
Pete Rose was a great baseball player. Though I have never met him,he taught me something24      that changed my life.

Pete was being25      in spring training the year he was about to break Ty Cobb's alltime hits record. Sud?denly one reporter asked him, "Pete,you only need 78hits to reach your nearest26       . How many atbats (击球) do you think it'll take you to get the 78 hits?" Without hesitation,Pete just27      at the reporter and said, "78. "The reporter yelled back, " Ah,come on. Pete,you don't think you'll get 78 hits in 78 atbats,do you?"

  Mr Rose calmly28      his philosophy (人生哲学) with the reporters who were 29        waiting for his reply to the claim. "Every time I30      up to the plate (本皇区) ,I31      to get a hit!32      I have it in mind,I have no right to step into the batter's box!It is33      expecta?tion that has enabled me to get all of the hits in the first place."

  When I thought about Pete Rose's 34       and how it applied to everyday 35      ,I felt a little embarrassed. As a business person,I was hoping to increase my36       . As a father,I was hoping to be a good dad. As a married man,I was hoping to be a good husband. The truth was that I was a fairly good salesperson,I was not so37      a father,and I was an okay husband. I immediately decided that being okay was not38      !I wanted to be a great salesperson,a great father and a great husband. I39       my attitude to a positive one,and the results were40       . I was fortunate enough to win a few sales trips,I won Coach of the Year in my41      baseball league,and I shared a loving relationship with my wife,Karen,with whom I am 42      to enjoy the rest of my life!

 43      ,Mr Rose!

24. A. reliable   B. enjoyable  C. valuable   D. unbelievable

25. A. admired   B. interviewed   C. watched   D. trained

26. A. decision   B. record   C. level   D. goal

27. A. stared   B. shouted    C. glared   D. pointed

28. A. enjoyed   B. shared   C. discussed   D. reviewed

29. A. anxiously   B. nervously   C. cheerfully   D. impatiently

30. A. climb   B. jump   C. drive   D. step

31. A. seem   B. fail  C. expect   D. compete

32. A. Though   B. Unless   C. Because   D. When

33. A. sudden   B. simple C. positive   D. considerate

34. A. plan   B. idea C. ability   D. behaviour

35. A. agenda   B. exercise   C. work   D. life

36. A. sales   B. skills   C. experiences   D. experiments

37. A. wise   B. kind     C. mean   D. bad

38. A. explicit   B. helpful  C. enough   D. practical

39. A. changed   B. added  C. devoted  D. contributed

40. A. hopeful   B. amazing C. funny   D. disappointing

41. A. son's   B. wife's C. friend's   D. customer's

42. A. supposed   B. expected   C. encouraged   D. determined

43. A. Good luck   B. Best regards

   C. Thanks   D. Congratulations 

 It s illegal for the police to attach a GI〕S unit to your car without your permission,as the US Supreme Court settled in 2012,But if the po?lice are in hot pursuit of a bank robber or other escaping criminals that threaten public safety* a GPS tracker is acceptable. But exactly how can the police GPS track a car that is moving fast?

  The answer to that question comes from StarChase* a new police technology being used by a small but growing number of law enforcement agencies. It allows the police to fire 4. 5-inch gluecovered GPS bulletlike projectiles (发射体) from an air gun fixed in their police cars. If the GPS tracker makes contact with the escaping robber's car,it'll stick no matter how fast the vehicle is going. That way,the police will have a constant read on the car's location and heading. Aside from simply ap?prehending (逮捕) criminals,it's believed that this new technology could help save lives. If the police successfully fire a GPS unit at a speeding criminal,they can pull back from a highrisk chase. Chases can be incredibly dangerous to all involved,in?cluding innocent bystanders and other drivers. Once the GPS bullet connects* there's no need for the chase any longer.

  Now,predictably,a GPS-loaded gun isn't cheap. Police departments need to pay about $ 5,000 per vehicle for the technology,and individual GPS bullets cost as much as $ 250 each. That may sound expensive,but remember: the alternative is often thousands of dollars in property damage,and great human cost in injury and lost life. According to StarCha.se,their GPS bullet system has an apprehension rate of 80% without any report of injury or property damage. If you'd like to learn more about the StarChase system,Popular Mechanics has just published a good article about it. There's also plenty more information available at the company's website.

5. When the GPS bullet sticks to the escaping robber's car,the police can      .

   A. know the car's condition

   B. ensure the robbers safety

   C. play a fair game with the robber

   D. know the car's position and direction

6. The GPS bullets could help save lives mainly because       .

   A. the bullets won't hurt people

   B. they can make the robber's car stop

   C. the police can stop the dangerous chasing

   D. they have more advantages than normal bullets

7. From the text we can learn that GPS bullets       .

   A. are useful for the police

   B. are widely used in America

   C. can control the rising crime rate

   D. can replace the police in the future

8. In which part of a newspaper can we read the text?

   A. Life. B. Nature. C. Fashion. D. Technology.

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