
 How many dolls can you stuff (塞进) into a spare room? The 1      2,300―comes from America's Gali Little and Katie Bauman,both 11,and Katie's 9-year-old sister,Sarah. They 2       because they just did it.

The girls weren't trying to 3        it into the Guinness Book of World Records. They wanted to 4        children who lost so much during 5        Katrina and Rita.

  "My mom and I were 6        the news and I saw a lot of children,and 7       of them had any possessions ... I thought they might 8       a doll to hold onto and to tell secrets to ,"Gali said.

Gali       9 her idea of collecting dolls with Katie and Sarah,who are friends 10        neighbors,and the project was under 11        The girls got their schools involved as dropoff sites. They also collected 12        in their neighborhood.

  The girls were very 13        with their success. "I thought we would get only about 100 dolls,"Sarah said.

  When the threeweek 14        is over,the dolls are shipped to a charity group. It will then 15        the toys to children still in 16        in hurricanehit areas.

  How do the girls feel about kids having new 17        friends to hold onto because of their actions? "Proud," the three said with one 18       .

  This story has a 19       ending in more than one way. Not only will thousands of kids be 20        new dolls,but Gali's mom now also has her spare room back.

(   ) 1. A. number   B. answer   C. doubt   D. question

(   ) 2. A. know   B. guess   C. find   D. check

(   ) 3. A. got   B. keep   C. put   D. make

(   ) 4. A. supply   B. help   C. please   D. entertain

(   ) 5. A. earthquakes   B. floods   C. hurricances   D. storms

(   ) 6. A. writing   B. watching   C. hearing   D. reporting

(   ) 7. A. none   B. some   C. most   D. many

(   ) 8. A. get   B. buy   C. like   D. collect

(   ) 9. A. shared   B. exchanged   C. formed   D. discovered

(   ) 10. A. other than   B. instead of   C. as well as   D. rather than

(   ) 11. A. work   B. way   C. direction   D. discussion

(   ) 12. A. clothes   B. books   C. money   D. toys

(   ) 13. A. strict   B. surprised   C. satisfied   D. careful

(   ) 14. A. collection   B. sale   C. benefit   D. rescue

(   ) 15. A. take   B. sell   C. deliver   D. return

(   ) 16. A. despair   B. shelters   C. rags   D. shock

(   ) 17. A. interesting   B. familiar   C. strange   D. special

(   ) 18. A. hope   B. smile   C. look   D. voice

(   ) 19. A. happy   B. smooth   C. complete   D. fair

(   ) 20. A. sharing   B. buying   C. making   D. getting

1. B前面的是问题,后面是"答案"。

2. A她们因为做过,因此知道答案。

3. D make it是固定用法,当"成功"讲。

4. B三个女孩想帮助遭受颶风袭击地区的儿童。

5. C后文有提示,遭受飓风袭击的。

6. B后面有她们"看到"孩子们情况的提示,因此此处是在电视上看到的新闻。

7. A由于颶风袭击,他们失去了所有的财产,因此选none符合逻辑。

8. C此处是女孩们的推测:他们也许喜欢有玩具玩。


10. C她们既是朋友也是邻居。

11. B under way表示"开始,开展"之意。

12. D由上文可知,她们收集的是玩具。

13. B她们没有想到会收集这么多的玩具,因此感到吃惊。

14. A此处指她们三个星期的收集玩具活动。

15. C慈善机构会把玩具"发送"给灾区儿童。

16. B 遭受飓风袭击后,孩子们仍旧在"避难处"。

17. D玩具应该是儿童的特殊朋友。

18. D三个女孩异口同声地说,她们感到非常自豪。

19. A从下文看,女孩们终于实现了自己的心愿,母亲又把占用的房间要了回来,因此是个令人"高兴"的结局。

20. D几千个孩子能"得到"玩具。


  Pygmalion was a very famous sculptor in ancient Greece. He loved his work,and would spend hours 1        beautiful ivory statues. One day,he chose a large,beautiful 2       of ivory,and 3       diligently at it,chiseling and hammering until he finished. It was a statue of a beauti?ful lady. Pygmalion 4       the figure,gave it jewels,and named it Galatea ( sleeping love) . Pygmalion went to the temple of Aphrodite (Venus) ,the 5       of love and beauty to pray for a 6       just like the statue in his home.

