12£®I arrived at my mother's home for our Monday family dinner£®Mother was£¨41£©C quilt after quilt from the boxes£¬£¨42£©A showing me their beauties£®She was preparing for a quilt show at the Elmhurst Church£®When we began to £¨43£©D and put them back into the boxes£¬I noticed something at the£¨44£©B of one box£®"What is this£¿"I asked£®
"Oh£¿"Mom said£¬"That's Mama's quilt£®"
I £¨45£©B the quilt£®It looked as if a group of school children had pieced it together£»
£¨46£©D designs£¬£¨47£©A pictures£¬a winding line on the right£®
"Grandmother made this£¿"I said£¬£¨48£©C£®My grandmother was a master at making quilts£®This £¨49£©B didn't look like any of the quilts she had made£®
"Yes£¬right before she died£®I £¨50£©D it home with me last year and made some £¨51£©C£¬"she said£®"I'm still £¨52£©A on it£®See£¬this is what I've done so far£®"
I looked at it more £¨53£©B£®At the center of the quilt£¬she had sewn a piece of £¨54£©D with these words£º"My mother made many quilts£®She didn't get all lines £¨55£©C£®But I think this is beautiful£®I want to see it £¨56£©A£®Her last quilt£®"
"Oh£¬this is so nice£¬Mom£¬"I said£®It £¨57£©C to me that by completing my grandmother's quilt£¬my mother was honoring her own £¨58£©B£®I realized£¬too£¬that I held in my hands a family £¨59£©D£®It started with the loving hands of one woman£¬and £¨60£©A with the loving hands of another£®
41£®A£®splitting up | B£®picking up | C£®pulling out | D£®showing off |
42£®A£®proudly | B£®frankly | C£®politely | D£®generously |
43£®A£®push | B£®lift | C£®cover | D£®fold |
44£®A£®top | B£®bottom | C£®back | D£®front |
45£®A£®pressed | B£®spread | C£®packed | D£®raised |
46£®A£®perfect | B£®delicate | C£®mature | D£®irregular |
47£®A£®childish | B£®elegant | C£®classic | D£®horrible |
48£®A£®excited | B£®depressed | C£®surprised | D£®delighted |
49£®A£®almost | B£®certainly | C£®partly | D£®probably |
50£®A£®robbed | B£®bought | C£®dropped | D£®brought |
51£®A£®decisions | B£®money | C£®changes | D£®mistakes |
52£®A£®working | B£®depending | C£®living | D£®sitting |
53£®A£®disappointedly | B£®closely | C£®nervously | D£®gratefully |
54£®A£®paper | B£®bread | C£®wood | D£®cloth |
55£®A£®strong | B£®hidden | C£®straight | D£®bent |
56£®A£®finished | B£®removed | C£®produced | D£®prepared |
