
   Skiing is a winter sport that involves the use of skis. 36 Skiers attach them to their shoes or boots and use them to get over snow,often down a mountain slope. Nordic skiing and Alpine skiing are major events of the Winter Olympic Games.

   Nordic skiing started in Norway and other countries of northern Europe. Nordic skiing events include cross-country racing and ski jumping.37 A cross-country skier must be able to ski uphill,downhill,and across flat areas. In a ski-jumping competition the skier gets down a steep ramp(斜坡) that curves upward at the end. The skier leaps off the end and tried to “fly” as far as possible and then land on his or her feet. The skier who leaps the farthest and has the best style is the winner. 38 

   Alpine skiing started in the Alps of central Europe. Alpine events include downhill and slalom racing. Downhill racing is the fastest and most dangerous of all skiing events. The skier goes down a long,steep course that may have large bumps (隆起物) .Along the course are gates formed by single poles or pairs of poles. 39 The winner is the skier who completes the course in the shortest time. Slalom racing is similar to downhill racing. However,a slalom course is shorter and more winding than a downhill course. 40

   A. It requires the skier to make high-speed turns.

   B. Cross-country skiing takes place on open,hilly land.

   C. The skier must ski between them and stay on the course.

   D. Skis are long,mostly flat pieces of metal,wood,or plastic.

   E. The skier races over and around large bumps of snow called moguls.

   F. They are allowed to touch gates with their bodies as long as their skis stay on the course.

   G. The event called the Nordic combined includes a ski-jumping race and a cross-country race.



36. D.下文的 attach them to their shoes or boots 中 的them指的是skis ,由此可知划线处还是介绍 skis ,只有D项符合此处语境。

37. B.由下—句 A cross-country skier must be able to ski uphill,downhill,and across flat areas 可知, 此处应该介绍 cross-country racing。

38. G。本段主要介绍北欧滑雪的两个项目 cross-country racing 和 ski jumping ,段落附带介 绍了这两个项目的混合体Nordic combined。

39. C.由下一句中的The winner is the skier who ... 可知,划线处应该是强调滑雪者滑雪时应遵守 的规则。C项中的them指的是上句中的gates。

40. A.由上一句中的a slalom course is shorter and more winding可知,这个项目要求转弯更快。


   In a new study from the University of Iowa,

! researchers found that pigeoiis can categorize and name both nattffal and human-made objects — and not just a few objects. These birds categorized 128 photographs into 16 categories,and they did so simultaneously(同时地) .

   Ed Wasserman,UI professor of psychology and I corresponding author of the study,says the finding I suggests a similarity between how pigeons learn :words and the way children do. “Our pigeons were trained on all 16 categories simultaneously,a much closer analog(类似物) of how children leam words I and categories,” Wasserman says of the study,published online in the journal Cognition.

   For researchers like Wasserman,who has been;studying animal intelligence for decades,this latest!experiment is further proof that animals — whether primates(灵长目动物) ,birds,or dogs — are smarter than once assumed and have more to teach scientists.

   “As our methods have improved,so too have!our understanding and appreciation of animal :intelligence ,” Wasserman says. “Differences between :humans and animals must indeed exist: many are already known. But,they may be outnumbered by ;similarities. Our research on categorization in pigeons;suggests that those similarities may even extend to i how children learn words."

   This time,researchers used a computerized version of the “name game” in which three pigeons were shown 128 black-and-white photos of objects from 16 basic categories. They then had to peck (啄) on one of two different symbols: the correct one for that photo and an incorrect one that was randomly chosen from one of the remaining 15 categories. The pigeons succeeded in learning the task.

   Pigeons have long been known to be smarter than average birds. Among their many talents,pigeons have a “homing instinct(本能) ” that helps them find their way home from hundreds of miles away. They have better eyesight than humans and have been trained to spot orange life jackets of people lost at sea.