  When Aphrodite heard him,she went to the 7        of the sculptor to see 8        all the fuss was about. She was 9        when she saw Galatea. She thought it looked a lot like herself,so she brought it to 10       . When the sculptor 11        home,he went straight up to the 12       . As he gazed at it,a change came over it. A faint 13        appeared on its cheeks,a gleam shone from its eyes and its lips opened into a sweet smile. Pygmalion stood 14        when Galatea be?gan to move towards him. She was simple and sweet and alive!Soon the room was ringing with her sliver voice. He found Galatea 15       ,and threw himself at her feet. Galatea 16       down at him. They soon got married,and Pygmalion didn't forget to 17        Aphrodite for his good fortune. He and Galatea brought girls to her altar (祭坛) 18       they lived. Aphrodite blessed them with happiness and love in return.

  The Pygmalion effect (also known as Rosenthal effect) ,19       after the ancient myth of Pygmalion and his statue,is 20       by saying:People tend to behave as you expect they will.

(   ) 1. A. loving   B. drawing   C. using   D. carving

(   ) 2. A. pair   B. handful   C. piece   D. set

(   ) 3. A. made   B. worked   C. put   D. stayed

(   ) 4. A. buried   B. met   C. clothed   D. turned

(   ) 5. A. goddess   B. princess   C. hostess   D. actress

(   ) 6. A. daughter   B. wife   C. son   D. friend

(   ) 7. A. ivory   B. fortune   C. home   D. altar

(   ) 8. A. why   B. which   C. what   D. when

(   ) 9. A. scared   B. bored   C. frightened   D. delighted

(   ) 10. A. life   B. death   C. certainty   D. safety

(   ) 11. A. found   B. stayed   C. arrived   D. returned

(   ) 12. A. statue   B. fortune   C. door   D. window

(   ) 13. A. power   B. dot   C. color   D. line

(   ) 14. A. quiet   B. silent   C. speechless   D. mute

(   ) 15. A. active   B. alive   C. lovely   D. helpful

(   ) 16. A. shouted   B. smiled   C. looked   D. set

(   ) 17. A. pray   B. bless   C. work   D. thank

(   ) 18. A. as long as   B. as far as   C. as soon as   D. as many as

(   ) 19. A. looked   B. used   C. mentioned   D. named

(   ) 20. A. discovered   B. invented   C. created   D. expressed

 An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money left. When she heard her daddy say to her 1        mother with whispered desperation, " 2       a miracle can save him now," the little girl went to her bedroom and took out her piggy bank. She 3       all the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Then she 4        her way six blocks to the local drugstore. "And what do you want?" asked the chemist.

  "It's 5       my little brother," the girl answered back. "He's really,really sick and I want to buy a 6       . His name is Andrew and he has something 7        growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him."

  "We don't 8        miracles here,child. I'm sorry," the chemist said,smiling 9       at the little girl.

  In the shop was a 10       customer. He stooped (弯腰) down and asked the little girl, "What kind of miracle does your brother 11       ?"

  "I don't know," she replied. "He's really sick and mommy says he needs 12        But my daddy can't pay for it,so I have brought my 13      .”

  "How much do you have?" asked the man.

  "One dollar and eleven cents,14       I can try and get some more”,she answered quietly.

  "Well,what a coincidence," smiled the man. "A dollar and eleven cents―the 15       price of a miracle for little brother. 16       me to where you live. I want to see your brother and 17        your parents."

 That welldressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong,a surgeon. The operation was completed without 18        and it wasn't long before Andrew was 19        again and doing well.

  The little girl was happy. She knew exactly how much the miracle cost ... one dollar and eleven cents ... plus the 20         of a little child.