57£®A£®happened | B£®appeared | C£®occurred | D£®struck |
58£®A£®skill | B£®mother | C£®show | D£®quilt |
59£®A£®shame | B£®responsibility | C£®desire | D£®treasure |
60£®A£®continued | B£®stopped | C£®declined | D£®disappeared£® |
·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪÇé¸Ð½ÌÓýÎÄÕ£®×÷ÕßµÄĸÇ×ÔÚÕûÀí±»×ÓʱÏëÆð×Ô¼ºµÄĸÇ×£¬Õâ±»×Ó´«µÝµÄ¾ÍÊÇĸÇ׵İ®£®
½â´ð 41£®C ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê¶ÌÓï±æÎö£®splitting upͳö£»picking up¼ñÆð£¬Óóµ½ÓijÈË£»pulling outÄóö£¬³é³ö£¬°Î³ö£¬À뿪£¬³·À룻showing offìÅÒ«£®¸ù¾ÝÏÂÎĵÄafter quilt from the boxÓ¦ÊÇÄóö£®¹ÊÑ¡C£®
42£®A ¿¼²é¸±´Ê±æÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®proudly ½¾°ÁµØ£»franklyÖ±Âʵأ»politelyÀñòµØ£» generously¿¶¿®µØ£®¸ù¾ÝÏÂÎĵÄshowing me their beautiesÓ¦¸ÃÊÇĸÇ׷dz£½¾°Á£®¹ÊÑ¡A£®
43£®D ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®pushÍÆ£»lift¾ÙÆð£»cover¸²¸Ç£»foldÕÛµþ£®¸ù¾ÝÏÂÎĵÄput them back into the boxesÅжÏÓ¦ÊÇ"µþ±»×Ó"£®¹ÊÑ¡D£®
44£®B ¿¼²éÃû´Ê±æÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®top¶¥²¿£»bottomµ×²¿£»back±³²¿£»frontÇ°Ã森 ¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎĵÄput them back into the boxesÓ¦ÊÇÏä×ӵײ¿ÓÐʲô¶«Î÷£®¹ÊÑ¡B£®
45£®B ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®pressed°´£¬Ñ¹£»spread´«²¥£¬Õ¹¿ª£»packed´ò°ü£»raised·±Ö³£¬¾ÙÆ𣮸ù¾ÝÏÂÎĵÄIt looked as if¡Ó¦ÊÇ×÷ÕßÕ¹¿ªÁËÄÇ´²±»×Ó£®¹ÊÑ¡B£®
46£®D ¿¼²éÐÎÈݴʱæÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®perfectÍêÃÀµÄ£»delicate΢ÃîµÄ£¬¾«ÃÀµÄ£»mature³ÉÊìµÄ£»irregular²»¹æÔòµÄ£®¸ù¾ÝÏÂÎĵÄa winding line on the rightºÍÇ°ÎĵÄpieceÅжÏÓ¦ÊÇ"²»¹æÔòµÄ"£®¹ÊÑ¡D£®
47£®A ¿¼²éÐÎÈݴʱæÎö£®childishº¢×ÓÆøµÄ£»elegantÓÅÑŵģ»classic¹ÅµäµÄ£»horrible¿Éŵģ®¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎĵÄchildrenÅжÏÓ¦ÊÇ"º¢×ÓÆøµÄ"£®¹ÊÑ¡A£®
48£®C ¿¼²éÐÎÈݴʱæÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®excited¼¤¶¯µÄ£¬Ð˷ܵģ»depressedѹÒֵģ»surprised³Ô¾ªµÄ£»delighted¸ßÐ˵ģ®¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎĵÄ"Grandmother made this£¿"ÅжÏ×÷ÕߺܳԾª£®¹ÊÑ¡C£®
49£®B ¿¼²é¸±´Ê±æÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®almost¼¸ºõ£»certainlyµ±È»£»partly²¿·ÖµØ£»probablyºÜ¿ÉÄÜ£®¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎĵÄMy grandmother was a master at making quilts¿ÉÖª"Õ⵱Ȼ²»ÏñËý×öµÄ±»×Ó"£®¹ÊÑ¡B£®
