler firm of Water for Work and Home,said:" We strongly believed loss of water was an issue affecting students' performance,but we offered financial support for this research to give us clear evidence. Most importantly,we're seeking a way to get rid of the undesirable impacts and make up enough water effectively,such as drinking beers."

(   ) 5. What does the underlined word "dehydration" probably mean?

   A. Plenty of water.

   B. The inappropriate way to drink water.

   C. Great damage done to the brain.

   D. Dryness resulting from lack of water.

(   ) 6. Without enough water,          .

   A. it is hard for the brain to think normally

   B. the body can't sweat in time

   C. people will suffer from ageing

   D. the liquidfilled space will disappear

(   ) 7. What do Professor Ben McGannan's words suggest?

   A. We should make effort to take good care of our brain.

   B. More research is needed to solve the brain's loss of water.

   C. Drinking beers is the best way to make up water in the body.

   D. Students must drink enough water to improve their performance.

(   ) 8. What subject is talked in the passage?

   A. The brain structure. B. Exercise and the brain.

   C. Lack of water in the brain. D. The importance of water.

  In recent years,many Americans of both sexes and various ages have become interested in improving their bodies. They have become devoted to physical fitness. The need to exercise has almost become natural with many people who have a strong desire to be more physically fit.

  By nature,Americans are enthusiastic and energetic about their hobbies and pastimes. They apply their energy to running. As a result,there are running clubs to join and many books and magazines to read about running.

  The desire to be physically fit is explained by a "passion" for good health. The high rate of heart attacks in the 1960s caused an increase on the part of the public in improving the human body. Middleaged men especially suffer from heart attacks.   Thus,they are one group strongly interested in more physical exercise. In fact,many doctors encourage their patients to become more physically active,especially those who have sedentary jobs. It is interesting to note that the rate of heart attacks began to decrease in the 1970s and it is still decreasing. Physical fitness enjoys a favored role in the United States at present,it is a new "love" that many Americans have valued very much. Will it last long? Only time can tell―or until another " new passion" comes along.

(   ) 5. We can learn from the passage that         .

   A. people's interest in physical exercise has something to do with their health condi?


   B. by nature,Americans are stronger and more energetic than others

   C. the love for physical exercise won't last long in America

   D. men have stronger desire than women to take exercise

(   ) 6. In recent years,many Americans have become interested in improving their bodies because         .

   A. there are many running clubs to join

   B. they are eager for their hobbies and pastimes

   C. they have a strong desire to be more physically fit

   D. there are many books and magazines about running

(   ) 7. According to the passage, "sedentary" in Paragraph 3 means         .

   A. challenging intelligence   B. energytaking

   C. needing much sitting   D. sleepproducing

(   ) 8. Where would the above passage most probably appear?

   A. In a textbook. B. In a physical health magazine.

   C. In an advertisement. D. In a scientific paper.

  Papa was a rancher (牧场主) .He worked with 1        He was proud of the way he 2       ,He always wore clean clothes even when he worked. That is very 3        for a rancher who works outside on a horse farm. He often said to me , " Son,you may not be able to buy the best clothes,but you must always keep those you have 4       . That is the important thing."Papa did what he said. His clothes were 5        dirty like those of most of the other ranchers I knew.

Papa never worked outside 6       a hat. He always wore the same kind of hat. It was a 7       hat. He never pushed the hat to one side of his head,he wore it straight and he did not push the top of his hat 8        like most cowboys do. Papa had 9        hats. One was his Sundayhat,the other was his everydayhat. When his Sundayhat got old,he wore it 10        and then bought a new Sundayhat. He wore his Sundayhat only to church or on holidays. Most of the time he 11        his Sundayhat in a special box. He hid it so we could not find it. Papa loves his hats and he 12        for them in a special way. He never threw them down on the 13       ,someone might sit on them. He even had a special place for his everydayhat. As soon as he came into the house from 14       ,he put his hat on the nail behind the kitchen door.

  Mama was very careful of Papa's hat. She was proud of the way he looked when he worked. She was not 15        to touch his Sundayhat. Then something happened. Maybe it was the 16        of the long summer,maybe Mama read about the hats in a magazine or book,she got the idea that Papa should not wear a 17       wool cowboy hat in the hot weather. She began to believe that Papa would 18        his hair if he did. Mama began to care more about Papa's hair than his hats. Perhaps it was Uncle George who made Mama 19        about Papa's hair. Uncle George had no hair. His head was as smooth as an egg. Papa had fake black hair that shone like 20       . It was terrible if Papa lost his hair because he wore a heavy wool cowboy hat. So Mama began to worry.

(   ) 1. A. horse   B. cow   C. sheep   D. chicken

(   ) 2. A. fed   B. acted   C. dressed   D. lived

(   ) 3. A. easy   B. common   C. difficult   D. necessary

(   ) 4. A. smart   B. folded   C. clean   D. smooth

(   ) 5. A. seldom   B. never   C. always   D. occasionally

(   ) 6. A. wearing   B. without   C. having   D. with

(   ) 7. A. strange   B. straw   C. nice   D. cowboy

(   ) 8. A. aside   B. down   C. up   D. over

(   ) 9. A. two   B. many   C. clean   D. special

(   ) 10. A. sometimes   B. occasionally   C. often   D. every day

(   ) 11. A. stored   B. protected   C. got   D. kept

(   ) 12. A. cares   B. looks   C. keeps   D. asks

(   ) 13. A. chair   B. table   C. floor   D. bed

(   ) 14. A. school   B. work   C. downtown   D. church

(   ) 15. A. banned   B. permitted   C. encouraged   D. advised

(   ) 16. A. rain   B. coolness   C. heat   D. wind

(   ) 17. A. heavy   B. light   C. strange   D. special

(   ) 18. A. spoil   B. lose   C. hurt   D. damage

(   ) 19. A. care   B. think   C. talk   D. worry

(   ) 20. A. silk   B. gold   C. sunshine   D. moon

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