(   ) 1. A. tearful   B. hopeful   C. lovely   D. kind

(   ) 2. A. Simply   B. Just   C. Only   D. Helpfully

(   ) 3. A. drew   B. pulled   C. took   D. poured

(   ) 4. A. followed   B. made   C. fought   D. found

(   ) 5. A. to   B. towards   C. for   D. on

(   ) 6. A. hope   B. doctor   C. favor   D. miracle

(   ) 7. A. bad   B. small   C. extra   D. big

(   ) 8. A. process   B. offer   C. sell   D. store

(   ) 9. A. angrily   B. sadly   C. tightly   D. coldly

(   ) 10. A. welldressed   B. kindhearted   C. wellbehaved   D. goodlooking

(   ) 11. A. want   B. need   C. appreciate   D. like

(   ) 12. A. a doctor   B. a surgeon   C. an operation   D. a kindness

(   ) 13. A. savings   B. cash   C. wishes   D. ideas

(   ) 14. A. since   B. as   C. after   D. but

(   ) 15. A. same   B. exact   C. proper   D. necessary

(   ) 16. A. Show   B. Help   C. Take   D. Follow

(   ) 17. A. help   B. encourage   C. persuade   D. meet

(   ) 18. A. difficulty   B. delay   C. charge   D. result

(   ) 19. A. happy   B. well   C. strong   D. home

(   ) 20. A. cleverness   B. faith   C. courage   D. responsibility

  People often ask me why I wear a red ribbon. Some people ask the question simply to find out what the ribbon means,but other people are really asking a hidden question:they wonder what experiences in life has moved me so that I would want to wear a red ribbon,a visible reminder to all who see me of the continuing battle against HIV and AIDS. They are asking why I,a white female in the heart of the conservative South,would choose to take an often unpopular stand,instead of quietly going about my life. Unknowingly,they are asking about my husband,Bob Johnson.

  Bob Johnson made me his wife,but AIDS made me his widow. He died in my arms at 1 :45 a.m. on Monday,May 17,1993,in the little white house we had moved into only two days earlier. In our private final hours,I sang to him,prayed over him,and recited the 23rd psalm over and over as I carefully brushed his long hair.

  "Go ahead,sweetie," I whispered as I held him, "it's okay to let go now. " As I kissed his lips for the last time and felt his life leave his body,my hand stayed on his chest,where his body heat remained the longest. Another brave warrior in the fight against AIDS had fallen.

  Now I wear the red ribbon. I am still alive,still able to carry the message about the reality and urgency of AIDS and how HIV can be prevented. I carry this message for those whose voices can no longer be heard but whose presence can still be felt. What message is that? I carry the message―to all who will hear and listen―that HIV/AIDS is,at this point,100% fatal ... but it is also 100% preventable.

  The gay community,for more than a decade,has shown us an incredible example of what unconditional love and honest,AIDS prevention education can accomplish. What about the rest of us? Where are the mainstream churches? I have been disppointed by stories of persons protesting AIDS funerals with hateful signs or quietly asking HIV-infected families to leave.

  When I wear the red ribbon,I am demonstrating my compassion and care for people living with HIV/AIDS,my determination that those who have already died from AIDS-related causes will not be forgotten,my support for the ongoing efforts of all AIDS service organizations and researchers,my desire to educate others about how to stop the spread of this plague.

  There are those who believe the red ribbon has lost its meaning,that it's only an empty symbol now. I disagree!As long as my red ribbon gives someone the opportunity to ask me a question about AIDS,or gives someone the strength to go through another day encouraged by this small sign of support and solidarity (团结) ,then its message is very clear; The red ribbon simply means that I care.

(   ) 1. The writer chose to wear a red ribbon         .

   A. to be given more sympathy from the friends and neighbor around

   B. to fight against the discrimination in the conservative South

   C. to offer the help for those who are infected with HIV/AIDS

   D. to collect money as much as possible for the AIDS orphans

(   ) 2. According to the passage,which of the following is true?