   Wasserman acknowledges the recent pigeon study is not a direct analog of word learning in children and more work needs to be done. However,the model used in the study could lead to a better understanding of the associative principles involved in children's word learning. “That's the similarity that we are pursuing,but a single project — however creative it may be — will not be enough to answer such a big question ,” Wasserman says.

6. What does the new study indicate?

   A. Aniinals are strange to scientists.

   B. Animals are smarter than humans.

   C. Animals are cleverer than we once thought.

   D. Animals are less similar to humans than expected.

7. What can be concluded from the experiment?

   A. Pigeons are good learners.

   B. It is a complicated process to learn.

   C. Humans do better in solving problems.

   D. Pigeons learn differently from children.

8. What is Paragraph 6 mainly about?

   A. How pigeons travel.

   B. Why pigeons are smart.

   C. Pigeons’ good eyesight.

   D. Pigeons’ special ability.

9. What does the underlined part “a big question”(in the last paragraph) refer to?

   A. How children learn words.

   B. How animals get motivated to learn.

   C. When children show eagerness to learn to speak.

   D. If pigeohs and children leam words in a similar way.

10. The text is most likely to be taken out of a .

   A. science report   B. personal diary

   C. zoo guidebook   D. fashion magazine

   In 1769,William Smith was bom in a little town in Oxfordshire,England. He received basic village schooling but mostly he wandered on his uncle's farm collecting the fossils in the rocks of the Cotswold hills. When he grew older Smith learned surveying from books and at 18 he learned from a local surveyor. He then began to teach himself geobgy (地质学) .

   When he was 24 ,he went to work for the company that was digging the Somerset Coal Canal in the south of England. This job gave Smith an opportunity to study the fresh strata created by the newly dug canal. He later worked on similar jobs across England all the while studying strata and collecting all the fossils he could find. Smith used mail coaches to travel 10 ,000 miles per year. In 1815 he published the first modem geological map UA Map of the Strata of England and Wales with a Part of Scotland”.

   In 1831 when Smith was recognized by the Geological Society of London as the “father of English geology”,it was not only for his maps but also for something even more important. People had hoped strata could be used to calculate geological time,but scientists found the sequences(顺序) of rocks sometimes differed from area to area and that no rock type was ever going to become a dependable time marker. Even without the problem of regional differences,rocks present a difficulty as unique time markers. Quartz (石英) is quartz; there's no difference between two-million-year-old quartz and quartz created over 500 million years ago.

   As he collected fossils from strata,Smith noticed the fossils told a different story from the rocks. Particularly in the younger strata the rocks were often so similar that he had trouble distinguishing the strata,but he never had trouble telling the fossils apart. Some fossils appear in many strata,but others occur only in a few strata,and a few species had their births and extinctions within one particular stratum. Fossils are thus identifying markers for particular periods in Earth's history.

28. What do we know about young Smith?

   A. He spent most of his time reading.

   B. He showed much interest in geology.

   C. He learned surveying just by himself.

   D. He received a very good formal education.

29. Which can be used to describe Smith according to Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Adventurous and brave.

   B. Talented and productive.

   C. Warm-hearted and honest.

   D. Hard-working and devoted.

30. The author mentions quartz to show that .

   A. no rock can be a reliable time marker

   B. no quartz can be found in recent times

   G. quartz can fell people rocks,geological time

   D. the sequences of rocks differ from area to area

31. Which of the following is Smith's greatest achievement?

   A. He drew many maps of strata.

   B. He used fossils to identify strata.

   C. He built a lot of canals in England.

   D. He was the creator of modem geology.

   In a wheat field in France,a cat meets a black-bellied hamster(仓鼠) .Too far from her burrow(洞穴) to run for shelter,the wild hamster rises on her back legs to face her enemy. The cat backs away.“They’re afraid of nothing,says Alexandre Lehmamij a biologist who has worked with these wild hamsters for the past 12 years. “They fight against cats and dogs and even farmers. They try to fight against tractors." It's a good thing that the black-bellied hamster won’t go down without a fight. Because in France,where only 500 to 1,000 remain in the wild,they are in a fight for their lives.