50£®D ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎö£®robbedÂӶ᣻boughtÂò£»droppedÏÂÂ䣻brought´øÀ´£®¸ù¾ÝÏÂÎĵÄhomeÓ¦ÊÇ"´ø»Ø¼Ò"£®¹ÊÑ¡D£®
51£®C ¿¼²éÃû´Ê±æÎö£®decisions¾ö¶¨£»money½ðÇ®£»changes±ä»¯£»mistakes´íÎó£®make some changes×öÁËһЩ¸Ä±ä£®¹ÊÑ¡C£®
52£®A ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎö£®working¹¤×÷£»dependingÒÀ¿¿£»livingס£¬Éú»î£»sitting×ø£®¸ù¾Ý¿ÕÇ°µÄstill¿ÉÖª»¹ÔÚ×ö£®¹ÊÑ¡A£®
53£®B ¿¼²é¸±´Ê±æÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®disappointedlyʧÍûµØ£»closely½Ó½üµØ£»nervously½ôÕŵأ»gratefully¸Ð¼¤µØ£®¸ù¾ÝÏÂÎÄÓ¦ÊÇ×÷Õ߸ü¼Ó½üµØ¿´×ÅÕâ´²±»×Ó£®¹ÊÑ¡B£®
54£®D ¿¼²éÃû´Ê±æÎö£®paperÖ½£¬ÂÛÎÄ£»breadÃæ°ü£»woodľͷ£» cloth²¼ÁÏ£®¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎĵÄquiltÓ¦¸ÃÊÇÓÃÒ»¿é²¼²¹±»×Ó£¬¹ÊÑ¡D£®
55£®C ¿¼²éÐÎÈݴʱæÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®strongǿ׳µÄ£»hiddenÒþ²ØµÄ£»straightÖ±½ÓµÄ£»bentÍäÑüµÄ£®¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎĶԸñ»×ÓµÄÃèÊö£¬Ó¦¸ÃÊÇ´©ÕëÒýÏß×ö±»×Ó£¬Ïß·ìµÄ²»Ö±£®¹ÊÑ¡C£®
56£®A ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎö£®finishedÍê³É£»removedÒƳý£»producedÉú²ú£»prepared×¼±¸£®"µ«ÊÇÎÒÈÏΪËüÊÇƯÁÁµÄ£¬ÎÒÏë¿´µ½Õâ¸ö±»×Ó±»×öÍ꣮"¹ÊÑ¡A£®
57£®C ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎö£®happened·¢Éú£¬ÅöÇÉ£»appeared³öÏÖ£»occurredÏëÆ𣬷¢Éú£»struck´ò£®¸ù¾Ý¾äÐÍIt occurred to sb that¡Ä³ÈËÏëÆ𣮹ÊÑ¡C£®
58£®B ¿¼²éÃû´Ê±æÎöºÍÉÏÏÂÎÄ´®Áª£®skill¼¼ÄÜ£»motherĸÇ×£»show±íÑÝ£¬Õ¹Ê¾£»quiltÃÞ±»£®¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎÄĸÇ×ÔÚÏëÄî×Ô¼ºµÄĸÇ×£®¹ÊÑ¡B£®
59£®D ¿¼²éÃû´Ê±æÎö£®shameÐßÀ¢£»responsibilityÔðÈΣ»desire¿ÊÍû£»treasureÖ鱦£¬¹óÖض«Î÷£®ÕâÊǼÒÖÐÊÀ´úÏà´«µÄ"±¦±´"£®¹ÊÑ¡D£®
60£®A ¿¼²é¶¯´Ê±æÎö£®continued¼ÌÐø£»stoppedÍ£Ö¹£»declined½µµÍ£»disappearedÏûʧ£®¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎĵÄstartedºÍandÅжÏÓ¦ÊÇ"¼ÌÐø"£®¹ÊÑ¡A£®ht£ºbold'£¾£®rewards»Ø±¨£®Äã»áÊÕµ½»Ø±¨µÄ£®¹ÊÑ¡D£®
40£®A ¿¼²éÐÎÈݴʱæÎö£® A£®lazy ÀÁ¶èµÄ£»B£®busy 浵ģ»C£®curiousºÃÆæµÄ£» D£®stubborn¹ÌÖ´µÄ£®Ïà·´Èç¹ûÄãÀÁ¶è£¬ÄþÔ¸×߽ݾ¶£¬Äã¾Í²»ÒªÆÚÍûÈ¡µÃͬÑù¸ß»Ø±¨µÄ½á¹û£®¹ÊÑ¡A£®
µãÆÀ ÍêÐÎÌî¿ÕµÄ×öÌâ²½ÖèÊÇ£º¸ù¾ÝÊ×¾äÌṩµÄÐÅÏ¢£¬¿ìËÙÔĶÁÎÄÕ£¬´ÓÕûÌå¸Ð֪ȫÎÄ£¬ÕÆÎÕ´óÒ⣮ÕâÊǵÚÒ»±éÔĶÁ£¬¶ÁʱҪÌø¹ý¿Õ¸ñ£¬²»¿´Ñ¡ÏÀ§Äѿ϶¨ÊÇÓеģ¬²»¶®Ö®´¦²»ÒªÍ£Áô£¬Á¦Çó°Ñ×¢ÒâÁ¦¼¯ÖÐÔÚÎÄÕµÄÖ÷ÏßÉÏ£®Òª×¢ÒâÎÄÖеݵʾ£¬Å¬Á¦ÕÒ³ö¹Ø¼ü´Ê£®Èç¹ûÊǹÊÊÂÐÔÎÄÕ£¬¹Ø¼ü´Ê¾ÍÊÇʱ¼ä¡¢µØµãºÍÈËÎץסÁ˹ؼü´Ê¾ÍץסÁ˹ÊʵÄÏßË÷£¬½ø¶øÀí½âÈ«ÎÄ£®È»ºó¸ù¾ÝÎÄÕµĴóÒâ½øÐеڶþ±éÔĶÁ£¬´Ëʱ¿É±ßÔĶÁ±ß´ÖÑ¡´ð°¸£¬ÕâÊÇΪÁ˾¡Á¿¼õÉÙ¿Õ¸ñ£¬°ïÖú¸ü͸³¹µØÀí½âÈ«ÎÄ£®