   A. Bob passed away together with his AIDS friend in the hospital.

   B. Families and friends were terribly afraid of saying goodbye to Bob.

   C. The love and care from his wife made Bob's leaving peacefully.

   D. Bob was infected with AIDS by blood transmission and drugs.

(   ) 3. What word can be used to take the place of the "underlined" word "plague" in the passage?

   A. disaster   B. rumour   C. message   D. sadness

(   ) 4. Which will be the best title for the passage?

   A. I Wear a Red Ribbon   B. AIDS Made Me a Widow

C: AIDS Is 100% Preventable   D. It's OK to Let Go Now

  Pope died at her home here at age 61 on Aug. 29,2003. A towel had been placed around her neck to keep her cool on that 87-degree summer day. She wore a white dress while sitting in a chair in an upstairs room,in front of a television that played as family members went about their lives downstairs.

  She remained there,according to her wishes,for almost 2 years. "Don't show my body when Fm dead," Dr. O'dell Owens,said Monday when explaining Pope's wishes. "Don't bury me. I'm coming back."Owens called a news conference Monday to explain Pope's death,the unusual state of her body and how family members controlled heating and air conditioning as they attempted to preserve her remains.

  Cincinnati police found the mummified (木乃伊似的) grandmother Wednesday in her two? story,peachcolored home in the 5,500 block of Davies Place.

  "Living in the 75-year-old house with the body were her daughter,Lisa Pope,a grand?daughter who was born three months after her death,and Pope's caretaker,Kathy Painter," investigators say.

  Family members are not being charged with a crime at this point.

  Efforts to reach them Monday were unsuccessful. No one came to the door at the house or answered repeated telephone calls.

  "Only a handful of loved ones knew Pope had died and that her body remained upstairs ," Owens said.

  "Family members kept a window air conditioner running to keep Pope's body cool―until about a month ago,when it broke," Owens said. Heating vents (通风口) were covered during winter. Life continued as Pope had wanted.

  "Friends and relatives who visited were told Pope was upstairs,ill," Owens said. Some yelled "hello" up the stairs. The deception (欺瞒) lasted 2 years.

  "Pope's sister,Deborah Gaston,hadn't seen her sister in years," Owens said. Gaston called Cincinnati police Wednesday and reported a dead body at the home.

  Pope's sister wasn't the first person to call police. A woman from Pope's church called police on Halloween,after hearing thirdhand that Pope was dead inside the home.

  "Police investigated,but they didn't have enough information to go into the house”, Owens said. "The call from Pope's sister was enough,and police found Pope's body dressed in the white gown,seated in the chair and in front of the television,which was turned on ," Owens said.

(   ) 6. We can learn from the passage that         .

   A. the police were sent to the 75-year-old house the time Pope passed away

   B. it was Pope's daughter,Lisa,who killed her in her bedroom

   C. according to Pope's will,her body remained in the house still for a long time

   D. Pope sat in the chair,watching TV for two and half years

(   ) 7. Which of the following description about Owens is right?

   A. Owens explained Pope's death and her wishes as well.

   B. Owens knew Pope had died and that her body remained upstairs two years ago.

   C. Owens helped the family members keep the body cool in the room.

   D. Owens called police and reported a dead body at the home.

(   ) 8. Which word will you use to describe the old woman Pope?

   A. Strange. B. Rich. C. Cruel. D. Successful.

(   ) 9. According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

   A. Pope's daughter live in the same building with Pope.

   B. Police reached Pope's families on Monday to find the cause of her death.

   C. Some friends and relatives thought Pope was still alive for a period of time.

   D. Family members tried their best to preserve Pope's remains.

 One day,Rudolf was sailing when the sky turned black and threatening. Rudolf was sailing near a dangerous rocky place and the 1       port was four hours away. The wind began to blow stronger. Rudolf was beginning to feel 2       . Then,he saw a lighthouse less than a kilometer,away. The lighthouse was on a small 3        island surrounded by deep water. At the bottom of the lighthouse were big heavy rocks. In one place the rocks 4       . There,the water was calm,protected by the rocks. Rudolf tried to sail his boat into the 5        place. At last he did. At the top of the rocks was a man." You are welcome!" The lighthouse man led Rudolf up to the living room.