   At the Stork and Otter Reintroduction Centre in Alsace,Lehmann and his colleagues breed captive hamsters and set the young hamsters free into the wild. But raising black-bellied hamsters isn't exactly easy. Remember,they have attitude. Forget humans 一 they don't even like each other. “You have to make sure the male and female don't kill each other ,” Lehmann says.

   Black-bellied hamsters might think of themselves as tough guys. But to a fox or an eagle,theyJ re just a four-legged snack. To survive,hamsters need to be set into a field with lots of leafy hiding places. That's a problem in Alsace,where most farmers plant com. The com hasn't sprouted(发芽) in early spring,when hamsters come out of their burrows from winter hibernation(冬眠). In the bare fields the hamsters are easy targets for their enemies.

   Some older farmers don't want hamsters in their fields because of their reputation as crop-chewing pests. But most are willing to help,especially since the French government will pay farmers to grow early-sprouting crops such as alfalfa and winter wheat and allow hamsters to be set free on their lands. It's a way to protect not just the hamsters,but also other small animals in leafy fields.

24. By saying “It's a good thing that the black-bellied hamster won't go down without a fight” in Paragraph 1 ,the author means “ ”.

   A. The black-bellied hamsters are bom fighters

   B. The number of hamsters won’t go down quickly quickly

   C. It's good for the increase of hamsters’ population

   D. It's a quite great experience to see hamsters fighting 

25. Why is it hard to raise black-bellied hamsters?

   A. They will run into the wild.

   B. They are not fond of humans.

   C. The male and female won't live in peace.

   D. The male can't understand the female's attitude.

26. What problem do hamsters trying to survive in Alsace have?

   A. Their burrows are always taken by foxes.

   B. They are unable to feed themselves on com.

   C. Their winter hibernation is disturbed frequently.

   D. They are exposed to their enemies in early spring.

27. Those farmers who are willing to help hamsters will .

   A. plant more corn

   B. try to get rid of pests

   C. grow plants that shoot early

   D. separate them from other animals

                          The Cambridge Festivals 


Cambridge Winter Ale (啤酒) Festival 

   The festival features a range of local and national beers,including traditional winter beers,locally produced ciders(苹果酒) and a selection of bottled beers from around the world. Smaller than its sister festival in May,this is another chance to try some rare ales over three days in January.

   More information: 




   The five-day festival connects ambitious art with imaginative technology to cast light on low carbon innovation. It offers a unique opportunity to discover,or re-discover,the richness and diversity of Cambridge’s buildings and public spaces through a range of amazing lights. Brighten the winter days by attending shows,concerts,guided tours,family activities and talks.

   More information: www.e-luminatefestivals.co.uk 


Cambridge Style Week 

   Cambridge's annual fashion week includes various catwalk shows,boutiques(精品店) in-store events and much more!Cambridge Style Week showcases a variety of stores from in and around Cambridge,ranging from popular brands,designer labels to independent boutiques.

   More information: www.cambridgestyleweek.com 


Cambridge Literary Festival 

   Founded in 2003,Cambridge Literary Festival is an important event of the city’s cultural calendar. Every April and November,it is held in the city’s historic centre and offers creative writing discussions as well as talks and readings from established authors. Usually,its spring festival lasts for five days while its winter one is for one day only.

   More information:


21. What's one of the features of e-Luminate festival?

   A. The Internet. B. The light.

   C. Shows. D. Talks.

22. The festival that lasts for the shortest time is held in.

   A. January   B. February

   C. March   D. April

23. Which festival is held twice every year?

   A. e-Luminate.

   B. Cambridge Style Week.

   C. Cambridge Literary Festival.

   D. Cambridge Winter Ale Festival.

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