A£® | as | B£® | however | C£® | thus | D£® | and |
A£® | been risen | B£® | raised | C£® | been arisen | D£® | arisen |
These days£¬after the death of my parents£¬I am one of those people who can be£¨27£©Bto for help when they need it£®Just as I can't stand£¨28£©Dother people money£¬I can't stand saying no to whoever needs help£®I don't£¨29£©Bhelping others£¬but I would be more than glad if they would make a£¨n£©£¨30£©Dto handle things themselves£¬perhaps by doing some£¨31£©Aplanning-like planning not to speend money they don't have!
Being ready to help others is a £¨32£©C£¬but sometimes the result will be£¨33£©Ato what you expect£®I £¨34£©Aremember as a child what my father always said£¬"If at first you don't succeed£¬try£¬try again!"Helping my children too often has£¨35£©Cthem from learning to keep trying£®Use your£¨36£©D£ºwho among my children will£¨37£©Dto walk if I supply the money to buy a car£¿Helped often£¬my children lost gradually the ability to£¨38£©Aproblems themselves£®
In most£¨39£©C£¬when people find you can£¨40£©Chelp£¬they will ask you more and more£®That's human£¬you know£®
21£®A£®sons | B£®daughters | C£®brothers | D£®sisters |
22£®A£®absent | B£®apart | C£®due | D£®different |
23£®A£®always | B£®seldom | C£®often | D£®never |
24£®A£®stuck | B£®attached | C£®agreed | D£®belonged |
25£®A£®pleasure | B£®courage | C£®pride | D£®sorrow |
26£®A£®struggle | B£®happen | C£®intend | D£®move |
27£®A£®referred | B£®turned | C£®seen | D£®attended |
28£®A£®cheating | B£®donating | C£®1ending | D£®owing |
29£®A£®enjoy | B£®mind | C£®1ike | D£®miss |
30£®A£®comment | B£®mess | C£®excuse | D£®effort |
31£®A£®financial | B£®flexible | C£®typical | D£®particular |
32£®A£®deed | B£®deal | C£®virtue | D£®task |
33£®A£®contrary | B£®essential | C£®potential | D£®necessary |
34£®A£®can | B£®may | C£®shall | D£®must |
35£®A£®banned | B£®protected | C£®prevented | D£®freed |
36£®A£®aHn | B£®leg | C£®body | D£®head |
37£®A£®wait | B£®urge | C£®threat | D£®choose |
38£®A£®solve | B£®assess | C£®seek | D£®analyse |
39£®A£®affairs | B£®choices | C£®cases | D£®events |
40£®A£®obtain | B£®attain | C£®provide | D£®prefer |
A£® | inspiring | B£® | persuading | C£® | urging | D£® | convincing |