  They shared a supper. Then Rudolf 6        more about the old man. He was born in this 7        lighthouse 83 years ago. His father had been the lighthouse man before him. His mother,the only woman he had ever known,taught him to read the Bible and he read it every day,he had no other books. As a violin player,Rudolf had 8        time to read much either,but then he lived in the cities. He reached down and took out his 9      ,which he loved so much.

  "What do you 10        with that,Sir?" The old man asked. For a moment Rudolf thought the man was 11      ,but his face showed he was not. Rudolf found it 12        to believe that there was someone in the world who did not know what a violin was. Yet he could not laugh. "I make music with it," he spoke in a voice not sure of what he said.

  "Music?" the old man said,not completely understanding."I have heard of it,but I have never 13        music." "One does not see music,one hears it.""Ah,yes," the old man said,and he looked at him and gave him all the 14        of a great man.

  Then something in the storm and the lighthouse and the old man lifted Rudolf away from his 15        everyday feelings. He wanted to play music just for the old man,and with the storm and the winds to 16        him,he stood and played. The moments passed,moments that were days in the birth of fire and stars,moments of the 17        of all men and finally moments that showed the greatness of all human spirit. Never before had Rudolf played with such 18       .

  Rudolf dropped his head to his chest,19       hard. The old man sat without moving,his wide old hands resting on his 20       . He thought about the storm outside,music made by God;he thought of Rudolf and his music,both were part of the works of nature,both were works of wonder.

(   ) 1. A. closest   B. biggest   C. farthest   D. safest

(   ) 2. A. eager   B. amazed   C. troubled   D. difficult

(   ) 3. A. green   B. rocky   C. hilly   D. plain

(   ) 4. A. broke   B. connected   C. separated   D. stood out

(   ) 5. A. rough   B. calm   C. quiet   D. small

(   ) 6. A. thought   B. talked   C. argued   D. learned

(   ) 7. A. right   B. very   C. beautiful   D. big

(   ) 8. A. no   B. more   C. much   D. plenty of

(   ) 9. A. flute   B. violin   C. guitar   D. accordion

(   ) 10. A. play   B. have   C. make   D. use

(   ) 11. A. curious   B. joking   C. angry   D. worried

(   ) 12. A. hard   B. easy   C. natural   D. common

(   ) 13. A. made   B. understood   C. heard   D. seen

(   ) 14. A. pride   B. thanks   C. appreciation   D. respect

(   ) 15. A. common   B. usual   C. normal   D. ordinary

(   ) 16. A. approach   B. attend   C. join   D. encourage

(   ) 17. A. struggle   B. progress   C. fairness   D. equality

(   ) 18. A. energy   B. force   C. power   D. strength

(   ) 19. A. playing   B. crying   C. beating   D. breathing

(   ) 20. A. shoulders   B. knees   C. back   D. feet

  The impact that English has to our life is beyond words. It is one of the major courses to kids ever since they start their primary schools. With Olympics being held in Beijing in 2008 and World Exposition in Shanghai 2010,English spree (狂热) seems not going to die out very soon but will continue to grow.

  To some people,it's a big release,when seeing themselves graduate from the university and they don't need to touch English anymore.  Kiss you,byebye,someone exclaimed. While to some others,it is not the case. After years and years of study,some people,still want to continue their "love" with English.  "I can't just throw it away as I do with a textbook," someone sighed. So,what to do then?

  Well,don't feel depressed. You are more than right to continue your "love" with English. How to do it? Well,easy!Just treat it as a hobby. If you look at the people around you,you will see almost all of them have hobbies. Some of them like sports,some like shopping,some enjoy playing mahjong. The list can go on and on. So,what's wrong to treat it as your hobby? I know this sounds very bizarre to many people,but who cares.

  Once we decide what our hobby is,it's important that we take a good look at this particular "hobby". As we all know,it consists of four major components―listening,speaking,reading and writing. It's almost not practical to try to be perfect with all these four pillars. (Remember,I define it as a hobby,not a career. ) So,ask yourself what you really want to pursue. If you are fond of translation,go for it. If you choose reading,well,why not?

  As this hobby is quite different from others,we should therefore,need to work out a plan to make the hobby more practical. To me,this hobby requires faith,action and patience. Let's talk about faith first. I believe you all agree with me that confidence and faith should be the first step when you start our journey. This is more like "lovetalking". If you don't think you can fall in love with a boy or a girl,what's the point of trying it? After all,you are just wasting your time.

  Now,once you have the confidence,the trust you have on yourself. What need to be done next is to work out a plan. Let's say,you want to "fall in love" with translation. What you may choose to do is to go to a library and pick your "girl/boy friend",that is the book that you want to "fall in love".

  Lastly,we shouldn't be too hard to ourselves. Remember,this hobby is totally different from others. You've got to give yourself time and patience. Again,this is very much like "lovetalking". You need to give yourself time to play around. Great Wall was not built overnight,right? So is our love.

(   ) 5. In pursing one's hobby,the writer seems to believe that the key elements are      

   A. love,plan and action

   B. faith,action and patience

   C. purpose,confidence and books

   D. environment,trust and decision

(   ) 6. The underlined word "pillars" in the fourth paragraph is closest here in meaning to

   A. subjects   B. courses   C. columns   D. aspects

(   ) 7. By saying "Great Wall was not built overnight" at the end of the passage,what the writer really wants to convey is         .

   A. it is not an easy job to learn English well

   B. one should grasp his time learning English

   C. it is never too late to begin English learning

   D. you may take your time at English learning

(   ) 8. In writing this passage,the writer is somehow very         .

   A. humorous   B. doubtful   C. persuasive   D. abusive

  In a living statue,just as the name implies,somebody transforms himself or herself into a statue. Last year,I came across an article in a magazine describing living statues in the streets of some Australian cities. The article was vividly written,except that there was not even a single picture;one could only imagine what a scene it would have been!All the harder,then,to believe that I ran into the "wonder" in Barcelona this year. The performers一the living statues—were street artists at Las Ramblas.

  Las Ramblas is the most famous street in Barcelona. Especially in summer,thousands of tourists go to the seaside by passing through this street,making it a center of shops and bazaars (市场) .Not only can you find tourists there,but also thieves,swindlers,cops ... among whom the living statue artists are the most special group.

  They were covered with greasepaint (油脂漆) in different colors,wearing season disproportional clothes,standing on a base for several hours without making even a single move. Are they real or fake,the guests were wondering ... and then suddenly the statues came to life,just for a few seconds to shift positions. But the movement of the statues seemed like someone just had breathed life into them. They really do look like statues,and that's how they got their name.

  Usually there is a jar or a hat in front of them. They would change to another pose whenever some tourists put a coin in the hat. You may take photos after giving a Euro,or even less,but be careful not to touch the statues,unless you want yourself to be covered in paint. It's a really special experience,don't you think?

  For Chinese people,this is undoubtedly a surprising style of art and way of making a living. I haven't seen or heard any report at all about living statues in Chinese cities. Body painting of course sometimes can be seen,but it's not quite the same as having a living statue.

(   ) 5. From the passage we know that a living statue is         .

   A. a statue which can be made in the face of the people

   B. a kind of statue that people can touch freely

   C. a statue that somebody pretends and that looks like a real one

   D. a common statue that can stand in the street

(   ) 6. Where did the writer first know about the living statues?

   A. In a magazine.

   B. In the street of Bacelona.

   C. In some squares in China.

   D. From some pictures.

(   ) 7. According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?

   A. At Las Ramblas you can see different kinds of people except the living statues.

   B. Body painting is the same as the living statues.

   C. You can take photos of the statues for free but better not touch them.

   D. Up to now,there are no living statues appearing in the streets in China.

(   ) 8. The underlined word "vividly" probably means         .

   A. lively   B. interestingly   C. carefully   D. lovely

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